Fran Arnet

Feb 14, 20213 min

Written in stone....

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

Goa-Gajah cave Bali

Already in my childhood, I was taught to not only learn new languages but to also value and “conserve” the native language – it meant the dialect we spoke in that particular part of Switzerland. Over the years I did realize how true this teaching was as many younger people (not even much younger) did not have the understanding for certain expressions anymore – a lot was going to be forgotten…

In the last years, I have often thought about this and especially in the last weeks again, due to many synchronicities…. There is the aspect of self-programming in the ways we talk or think about things – like “I go to… and drive pass the bakery to get a bread” – you will drive pass probably – “I go to… and stop at the bakery to get a bread” will get you there without “D-tour”, so we know of the power of words/vibration – now let us explore a little further …

There are language Scientists that follow the “origin” of words and in many languages, we find those in Latin and Greek – most of us don’t speak those languages and therefore the roots of words we use now are hidden for us. Many words that we attach a certain emotion to, actually come from a totally different root and would mean sometimes even the opposite…. The original vibration of the words though, are still there, so even we would like to say something nice or good, we give out the opposite vibration by the word, not our emotion and therefore also influence our own being in the opposite way… Are you as confused as I am!?... yes, how can we come out of this loop without each of us having to learn loads of additional languages!!??

As a child, when seeing something “new”, not knowing the actual word for it, I made up a word that to my feeling did match the most …

Though "feeling" could be a solution – as we’re now in the situation that we have emotions attached to words (they may be not our own but “colored” from our environment/ experiences), we need to go further and actually feel into them and also using some logic discernment on the way there. A clue or tool I think could help here (at least it does for me):

On every battery we see the poles – and + = minus and plus = often used as negative and positive… Negative can be something very good – for example if you test for an illness and the blood-test shows “negative” it’s usually thought to be something good…. Therefore, to use the terms “negative” and “positive” as “good” and “bad” is misleading…

When we use words or sentences, we can feel into them – discerning if it is giving the feeling towards the “possibilities / open / free” or is it bounding to something, meaning “closed/ attached/binding” or is it neutral in these ways ...

I made the experience, that when I’m connected with my deep/higher self or other such energies (however you call them), I’m not able to use certain words or phrases and when I asked why, I suddenly knew it was because they were not matching the vibration I had or wanted to share…. I realized they were lies… In such communication, I can even express anger with a word matching that vibration, but if I feel peaceful, I can't use "anger words"…. That means, that when a word itself does carry a different vibration than what I thought it does, I can’t use it in that particular vibration, because it’s not matching then….

Interesting in this context is the fact, that many of our ancestors did leave paintings, symbols and reliefs in/on stone – a language which vibrates in a kind of “pure”, unaltered way. Each of us can “translate” them according the own feeling, which means we get a “personal” translation”.

We often use the term “it’s not written in stone”, to emphasize that something may not necessarily be “fix” … This lead my thoughts, to our newer history in which a lot of written information is either kept locked away or was simply burned - lost to the general public....

“Older” history though as ancient sites with their buildings, statues and even written texts, are “written/preserved in stone”. The wonderous information is out there for everyone to see – interpretation though is difficult to “generalize”, just like the picture of that ancient site in Bali holding more than one "picture" in one, we may need to take different “viewpoints” into consideration/together to draw a whole picture - it needs many pixels to make a photo seen...

Love to you All,


(Photo: Goa-Gajah cave Bali)
