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Signs, constellations with their stars, and "houses" in sidereal Astrology

Constellations are very important in Astrology - not only the 12 to 13 or 14 zodiac signs or constellations named the same as those zodiac signs - also the surrounding constellations that are either south or north of the ecliptic.

Some of these constellations are situated along the current celestial equator, which does point to a connection with Earth.

Yet other constellations are traveres by outer planets (TNO's), Asteroids, Centaurs etc. 

The individual Stars are talking as well - if in a horoscope a celestial Body is directly "conjunct" (occulting - in front of the star) then that wants to tell us something and we have to look more closely. The same is about other strong alignments and aspects.

I use a zodiac that is based on the actual placements of the celestial bodies as viewed from Earth or then calculated / measured to the view from the Sun.

Because of this, I start the subpages and descriptions with Pisces the current March equinox constellation. 



The sidereal signs, are just 12 equal portions / parts of the zodiac called the same name as the constellation along the zodiac laying within - it doesn't count the actual size of the constellation.... 

It does NOT mean the same as the "tropical" mainstream Astrology, yet is similar - please read the section "houses" below for more information.


Signs and  constellations, in dropdown menu to subpages 

their history and their
Geometry - geocentric + heliocentric

History and general:


The division of the ecliptic into 12 equal "sections", signs or "houses" has been created 1000's of years ago. What their task really was, is mostly forgotten within time... 

Yet, in some ways it's actually "time" they're based on - the precession of the equinoxes and I think some other "calendars" or "clocks" in one... 


In old texts, I've read that the 5th day of a month was considered somewhat difficult as there were "changes" occurring. Yet, if this was now during a lunar month or a solar month is hard to tell - both calendars were in use back then and still are nowadays. ​​​


The "12" has been considered a very important number, we've seen it a lot also in ancient texts and even the Bible more than once.


Yet - we're nowadays "expanding", adding layers or maybe only "shedding" illusions - whichever way one wants to look at this - we have discovered or re-discovered many  planets, strange orbits, constellations and galaxies and, and, and... 


So - maybe it's time to look again - with an open mind....

The "clocks"...


tick in more than one direction though. Our "normal" time goes with the planetary movement - we see them all orbit in the same direction around the Sun.


The other direction of clock, is the "precession" cycle - the movement of the vernal Equinox (March equinox) in relation to the "backdrop stars / constellations" at this time... it moves the opposite direction than the planets.


Heliocentric we have yet another movement - because the Sun does orbit the galactic center (at quite a distance though). There's the galactic equator and the galactic polar axis, that becomes suddenly a theme and a "clock".... 


The "houses" or "sections" in this static sense, can be looked at as the signs - Pisces became "Aries" due to the precession of the equinoxes. Yet, Pisces is still Pisces yet, marks now the "1st house" in this geocentric sense....

Heliocentric - it's different 

I made the compilation and text below - note, there are "two" ways to do this, the simplistic and the more accurate or detailed way...  Below the "simplistic one"... 
Click onto the picture for the full blog post!!

compilation list of geocentric and heliocentric houses with 2 directions each by Fran Arnet FA empowerment
simple compilation of astrological houses in geocentric and heliocentric view in planetary and precession direction
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