Fran Arnet

Dec 29, 20236 min

Earth at her Perihelion

Updated: Jan 22


Heliocentric sidereal Astrology – a different view point and perspective

When we look from the Sun, we see Earth – our physical home of incarnate life – in relation with the whole solar system and further.

Fantastic and wonderous our lives, yet by far not all there is….


The "chapters" with "jump links":


The chart and details

Conclusions and more

General - Earth at her Perihelion


Perihelion means the time, when Earth is closest to the Sun during her orbit.

This will take place on 3rd of January 2024 at 0:38 am Universal time and according time-zones....

Earth's perihelion moves slowly and therefore, we experience the Earth or the Sun at the around same degrees for many years - Earth at 16°46’13” sidereal Gemini and the Sun Sagittarius...

Because of this, the relationships / aspects that are formed become very important.

There's an interesting, often overlooked, alignment here during Earth's Perihelion. The celestial equator and the galactic equator are crossing south of the ecliptic in the constellation Monoceros (sidereal Gemini)....

During Aphelion (early July) Earth stands under that crossing on the northern side of the ecliptic, the crossing in sidereal Sagittarius between the constellations "Serpens tail" and Aquila (the eagle)...


To me there’s also this important time frame and imagery presented twice a year, once with the Earth here at perihelion and the Sun opposite as viewed from Earth and then in June/July the whole axis just 180° turned:

Earth before reaching the Solstice, on the ecliptic “above”/over Orion on the “Taurus side”, then over the famous belt of Orion (through which the celestial equator “cuts” ), then the Solstice and the Perihelion ca. 2 weeks after the Solstice and finally separating towards the Twin’s heads (perihelion kind of like on the “height” of their “belts”)….

We shall not forget, that this also means we traverse the galactic equator, travel against the background of the Milky Way band… one could say like crossing “south / north and north / south” through the galactic equator or the galaxy’s hemispheres borders/unity….


In some ways it’s exactly that theme of “borders or unity” that come up in this time – yet, in a “galactic sense” or broader sense as well – Earth and Sun as an axis, the solar system as a system or a cell within a much vaster collective / body called a galaxy and that within itself again a part of a bigger system and so on… yet, the same is true towards the smaller as within a Human…   

Of course, that also includes the various “layers”/dimensions within a cell, the physical, the mental, the emotional and all the various layers of density within each…

I usually call this the “Russian Doll principle” (also used with planetary cycles etc.)

jump back to chapters 

The Chart and details:

The Earth/Moon system in sidereal Gemini at 16°46’13” and the Sun in geocentric view would be opposite same degree sidereal Sagittarius.

Earth stands between the stars Mebsuta and Mekbuda – one to the Castor Twin and the other of the Pollux Twin.


The Earth-Sun axis is T-squared by Venus and Makemake.

If not counting the Sun, then it’s Pholus and Quaoar (not in chart but conjoined Pholus) who are opposing the Earth.


The Earth stands near  Jupiter’s Northnode here and what is opposite near Jupiter’s Southnode…

 Around the 10th of January the Earth – Sun axis will pass over Pluto’s nodal axis and around the 14th over Saturn’s... 



I find the T-square most interesting – this Venus – Makemake conjunction in sidereal Virgo. Makemake north of the ecliptic conjoining Diadem of Coma… 

Makemake as the “governor of resources” is a very important part of us – I think at Diadem, we have a theme of “accomplishment” here, not in the sense of “reached THE goal” but as something that also holds the potential of further development…

Of course, there’s also the aspect of the “crown”, the “soul/spirit awareness” and to deepen the relationship towards the “whole”/union, which is also emphasized on by Venus...

jump back to chapters 

Conclusions - Earth at her Perihelion and beyond


We’re in a time a lot is surfacing – we have new discoveries in science, archeology, history, philosophy, but also in our very own individual/personal lives and all its “parts”…

Nothing is separate, everything is in some correlation and therefore everything we experience in our direct surrounding does also contains a “message”/information for us personally – yet, it’s often a little “hidden” but can become clearer and clearer once we take it at least as a possibility and start to think of the connection / relationship we might have with a situation/ experience…

We’re all constantly learning, judging, taking consequences, making plans, processing ideas, chasing dreams, wants and desires etc., etc. … in whatever field, on whatever “stage” (part of life) and “level” etc. …

Each time when we have ended a cycle of “whatever” in our lives, there’s this new beginning coming (may that now be completely new or a further step in something ongoing or a bit of both) – and with a new beginning or a further step, there’s also a new “cycle process” ongoing, with “new insecurities”, new practicing, learning and developing…

We’re all somewhere within this all, and not everybody goes the same path which also means that some may “learn” one life-lesson before another and another person makes it yet in another way… sometimes we can be of help, and sometimes the help is actually not to help in the sense of “stand by” while someone does it by themselves just as like a parent stays near when the child starts to use the bicycle alone and there might come a time, when we don’t “stand by” anymore either…  

Giggles – yet, those are learning phases for both, the parent and the child – the teacher and the student etc.

So – you see, “everything” is always in some form of relationship / connection…

When we see the “whole” of something, that also means we have already stepped ahead and started the “next”, so in this sense an “overlapping time” during which we often still “look back” and wonder about one or several aspects within that, we may wonder if it this or that was really “right” in the perspective from/of the “next / new”, yet, then comes the moment when we don’t even look back anymore… those doubts symbolize in this sense attachments, strings we have built within the “old cycle of learning/ development/ evolution”…


We though have a new “basis”, a new “whole” from which we operate and go through the next part of evolutionary step… we will start to “form, create, structure” from here….

Just “don’t look back”, trust the process and the new "basis"....

What I see especially in this chart is the advice to use "gratitude", to value the accomplishments and the "resources" we have... with emphasis on the "own" resources and values, sense of beauty and so on... "listening" to our system on all levels and also to note our direct surrounding as a resource as well...

This "practice" also brings us automatically from the sense of "lack" to the one of "abundance" - otherwise we're often in the state of seeing a big "mountain" in front of us and doubt that we will ever reach the top/goal.

Whatever it is, that you personally have committed and devoted to, or liberated from, learned, "healed" and so on, note what you achieved so far, every single day and so you have this basis anchored in, "validated" in this sense... and if you feel one day, you made a step "backwards", then remember the old German saying "doppelt genaeht haelt besser" - translates to "double sewed lasts longer"....

In the translation of the "Emerald tablets of Thoth" I have, it states - I paraphrase:

"a god on one level and a servant on the next"...

In this spirit - thank you very much for reading to the end..... jump back to chapters 


Much Love to you All,

Fran If you like reading my posts - you can...

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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on      

Astronomy: Jim Kaler, Wikipedia, Universeguide and more...

Geometry and Physics: Adam Apollo, Nassim Haramein and others

Sacred Geometry drawing - at .

Animal spirit meaning and stories: by Bernadette King 

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

