Heliocentric sidereal Astrology – a different viewpoint and perspective
When we look from the Sun, we see Earth – our physical home of incarnate life – in relation with the whole solar system and further.
Fantastic and wondrous our lives, yet by far not all there is….
The "chapters" with "jump links":
General - Earth at her Perihelion
Perihelion means the time, when Earth is closest to the Sun during her orbit.
This will take place on 4th of January 2025 at 13:28 Universal time or according time-zone.
Earth's perihelion wobbles a little "back and forth", yet we experience the Earth or the Sun at around same/similar degrees for many years - this year with Earth at 19°5’42” sidereal Gemini and the Sun same degrees sidereal Sagittarius...
Because of this, the relationships / aspects that are formed become very important.
There's an interesting, often overlooked, alignment here during Earth's Perihelion.
The celestial equator and the galactic equator are crossing south of the ecliptic in the constellation Monoceros (sidereal Gemini) and so Earth is kind of "above" or north of this "crossing point"...
During Aphelion (early July) Earth stands under or south of that crossing point in sidereal Sagittarius between the northern constellations "Serpens tail" and Aquila (the eagle)...
To me there’s also this important time frame and imagery presented twice a year, once with the Earth here at perihelion and the Sun opposite as viewed from Earth and then in June/July the whole axis just 180° turned:
Earth before reaching the Solstice, on the ecliptic “above”/over Orion on the “Taurus side”, then over the famous belt of Orion (through which the celestial equator “cuts” ), then the Solstice and the Perihelion ca. 2 weeks after the Solstice and finally separating towards the Twin’s heads (perihelion kind of like on the “height” of their “belts”)….
We shall not forget, that this also means we traverse the galactic equator, travel against the background of the Milky Way band… one could say like crossing “south / north and north / south” through the galactic equator or the galaxy’s hemispheres borders/unity….
In some ways it’s exactly that theme of “borders or unity” that come up in this time – yet, in a “galactic sense” or broader sense as well – Earth and Sun as an axis, the solar system as a system or a cell within a much vaster collective / body called a galaxy and that within itself again a part of a bigger system and so on… yet, the same is true towards the smaller as within a Human…
Of course, that also includes the various “layers”/dimensions within a cell, the physical, the mental, the emotional and all the various layers of density within each…
I usually call this the “Russian Doll principle” (also used with planetary cycles etc.)
Earth at Perihelion - the 2025 chart and details:

Earth and Moon circled red are near the star Mekbuda of Gemini whilst nearby Mars (smaller red circle) is somewhat between the stars Wasat and Propus Iota both of Gemini.
Opposing in sidereal Sagittarius are the geocentric Sun and far north of the ecliptic the Asteroid Pallas (near the solar apex - where the solar system is travelling towards). Therefore, the Sun is in this sense “leading” and Earth “follows close by”.
The Ceres-Chariklo cycle is still in separating conjunction as well as the Saturn-Nessus cycle.
Juno has moved away from Haumea and is now conjoined by Mercury.
An opposition or an axis is challenging at times as there’s polarity involved, yet, it offers an opportunity for awareness, integration, unity etc.
Especially on a personal level, it’s very challenging to follow our passion, our (higher) heart’s desires, our “better knowing”, intuition etc. as it so often seems pretty “opposite” of what we are taught by some traditions, education, history etc.
Same is true when we try to find solutions to problems – so very often, we search for them on the same “level” / mindset / understanding within which we see the problem… and so we go on and on in cycles / loops, because the actions we take follow the “ideas” we have.
We're so used to "rules" and a script, a handbook and so on, that we at times have forgotten that everything was at one point an idea on which we have taken action and then wrote it down as handbooks etc. - in a creative process, we may take notes, "pencil" the outline etc. but at times we may have to add something or dismiss something... the real "knowing" comes with starting the action and we see what works and what not... which in itself then may cause some "conflict" because we have to integrate that "understanding" in order to "adjust"....
On another level though, there's the "inner knowing" that leads the way - because there's not only "one reality"!!
Yes - I know, we think there's only one because we often define reality with certain "stuff" that is there - yet, if we think of the "stuff"/happenings as like the "background"/ the stage etc. then we can easily see, that it's not the "reality".
We can sit in a restaurant, which is in this sense "real", yet, same time different for each person within it - one may wish for more customers, another may look onto the clock with the longing for the workday to end, another may want to serve the delicious creations prepared, or a customer who sits and waits for the date to arrive and yet in another corner sits a couple in dispute over whatever etc., another person may look through the window not sure if it's the right place or not ...
A different "reality" for each person in the same setting of "reality" - each person brought some personal "truths" (underlying beliefs etc.) with them and living them out... some more aware of them and others less...
The energy within that restaurant seems a little "dull", so now imagine...
The person looking through the window spots the one sitting and waiting, putting up a smile and "yes, it's the right place" and opens the door. Same time the wind has picked up and rushes with the smiling person through the door, and a little "chaos" disturbs the whole restaurant... the employee rushes to the table with the couple in dispute, because the wind picked up two paper napkins dancing toward that table... the Two turn their heads toward the scene and 3 pairs of hands try to catch the paper napkins....
Giggles - how does it end??? Will anger take over or will laughter clean the situation or what are you coming up with and what does it tell about you and your mindset and underlying beliefs???
Happy New Year and much Love to you All,
Yes, it's interesting to look at previous years - yet, access only for paying subscribers,
which is a way to support me and my work.
Earth at Perihelion - the 2024 chart and details:

The Earth/Moon system in sidereal Gemini at 16°46’13” and the Sun in geocentric view would be opposite same degree sidereal Sagittarius.