Fran Arnet

Aug 5, 20217 min

New Moon 8th of August 2021 - unfoldment

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

This new Moon and theme for the whole lunar month, are sharing (which also includes it's opposition of "receiving") and collaboration. As always, from within to the outside… We're “many”, multi-faceted, multilayered, multi-dimensional or whatever other wording and may actually start to come out of our "shell" - slowly but surly…. revelations are an ongoing theme but this lunar month we also have the theme of "unfoldment"....

We may even feel the “wind of change” (Scorpions song) within and it’s whispers but may also feel “insecure” about it and how to take it but see, the energies in both charts talk about “breaking” loops of the past, to overcome the behaviors and repetitions of the past… the past is passed and offers us the conclusion/ wisdom of “lessons learned”… in the “longer cycles” many of those, we have “stored” as sayings – like one needs to love themselves first to be able to love someone else… this is a principle though - everything needs to “exist/felt within” first.

We live, we birth – all kinds of “things” – also hopes and dreams of what we often may think “it’s impossible” and together with all that we ever have experienced in life it’s stored within us, our memories, the cells, epigenetics, DNA etc… As sad and heavy memories can be, there are also light ones, that we can laugh about, dreams we may feel “outgrown” in the now or maybe a game played in childhood and suddenly thinking, ohhh, I wonder if I can still do that – silly? Yeah, maybe but we can still play too, right…. 😉 ohhh I know, it’s all so serious – so what!!??

Years ago, a Friend gave me the tip, to imagine people I don’t like or have difficulties with in underware…. My, I tell you it helps!!! …. Yeah, maybe not so nice but it shifts energies 😉 … Nope it’s not about to “ridicule” or such, but you put them and yourself in a “human” position, somehow “equal” – well, there are probably more “academic” ways of how to do it, but….. it works also when you see your “favorite politician” or whomever in the TV, should you decide to even watch such…. Do you smile now??? Good…..

Now – we have shifted energy and perception and can go on with the Astrology 😉

What do we need to feel safe and confident enough to “shine ourselves out into the world”? Probably first of all the basic needs as water, food, shelter and health… and then? Maybe feeling appreciated and supported or at least understood - what about understanding, supporting and appreciating ourselves? Nah, I’m not talking about becoming a selfish cunt, giggles – nope but with those feelings towards oneself, we’re then also able to see such in others and them within us and so it goes around…. Spreading and affecting the environment within and around ourselves – like a “contagious virus” and well, some may be resistant to it 😉 – pun intended…

How well do we know ourselves? Do we know what really drives us?... Most people would probably answer with many different attributes, as we’re not only “one thing” right – especially when we’re in the position that we have those basic needs covered, other “things” come to surface….

If you dream of having a certain car, is it about the car itself? Usually probably not – the car may be a “symbol”/synonym for something else, deeper… may that be “freedom”, adventure, speed, status symbol, prestige, more space for family members, or whatever…. Once aware of that underlaying “need”, we may even change the path of how to fulfill that and if we still want to have the car, then that’s great too and should then be enjoyed to the fullest…. If though, we can’t even admit to ourselves, for what real reason we want something, how can we then ever feel “fulfilled”? Maybe that car and whatever else follows is just a “bandaid”, a cover up, in order to not needing to deal with the inner world…. Maybe there’s a lot of fear, guilt, regret, shame and similar that needs to be worked on in the meaning of being acknowledged consciously….

Same thing with our relationship with the “outside world” – how and why do we relate/ react to a certain situation or person – what within ourselves is this “mirroring”… many of us also start or are already used to synchronicities and to “read” them, to trust into the support we somehow create ourselves but same time appears to be “outside”… We can call this also a part of the feminine principle - "the receiving".

With such questions and inner work, we gain more information, knowledge and understanding for ourselves, which should include “compassion” for self and we start to value and trust ourselves… Yet, admitting, acknowledging are the first steps to self-mastery and “cooperation” within self. The foundation to include the own “passion”/ devotion, to structure our life or intellectual pathways accordingly, to find the “energy” and “faith” to act or walk towards that “fulfillment”….

This integration work within self is radiated out – it’s peaceful… separation, “overpowering” and forced action leads to misunderstanding, anger and discord….

… Life is a choice or a collection of those – an individual choice….

For those of us, who have already integrated some of the above, will feel the “rollercoaster” between the “realms”/dimensions/energies. As so many people are starting to awake and are insecure and some maybe even confused and angry, such energies can feel “disrupting” but remember the compassion for All – yourself included – do what you feel called to do or not to do.

The “gates” are open (and will remain open), unfoldment can happen layer by layer, according to “where” we’re individually at and may need – so trust in your own guiding system, as there might be no “generalization” anymore, no "checklist" or manual..... as it's all about the self in wholeness - One in All.

Some details:

Sun and Moon at 20°56’17” sidereal Cancer and therefore Earth at same degrees in Capricorn.

Pluto has now shifted back into sidereal Sagittarius at 29°45’25” retrograde.

The Pluto – Eris last square is active in both charts – heliocentric it’s already reducing/increasing, while in geocentric view, due to the retrogrades we’re going to stay in almost exact square until roughly beginning of November and moving towards the last 72° (= pentagram angle – ca. in the year 2032 – Eris will reach 0° Aries in September 2026)… Pluto is also in square to Haumea and therefore he’s the “focal point” in this T-square, as Haumea and Eris are in opposition (geocentric).

More about the Pluto – Eris cycle (part 2 of the video series I started):

Geocentric Juno is still in nearly exact conjunction with the lunar Southnode at 13° Scorpio-Ophiuchus in this axis is in T-square to Mars in Leo and Juno and the lunar node axis is in a Kite or “Pyramid” aspect configuration – in the heliocentric chart Juno is moving towards the Galactic Center…. – more about this further down….

Our “Leo stellium” Mars, Hygiea, Orcus is now joined by Mercury (heliocentric) and the other heliocentric conjunctions of the last weeks are still active too and continue even into full Moon time. Opposing Pallas-Nessus conjunction still active. The Ceres-Uranus conjunction takes place just the day before, so is still exact with Venus opposing in the constellation Libra – this is important as with Venus there, we have now an aspect configuration with all of them, called “mystic rectangle” (or envelope)… it’s a kind of a “balanced” energy with enough of “stress” to get something going but same time there is the need to focus on all parts, otherwise the “balance” falls into “imbalance”… so be aware of this… it’s a “masculine” envelope in fire and air signs, which brings emphasis to outgoing, action, the intellect and communication whereas some of the Players represent more the feminine principles - the chance of real “collaboration” here on many levels, as interestingly: if you would “flip open” the envelope (kind of unfolding it at the midpoints), you’ll get in this case here, the envelope’s corners pointing to the mutual cross signs at around 18° 😉 – the mutual cross axis are Pisces – Virgo and Gemini – Sagittarius. The degrees bring us to the orbital crosses of Eris (revelation), Jupiter (expansion), Hygiea (hygiene) and Vesta (devotion)….

Geocentric Venus is in Leo, in opposition with Neptune in late Aquarius.

More about various planets in the drop down menu on this page:

More about "outer planets" in the drop down menu on this page:

In the geocentric chart we see a “Kite” aspect-construct, which I call a “Pyramid”. We know from Physics, the “Tetrahedron” (3 dimensional) or an equal Triangle (3 x 120°) as the most stable structure but it’s kind of “static” and nothing in the Universe is, therefore another “point” needs to be “added” – like a push and pull effect…. Our “Pyramid” though, does have 4 points and though, there is “building potential”, especially through the “foundation”/floor (2 x 60° + 1 x 120°), with this foundation we can “reach”, liberate and integrate the “top of the pyramid”. There is a lot of “pressure” on that planet/point between the two 60° angels and also opposition point. In our case here, that’s Juno and the lunar Southnode and the “top” is the lunar Northnode – the other two angles are marked by Saturn in Capricorn and Vesta in Virgo.

Here the link to a page I made about Trojans and Lagrange points as an explanation for aspects and the "Kite"/Pyramid configuration:

Juno is about one to one relationships (especially the one with self).

Same time the lunar axis is in T-Square to Mars in Leo – so another “pressure point” here – also this all in fixed signs, which means it’s well possible to fall back into old “reactive” patterns….

The lunar axis talks on the South-side about what we may need to let go of, discernment etc. but also past experiences and “traits/gifts etc.”… the Northnode is what needs to be integrated or the path/tool to “fulfill” the gifts and talents…

Juno and the Southnode are in Scorpio and Ophiuchus around 13°6’ – This area talks about seeing through facades of the self as well as in the outside world and our relationship with that – passionate attraction, sensuality and sexuality might be expressed. It depends the maturity of the person, of how this energy is directed and used as this area also talks about the “heart-brain- coherence” and it’s functions on the psychological and physical health – such coherence is important for the creation of the own life… everything is mirrored right…..

The Northnode area on the same degrees in Taurus, Here we have themes of “cord cutting”, emotional storms but also of leadership, honor, values and achievements. The challenge here is, to stay “calm” within the storm, not to loose the vision of what we want to achieve… Grief, sadness and anger will “dilute” the vision…. Aldebaran is there too – he stands for the trust and action towards the own goals….

If we feel to drift into entrapment of the insecurities, fears, anger and such emotions caused by the “worldly interactions”, deep breathing as a form of “stepping back” for a moment can help…

Much Love to you All,

