Fran Arnet

Mar 615 min

The Jupiter - Saturn cycle

Updated: Mar 7

Sidereal planetary cycles Astrology - the Universe is empowering and guiding us on a seemingly endless evolutionary path...


Jupiter and Saturn - from 2020 to 2040

This is a post, that will be regularly updated, when an important angle / aspect is reached - a step by step following and living the cycle "live"....

The Players


Jupiter is about expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs, truth, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (like “fullness of life”)… More about Jupiter: 


Saturn is about authority, structures, order and law but not only material structures (our skeleton or buildings) but also about societal, political and religious structures as well as how we "structure" our inner and outer life… other key words are commitment, responsibility and to mature… He reminds us, that we build our structures ourselves and need to take on the responsibility for it – and that’s why he’s often perceived as “limiting”…. and a main question is "which authority we follow"... More about Saturn:


The problem with Jupiter and Saturn is often though, that one is perceived as nice and easy and the other one as hard and limiting… - what we perceive is though often not the truth...

A short recap about the Jupiter – Saturn 2020 conjunction


As in 2020 various "important" conjunctions took place and that within a special alignment of the Earth's cross with the Galactic cross, I think, this conjunction/cycle is part of a deep re-birth, a remodeling of the societal structure, our lives within those but more from an “inside out” perspective. We have to face truth, integrate those in a “practical” sense as well as in an idealistic one – it’s about “bringing together” in a way that serves all in a natural way, kind of "automatically"…

The Jupiter and Saturn conjunction took place heliocentric on 3rd of November 2020 and geocentric on 22nd of December 2020 – at heliocentric 6°32’36” sidereal Capricorn under the stars Altair of Aquila, Sham of Sagitta, and the head of Cygnus the Swan and above Indus the "Shaman".

In short, it’s about the re- structuring or re-inventing of the Self and the world around us in a way that keeps a global vision but is lived locally with the integration of the earth energies and grids and also the visions we may have, to bring/give them “life” through living from these higher ideals and vibrations yet also to “observe” what leads where - a bit like practicing the own abilities, tools and their “impact”… In this sense, such a way of living includes to take the responsibility and the power - to become the own conscious authority when it comes to self....

Jupiter – Saturn 72° (first Quintile - pentagonal)

Exact on 10th/11th of March 2024 depending the time zone


I think the first 60° of a cycle are very challenging in the sense that we’re growing something we may not really understand yet, or we may be so excited about it that we live in an excessive way – just like a child that gets a present and then doesn’t play with anything else because it’s new but then after a while it becomes “normal” and a healthy integration can take place…

One can apply this principle also to technology for example – something new is invented and many may distrust that very thing and others might become like addicted… after a while, its smoothed out on both sides…

When we reach the 72° we have most likely done a lot of that "smoothing out" and gained some understanding through the "push and pulls"....

The 72° angle or Quintile marks a limb of the famous “human pentagram” by Da Vinci – yet, I think it’s important to understand, that we’re in a growing phase here, it’s like the “one-ness / fullness” of the conjunction needs to be brought into an individualized form as a part of the “one”…

There’s some kind of inspiration involved here, but one that needs to be “organized”, structured in this sense, so that there’s not a “spilling over” and turbulence, yet to same time allow a flow…

I get this feel of “inclusion with exclusion” – I know, it sounds paradox.


The 72° angle is a “fifth” of a cycle – a 5 also represents some kind of “change” (which is further emphasized on by Uranus and due to the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, Saturn is also in a Quintile with Uranus – a last one though and the “other side’s limb” - just not exact yet….)

With the Pentagram or Pentagon, there are many “links” – it’s also the face-shape of a Dodecahedron a platonic solid, described as to represent “heaven”. The Dodecahedron links us to the Earth – Jupiter conjunction geometry and as that to the 12.

The Pentagonal shape in turn, is the geometry formed by the Venus – Earth dance and is also linked to the golden ratio (square root of 5) which describes the relationship between 2 and 1.


Now we come to a “tricky” question here – are we dealing with an upwards or downwards pointing star. Are we perceiving it from the perspective of a standing figure and therefore are talking 2 legs, or is it the other way round and creating two arms – or are we even doing a leg on one side and an arm on the other????...

I think it's not the same for everyone and when it’s done consciously, and we may come to a point, where or when it's somehow the same...

The chart, details and some interpretations


Jupiter stands at 26°48’9” sidereal Aries (near star Botein of Aries) conjoining Uranus exact just 3 days later – Saturn stands at 14°48’9” sidereal Aquarius near the star Ekkhysis of Aquarius.

As Jupiter is with Uranus, Saturn is also in this Quintile aspect with Uranus, yet, in a last one and will be exact on 23rd of March 2024. Note, that the last Octile (45°) to Eris was on 29th of February 2024. Therefore, this Jupiter – Saturn aspect is very connected to these “last” aspects of Saturn.


To me, this is like Jupiter has here the task of brining in the “new” but same time integrating what information are offered by Saturn, as he’s in these discerning, envisioning and dispersing phases… it’s a collaboration, a teamwork here…

In a bit more “earthly words” – we’re growing a new “society” (on all levels, also within oneself), that is based on conscious discernment and understanding of the “past”, the needs and worries, the essence of experiences and their gifts, the “flow” that has been created etc.  



Jupiter and Saturn circled in red.

Between them, you can see Neptune in very early sidereal Pisces, Chiron just passed the star Kaht of Pisces and is approaching Eris right at the cusp, in the constellation Cetus.

Then a little further Mercury in sidereal and constellation Aries.


Underlined in blue in early sidereal Capricorn, you can see Venus, Mars and Pluto in a triple conjunction… which is itself in a 135° angle to Orcus who is conjoined by Juno…

I think we will feel that the most because of Venus and Mars representing the divine feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and they will “re-birth” in this sense, giving the necessary foundation for everything else to happen…



Jupiter and Saturn conjunction Geometry….


Triangles – triangular geometry or in 3 dimensions Tetrahedron, relates to the platonic solids.

Its most important properties are “self-fulfilling”, “self-emanating”, stability and according the ancients represents fire.


Mercury and Earth also create triangles, yet on a "different level, dimension" and themes.

Please note the clockwise move of the triangles, opposed to planet’s movement.


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Jupiter – Saturn… the even bigger cycle…


The little red “1” marks the conjunction they had in April 1107 in early sidereal Capricorn. At that time Saturn was only 3 minutes away from his Southnode, meaning still a tiny bit north of the ecliptic.

The little blue “44” marks the conjunction in 1961, when Saturn was just under a minute after his Southnode, meaning a tiny bit south of the ecliptic.

The November 2020 conjunction is marked as the turquoise “47”, just a few degrees further on the wheel than the 1107 conjunction.

Therefore, to complete a whole turn around the wheel, it takes them 913 years.


Yes, nodal axis do precess for every planet, not only the Moon but much slower.

Saturn's nodal axis did move from the sidereal Capricorn - Cancer axis into the Sagittarius - Gemini axis around 1850. Whereas Jupiter's nodal axis stays in the sidereal Sagittarius - Gemini axis for a while already and is now in roughly the middle...

The most northern and most southern points of the orbit in reference to the ecliptic are square to the nodal axis...

This means for both on the Pisces - Virgo axis.

Furthermore, Jupiter's Aphelion - Perihelion axis is also in Pisces / Virgo, whereas Saturn's Aphelion - Perihelion axis is in Sagittarius / Gemini...

On the sheets/lists below, I have added to the actual longitude of conjunction in the signs (marked gray) also the latitudes (always Jupiter first and Saturn second). When I marked something in red, it means a special alignment there...

The 2020 conjunction (last row on page 2) was a close one and called the "Great conjunction" all over the world - heliocentric they were close but not as exact with 8 minutes distance in latitude.

Last times, they were close was in 1623 ca. 3 minutes apart north of the ecliptic and in 1226 south of the ecliptic ca. 2,5 minutes apart.

Saturn got his most northern and southern regions around 2°29 – 30’ latitude and Jupiter stays closer to the ecliptic with roughly 1°18’-20’ south and north…

The 2040 conjunction (first line page 3) shows both Jupiter and Saturn not far from those regions but they’re not as close as they were in 1187 – that conjunction shows an “alignment of the cross”

Jupiter – Saturn 60° (first sextile)

exact on 18th / 19th of August 2023, depending the time zone.

Jupiter stands at almost exactly where Mars stood in their 2020 conjunction in earlier sidereal Aries, right at the start of the constellation at 8°14’1” sid. Aries...

Saturn stands at 8°14’1” sidereal Aquarius right under the star Ancha of Aquarius, is conjoined by Venus and loosely by the Earth/Moon system. All of them in the area of Neptune's discovery.

I find it rather significant, that by now Pluto stands only about 2,5 degrees from the point where the Jupiter - Saturn conjunction took place and is in a Grandtrine, that has started in the middle of July 2023, with yet "changing" members. (it started with Mercury and Mars and now Pallas is holding that space).

The aspects....

The first sextile aspect is a "pushing through", leaving the first two phase of development with its polarities behind in an integrative way - it's an organizing, differentiating kind of energy with the need or goal to bring things into actuality or anchoring into objectivity...

It does hold "creativity and exploration" energy within as we break free of the "old"...

The aspects with Pluto - Saturn has just passed his exact 30 degrees angle from Pluto (this aspect holds polarity) and Jupiter at 90 degrees (square) from Pluto...

On the level between Jupiter and Saturn "alone" it may feel kind of easier in the months to come, whereas on the level of true transformation and power level of the their theme, it will be harder, pressuring and demanding....

For Saturn's themes, there's a "clinging to the old" to be mastered, whereas for Jupiter there's deciding energy and a kind of "impatience" as well, because the "grip" of the old is left behind and replaced by a forward orientation...

I see here the analogy of a 10 year old child, that at times wants to be an adult and may t times show surprising "maturity" but at other times needs the mother for soothing and solutions....

Furthermore, Saturn is conjoined by Venus and loosely by the Earth/Moon system (both approaching state), so the themes of values and virtues, the heart and beauty as well as simply property and money are involved here - energetically it may also have a lot to do with Earth, the grid, grounding etc.... - she can be the "mother soothing and with tips"....

Pluto standing in this "altered" Grandtrine now, suggests that there's a stability within idealistic and creative forces involved. Yet, as you may remember from other posts, a Grandtrine can include a kind of laziness, inertia because of too much "harmony" or stability....

The Vesta-Sedna conjunction as the members in sidereal Taurus and Pallas in early sidereal Virgo... which in my opinion suggests, that there's a spiritual or lets say a "out-worldly" aspect to this all (possibilities, fantasy like, magical) as well as some kind of awareness of the "backstage" activities (also within ourselves)...

The placements....

Saturn in Aquarius south of the ecliptic (in descending mode) - just under the star Ancha of Aquarius - its a star shining yellow and is said to be between the "subgiant and giant" state of star evolution, meaning it's cooling and already has started or will soon start to stop fusing hydrogen at its core.

Ancha comes from medieval Latin and translates to "the haunch" and in Chinese it's called the second star of "weeping"... its location marks roughly the right rips of the waterbearer or maybe the liver and in yet other depictions it might point to the navel...

Yet, Saturn stands a bit south of the ecliptic around the right thigh...

Further south the constellation Pisces Austrinus with its alpha-star Fomalhaut and north of the ecliptic the nose of Pegasus marked by the star Enif and the breast of Cygnus the swan....

Jupiter stands also slightly south of the ecliptic (in "ascending mode") - its a dim area of the heavens, under the front legs of the lamb and over the head of Cetus, further South the constellation Eridanus with its "Aries- part" and north of the ecliptic, over the lamb the Triangulum constellation, the feet of Andromeda and Cassiopeia.

I think it's of significance that while Jupiter is ascending, Saturn is descending - in this picture we get the "seeding" phase of Saturn and the "rooting" phase of Jupiter and that in this "breaking free", organizing phase of their cycle... I find that "perfectly orchestrated" :-)


When it comes to ourselves, we each are actually the "best authority" - we have gone through recognition and reaction/response over the last years - and now we need to "organize" all of that into a more "coherent" picture, to take the polarities to become kind of "whole".... it's mental and it's dynamic, it's "heartfelt" openness and grounding, anchoring... whatever manifests, it might be changing and transforming as well and that might be just the "solution", the adaptability all creatures possess...

I got this picture of cells that divide - whatever information there was in the original one, will then be in two and so forth - yet, when we change the information we change the outcome.

It spreads through the replication and therefore the more stable we can hold ourselves, the more "coherent" the outcome will be...

We're practicing, we're learning and concluding and with each "round" we're seeding for the next...

In every process, in every "step within the bigger" there are things to discern whether its beneficial to hold on to or not... everything can be beneficial to one or another, its simply in the "eye of the observer" to choose....


As I say so often "brilliantly orchestrated" - this first sextile happens while Saturn is still in orb of the last septile to Eris.

I wrote about that in a similar post about the Saturn and Eris cycle....

Just short:

While the Saturn - Eris cycle is in a part of cycle that connects to "left overs" to be used for "seeding" and connecting us to the infinite; the Jupiter - Saturn cycle is in a "pushing through" phase of "new quality" - therefore "using" up what the other cycle is seeding...

That of course does happens on all levels - there might be "stuff" we have carried with us for a while (may that now be literal stuff or otherwise), that suddenly "becomes" sense and some kind of "use" again (directly or for someone else, lol or both) .... it might also refer to ancestral themes or the connection to "galactic and universal" themes, to "essences"...

Because we have here "higher learning, connections, beliefs, structures, maturity" and so on connected in various ways, it can affect kind of everything and anything.... and don't forget Eris - if looking at her as a "primordial" energy as like the night, there are limitless possibilities, which pushes us towards the "Sedna" energy, who's an example that we can transform all the "bad" stuff into something new, a "new kingdom" or "castle"....

Whatever it is for one personally - a reminder about the fact, that energy is indestructible but transformable.... so be creative....

Jupiter – Saturn 40° and the Equinox 09.2022

19th to 23rd of September 2022 - themes we work on for a while....

Since their conjunction in earlier sidereal Capricorn in the year 2029, has moved to 27°41’59” sid Capricorn and Jupiter passed the March Equinox point and stands at 7°41’59” sid. Pisces.

This 40° aspect is called a “novile” and means the “space” from one pointer to the next of a nine-pointed star – or 3 intersecting Grand trines.

Nobody of us stood still in these last years. We all had to react to the happenings, nobody was not affected in one way or another. The “gestation period” of this new birth or re-invention or re-structuring started with a lot of pain but also opportunities.

Since we started this bit of the whole “paradigm shift”, both Jupiter and Saturn had meetings with others and did change the energies or “perception” within the theme the Two stand for.



One of the most significant/prominent conjunctions was probably the one of Jupiter with Neptune on 6th of June 2022 during which Saturn was almost 36° “behind”/away (a ten-pointed star – 2 pentagram). For Jupiter this means, he added the realm of transcending the current perception of possibility to his “path” of belief, growth and expansion of Saturn’s structures and maturity theme.

After this he was seen by Mars on 25th of July who may have said “yeah, you can do that, just go for it”. Jupiter went on and travelled over the Vernal point and South Galactic Pole around the middle of August. Now that really adds a lot right – the galactic perspective – wow, yeah, maybe, maybe I can, maybe we can …. The light becomes brighter and the day lighter when we suddenly belief that we have a choice – always – now which way shall it go and how??

A question we all answer for ourselves… and as he stands just over the tail of Cetus and under the square of Pegasus the questions arising may lead to an “awakening”, a “freeing” or emerging of some sort from the inside out.

Saturn though was also “visited” by some bodies – in late May we had the Mars, Juno and Saturn triple conjunction going on just after Venus had passed and conjunct each of them and on the same day as Mars was with Jupiter, Saturn was visited by Vesta – the Vesta – Saturn conjunction seems to me very significant as I perceive it as “which authority do we devote ourselves to” and with that which inspirations we may perceive … You see, a lot of “entanglement” here – a lot of help to make the little steps that together make the bigger one.

(this whole 40 degrees aspect part, was published in the Equinox post September 2022)

Jupiter meets Saturn in 2020

Yes, I'm practicing heliocentric Astrology and that's why their conjunction took already place on 3rd of November 2020. Yet, also I am located on Earth and even though there were lockdowns, I was able to go to observe the "great conjunction" at the nearby "Astropark" and took some pictures of that great event during the December Solstice 2020....

Jupiter is about expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs, truth, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (like “fullness of life”)… More about Jupiter:

Saturn is about authority, structures, order and law but not only material structures (our skeleton or buildings) but also about societal, political and religious structures as well as how we "structure" our inner and outer life… other key words are commitment, responsibility and to mature… He reminds us, that we build our structures ourselves and need to take on the responsibility for it – and that’s why he’s often perceived as “limiting”…. and a main question is "which authority we follow"... More about Saturn:

Early in the year 2020 Saturn conjoined Pluto and in the middle of the year, Jupiter conjoined Pluto... in all these conjunctions Pallas played a role and she's still nearby. and the same is true for the Centaur Chariklo.

Therefore, during 2020 there was an at least "triple conjunction" going on, with "undertones" set by Pallas and Chariklo....

Pluto is very powerful - transformative with a main theme of "death and rebirth". Yet, he's also about the deep, hidden and secrets / wealth...

Jupiter, Saturn, Pallas and Chariklo all play a role and same time get "transformed" themselves and then within their "pairings" again...

6°32’36” sidereal Capricorn under the stars Altair of Aquila, Sham of Sagitta, and the head of Cygnus the Swan and above Indus.

Pallas and Centaur Chariklo nearby.

Jupiter and Saturn opposing Varuna in earlier sidereal Cancer (opposition means, being aware of the theme as all is in "full sight", yet it also means the challenge of integrating polarities)..... Mars is squaring all Three sitting right at the beginning of the constellation Aries, therefore forming the "T" of this so called T-square.

Not in direct aspect to this conjunction (but to Pallas), yet, I found it pretty significant that the Earth/Moon system was conjoining Uranus over the head of Cetus during this conjunction...

It's already a lot to take when Jupiter and Saturn meet "alone" and we may be forced to consciously re-struct so much in our lives - with Pluto involved, this makes it all "crumble" in some ways, what we belief, what our ideals are and how we "order" that all into a form "livable"....

Chariklo offers a "safe space / sanctuary" or a "strategically right place" and Pallas offers creative ideas for solutions...

Varuna talks about "rhythm of life" and our creative forces in this sense - like all planetary bodies beyond Pluto, we're in a different "realm" here, one that's more about Universal laws and their application.

Mars as our actions, the outwards directed energy, strategic and leading in early sidereal Aries is holding the squares here - what authority to follow, which "ideals" and beliefs to put into actions and same time trying to discern of what rhythms in life are in what relation (in reference to actions - an "observing" energy here)...

Loads of challenges - loads of possibilities too...

Good thing is, they met at an ecliptical longitude that holds also the energy of observation, planning and practicing, beside qualities of the "shamanistic" kind, the earth grid and vibrations etc... also a "grounding" energy and I think that's further confirmed with the Earth - Uranus conjunction....

Pluto is about power too and that includes the misuse of such - so again, be aware and certain of what "authority" you follow in all these years to come....

This conjunction is significant, yet "only" a step within many - it's a step within many cycles including the one of precession and even much longer term ones...


Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

Astronomy: Jim Kaler, Wikipedia, Universeguide and more...

Geometry and Physics: Adam Apollo, Nassim Haramein and others

Animal spirit meaning and stories: by Bernadette King

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…
