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For years now, I have talked about how we create our realities and what important role our beliefs play within that.
I think, this has even taken on a new level of “obvious” this year with the conjunctions of Jupiter with Uranus first and Sedna after… well, along with some other interesting astrological alignments – yet, I have talked about all of those in my Astrology posts.
To me it all has accelerated a lot lately – I feel manifestations and synchronicities are at times almost “instant”, lol, and sometimes even faster… (so much to the theory of “speed of light” being the fastest)
What came into “my reality” over the last weeks, has been rather interesting and “confirming”, what I belief to be “true”, possible etc.
“Revealing” times we’re in – here some simple examples:
Lievescience.com – article titled “Time might be a mirage created by quantum physics; study suggests”…
Another interesting article is also about time – a clock or apparatus from the ancient Greeks called the Antikythera mechanism…
In my email inbox, the title of this article by “ancient-origins. net, was “Gravitational Wave Researchers Cast New Light on Antikythera Mechanism”
Because of all my experiences from childhood until now, I have often questioned and even doubted the concepts of time, "reality" and even space to be as “linear” or “fixed” as we usually perceive it.
Yes, of course, there is the usually perceived linearity of the material world, yet, it doesn't necessarily mean to be a "steady fact" only...
The concept of memory is linked with “time” as the perception of something “before” the now – we have this “belief”, that we can only remember something from the “past”.
Yet, we may “remember” a dream, that became true later / in the future – so, what is THAT then??