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Jupiter/Zeus wife with her very own
"Olympian powers" 


Juno is all about relationships - all kind of relationships  - Family, Friends, business, work, politics and so on. She's about divining what we seek in the different relationships, what we value in them. She's about the "law" of harmony as well as equality, fairness and acceptance.

She wants to show us, that we have to love and value ourselves first in order to attract relations-ships that are harmonious and "equal". Juno teaches us mutual respect, support and unconditional compassion also within ourselves.....


As an Asteroid, Juno connects the inner realms of Mars with the societal realms of Jupiter... 



Greek Mythology:  Juno (Roman) - Hera in Greek - Both the "Goddess of state-affairs".  Hera is the daughter of Cronos and Rhea and married to her Brother Zeus and therefore the Queen of the Olymp. She became most famous because of her jealousy - Zeus did have countless affairs and children with other Goddesses and Humans. Roman Mythology: Juno is married to Jupiter. In the Roman story, she tries to get equality by legalization of her marriage.  



Some Astronomy:   Juno is one of the larger asteroids. Juno has only 3% the mass of Ceres. The orbital period of Juno is 4.36578 years. Juno orbits at a slightly closer mean distance to the Sun than Ceres or Pallas. Its orbit is moderately inclined at around 12° to the ecliptic, but has an extreme eccentricity, greater than that of Pluto. This high eccentricity brings Juno closer to the Sun at perihelion than Vesta and further out at aphelion than Ceres. Juno reaches opposition from the Sun every 15.5 months or so, with its minimum distance varying greatly depending on whether it is near perihelion or aphelion. Sequences of favorable oppositions occur every 10th opposition, i.e. just over every 13 years. (Ref. Wikipedia)     

Juno_orbit_2018 by Tomruen

By Tomruen - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Asteroid Juno's orbit geocentric retrograde of 2018 to 2019 by wikimedia user Tomruen

By Tomruen - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,



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