Astrology connects
sciences and spirituality
Get empowered by the Universe and its galactic connections. There's so much out there that influences everything and us (and maybe even the other way round).....
​Quantum Physics as well as "spiritual teachers" are telling us, that everything is One and entangled. The Universe is "fractal" and therefore each of us a "Fractal" - Astronomy is confirming the tales and myths from our ancestors and Astrology translates this knowledge and wisdom into our every day life, evolutionary paths and helps to become more aware and conscious about the "times" we're in, the own individual being and the connections to the "All" which includes our galactic connections and the Universal connections....
There are many types or approaches to Astrology - sidereal Astrology is based on the actual constellations a planetary body seems to stand in and the stars it connects to.
The planetary bodies themselves, through their orbits are forming geometry in the heavens and go themselves through changes and evolution and the same is true for the interaction or relationships between planetary bodies, which I call "planetary cycle sidereal Astrology".
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Jupiter's "Trojans" and the resulting aspects and how they link to some aspect-patterns like the Kite, which I call a Pyramid (triangular basis).
Black Holes, the Sculptor constellation and "Origins"... interesting scientific findings may "validate" the Astrological interpretations....