Varuna  -  all knowing creator God of India
Varuna represents a more silent but potent presence that speaks of the Universal laws and the galactic connections - as actually all of the TNO's do - we had to raise consciousness, to even be able to "re-discover" the planets. So he's of a "higher" realm and wants to teach us those higher laws, in order to create pathways in the earthly realms accordingly. He may even remind us, of the power of breath and its healing capacities but also of the fact, that the Universe is "breathing" too - everything expands and contracts - the natural, universal law or principle of rhythm, which also talks about the interchange of "focus and surrender" in order to allow the "breeze/flow of inner communication" to work...
His orbital cross:
Perihelion 4°49' Pisces - Aphelion 4°49' Virgo - note the direct connection with the Galactic cross
Northnode 12°36' Gemini - Southnode 12°36' Sagittarius
Varuna 'the one who encompasses the whole world,' is one of the oldest Vedic deities and said to be the personification of the sky (the stars his eyes) - he also rules the oceans, rivers, clouds as well as truth and the law. In the Rig Veda (the oldest of the Vedas and book in Sanskrit) he was described as the one who knows the pathway of the wind.... Somehow, in newer texts, he was "only" the "watcher of the west" (so, a similar concept as the Archangels) and Indra became like the "emperor" - all very similar to Greek mythologies.... there was an early "prototype" of Varuna in the 14th century BCE, which was in hierarchy similar to Uranus.
Varuna was discovered in December 2000 by American astronomer Robert McMillan during a Spacewatch survey at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. At that time Varuna was conjunct the star Mebsuta of Gemini and in opposition with Haumea.
Some Astronomy:
It has an elongated shape due to its rapid rotation. It is named after the Hindu deity Varuna, one of the oldest deities mentioned in the Vedic texts. Varuna's surface is moderately red in color due to the presence of complex organic compounds on its surface. Water ice is also present on its surface, and is thought to have been exposed by past collisions which may have also caused Varuna's rapid rotation. Although no natural satellites have been found or directly imaged around Varuna, analysis of variations in its light curve in 2019 suggests the presence of a possible satellite orbiting closely around Varuna. It takes Varuna 279 years to complete a full orbit. Its orbit is nearly circular, with a low orbital eccentricity. (Ref. Wikipedia)
public domain NASA image Why ellipsoid:
Credit and references:
Credit constellation map:
References: Nick Antony Fiorenza (lunar planer) and Ian Ridpath's Star Tales and Belmonte_Shaltout (the constellations of ancient Egypt)
Indian/ Vedic Mythology: and other sites about the topic