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Taurus and its galactic and Universal connections

Taurus is stable, slow, physical, organic, dependable but also sensual and a little "stubborn".


Here we may realize the connections with "everything" - the mirroring effects of life. We may create new connections, new associations and teamworks. 

We may also discover and learn to use the wisdom in the words "as you shout out, so it echoes back".... 


We can grow awareness, realize the "entanglement" or "fractality" of everything, from where we can build new "foundations"...  

In sidereal Astrology, the stars and their constellations do play a major role and give information about the evolutionary and spiritual path - I call this "get empowered by the Universe and it's galactic connections". 

Let's explore Taurus and it's "surroundings". 

Early Taurus is famously occupied by the stars of the Pleiades (often called the 7 sisters) - they are of initiating and "seeding" energy.

Very early Taurus / cusp - we see Perseus including stars like Algol and the Gorgoneas as part of the "hero's journey". A lot of "reflective" energy here. Perseus' alpha star is Mirfak. 

In the middle of Taurus, we see it's Alpha Star called Aldebaran - he's also associated with Archangel Michael. Aldebaran lies in the middle of the zodiac sign Taurus at 14°47’. A Little above Aldebaran are the Hyades.

The later parts of Taurus are influenced by the southern constellation Orion (Bellatrix and Rigel in Taurus, Betelgeuse and Saiph in Gemini). In the north we have Augriga with the very bright Star Capella. The Horns of the bull are El Nath (north) and Al Hecka (new name Tianguan) a little south. Just a little north of Rigel (south of the ecliptic) is the star Cursa of Eridanus, which is the start of the river of life until it's "delta" in Aquarius.   

Planetary points in Taurus:

(2020 heliocentric data)

Northnode: Ceres 26°, Uranus 19°30' and Venus 22° 

Perihelion:  Juno  3° , Mercury 23°   

constellation map of Taurus

The Pleiades - "the 7 Sisters" taken by the WISE infrared Telescope/spacecraft (NASA website)

Pleiades by infrared WISE telescope

Perseus - the Hero:   Algol and the Gorgoneas represent the fears and obstacles on our path to self mastery and Perseus did slay them - so he stands over them and Mirfak, the alpha star of Perseus, which shines with a luminosity of 5000 times our sun, embodies all that Perseus or the Individual has gained throughout the inner and outer process of development and to further reasonable action by using discernment.    Sometimes we're even afraid of ourselves, we don't trust our inner beauty as we kind of belief we can't be "this"....      

Pleiades (the bull's shoulder): The seven famous Sisters are of initiating action but also embody a bit of naivety/ open mindedness towards foreign surroundings. A bit of "watery" quality within the otherwise pretty earthly/ physical realms of Taurus.  

The Hyades - the bull's head: are bringing "rain, thunder and storm", therefore a bit of a disruptive energy, with which we have to deal here. Usually Taurus is a peaceful sign but attachments can bring pain and tears, which we have to accept as part of a learning process....

Aldebaran- the bull's eye - Watcher of the East: He's directly opposite of Antares (Watcher of the West/Archangel Uriel), the heart of the Scorpion. In Taurus we define our individuality and worth. So it's about values of Self, which automatically defines our "worldly" values - Aldebaran talks about taking the lead for the own development and wellbeing, which on the "material" realms includes  business and politics.. He wants us to take the physical steps towards our goals. His direct opposition to Antares, also reminds us, to use the heart-brain coherence offered here, to make sure our manifestations are aligned in order to be serving.... 

Auriga - the Charioteer: Capella (Latin: "female goat") is the alpha star. The driver who steers above the ecliptic with a "broader" view on things, he seems like a Messenger and Guide, which would be fitting as it's next to Gemini. Also the story of Zeus, using a goat-skin to trick some Titans and then placing the "restored" goat into the heaven, makes some sense too. Fact is, that Capella and Auriga were known in mythologies all over the world and mainly spoke about the qualities of a Shephard and Guide.

Orion:  Probably one of the most famous constellations as it's so easy to spot. I've heard that some Indigenous Americans see Orion as a Spider, which I can understand by observing the Orion rising, he looks more like a particular spider net, I photographed a few years ago and then, with it's path along the ecliptic, becomes "standing" later at night.... Many researchers and Scientists about the Pyramids and Sphinx in Giza saying, that they might be aligned to Orion - as a mapping system, also aligned with other places on Earth, which themselves correlate with other constellations.... In ancient Egypt, they thought Orion to be a "portal" to where the Souls would travel to after earthly death. Associated with the god Sah/Osiris. In the emerald tablets of Thoth there is also a section that talks about a passage way/border being a gate and guarded by two dogs (sounds a bit like Canis Major and Minor).... really interesting all these correlations and I'm curious what more Scientists and Researchers will find out in the future.... 

In Greek Mythology Orion is the Hunter (described in several tales).   

According to Nick Anthony Fiorenza, the Orion's are of architectural capacity. Especially Rigel and Bellatrix shall embody these qualities as they direct and execute large, extravagant and grandiose projects, bringing good through commerce and business affairs, which would go along with them still being in the sign of Taurus.       I agree to all the above and interpret Orion truly as a passage-keeper or Guardian. The gateway to combine our inner life with the outer life - to combine "heavy" physical themes of Taurus with the airy, agile and social energies of Gemini. The physical realms with the mental realms or maybe even the spiritual realms of the opposing signs/constellations....         


modern constellation map created with:
Urania's Mirror - Johannes Hevelius 

References: Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar 
                      Ian Ridpath's Star Tales  and  
                      Pdf-link to chapter 6 of "the constellations of ancient Egypt" by: 

                      Belmonte_Shaltout pdf        

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