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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

Astro-life: a peek into 2025

I'm very thankful that, besides the already posted Perihelion of Earth, January as well as February are calm in respect to "new Beginnings" - the whole year seems a little "calmer" in this way than last year, YET, there are some "big things" happening over the course of the year.

And as I say so often, things aren't "separate events" but one thing hands into another and beautiful arcs are built.

When we allow ourselves to "flow" with the energies around and to do "our part" (translated into our very own individual lives), then we follow that "same arc"...

an octagonal pyramid prism on an astrology chart by Fran Arnet

We brought some of those last conjunctions of 2024 into 2025, in a "root growing", deepening state.

I personally feel especially the Ceres - Chariklo conjunction still in my Being...

Besides, the placements of the planetary bodies do have of course an impact on us all - especially when one of them "transits" over an either natal placement or a progressed placement (calculated by adding one day per life year to the birthday - this means, the slow moving planet are hardly affected but the faster ones quite a bit when getting older).

In addition the angles of the slow moving planets in transit to the natal placement can be felt as well in either a challenging or more harmonious way, which can in fact also be a challenge to "allow" those more harmonious ways...

I got some "hints" about this year - it got to do with "observing" - we can do that from various "standpoints" in this sense. In Astrology we have, for example the heliocentric view in itself, but there's also a Centaur that can be perceived as a "Seer" just to name 2 of the possibilities...

One can observe to fulfill a certain task - may that now be to study a handicraft or to be warned about something or to use information lets say on the stock market or for advertisement etc. massive amount of possibilities....

Yet, there's also the way of kind of "neutral" observation, just out of curiosity without having an own "task" behind it, so there's an openness needed because maybe things turn out to be totally different than expected, or one could just simply not imagine this way etc.

Please, what I say here isn't meant about one to be better than the other but I find it "important" to know, which one is applied at a given moment...

I came to the conclusion, that this year, this "observing" theme could come in very "handy". Especially when there are seemingly difficult or tumultuous situations playing on, because it keeps us then open and same time "responsive" without being too "fast"...

There's also a "trust" component in this, that when there's something happening that we personally need to "attend to", we will know on that level...

Something about "timing" though - we traditionally think "fast" is when we respond without delay on the "human standard"... yet, I made the paradox experience, that sometimes we can go within and "outside" the time stands still and so we had a felt long minute or two within while to the outside it seems we respond right away... so, keep that in mind when observing others - it's "feelable" this difference... Even if the "time doesn't stand still", don't be shy to take that moment...

Find below a little overview of the happenings with a short "write up" just as it did "struck" me or "inspire" me....

On some of the happenings I will write more intensely throughout the year - of course...

month by month

There's not much going on in January - except for Vesta conjoining Makemake while she's approaching her most northern point of orbit. Furthermore, there will be the exact first square of the Jupiter - Saturn cycle being exact towards the end of the month.

February is even "calmer" conjunctionwise with "only" Venus and Mars conjoining in sidereal Cancer just a little passed Varuna, therefore they individually will conjoin Varuna a bit before...

I think, because we have Vesta at prominent "height" of her orbit, there's this theme of inner fire or passion that does fit the themes of "root growing" forward especially within the themes of nourishment of the potentials, the within, sacred etc. - I mean, how could we serve ourselves and others better than by living what we love or "infusing" love into that we may think we "have to do" for whatever reason as a step towards "xyz"...

The Venus-Mars conjunction does for sure "add" to that, in a "programming" way - ha, maybe Mars (masculine) will be allowed to follow Venus (feminine) and the other "feminine" energies a bit more - couldn't hurt to bring a bit more beauty, love and enjoinment...

In March Jupiter will reach the last degree of sidereal Taurus and with that his exact first 60 degrees within his cycle with Eris and that while Chiron is in approaching orb of his conjunction with Eris in later 2025 - so the Chiron and Eris theme is with us all year long...

The next day, there will be the March Equinox and end of the month, a Vesta-Haumea conjunction

There"s a lot of misconception about Eris (one of the reasons why I wrote the "pdf book" about her - available on my shop page) and I think there will be a lot of "revelations", insights and new ways within the theme's of health, well-being, repetitions and their correlations with evolutionary tasks and mastery... throughout the year and beyond, we'll see more themes coming up related to "placebo and nocebo" effects, how to use frequency, wisdom teachings etc. ...

The Vesta-Haumea conjunction may contribute a lot in the question of "passion", how to use our "inner fire" in harmony with the "higher self", how to be guided by "ourselves"...

End of April and May will be very much under the influence of Haumea, Pluto and Pallas.

Haumea will be in exact square with Pluto while she's at her most northern part of orbit and Pallas is conjoining Pluto...

Starting in April, we have for quite a while 3 cusps involved - Saturn very late sidereal Aquarius, Eris very late sidereal Pisces and Uranus very early sidereal Taurus. So, there are "transitions" in progress - quite impressive...

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