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New Beginnings October 2024 - update...

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Oct 26, 2024

 Earth – Sun – Galaxy – Universe(s).... The story continues

“Treasure chest of experiences - wonders and miracles”


02. October 2024      Ceres conjoins Pluto in earlier sidereal Capricorn

16. October 2024      Mars conjoins Jupiter at the star Ain of Taurus

27. October 2024      Vesta conjoins Orcus in sidereal Leo (Orcus in Hydra) - update later


“Treasure chest of experiences” – hahahaha, yep, I can truly relate to this…

My house got flooded with almost knee-deep water inside and as I live in a bungalow, nothing was not affected by it – yet, the whole past few weeks did offer so many odd, strange and kind of “surreal” experiences that did put the water and worse, the slicky mud, to a kind of “background player” even so it did take all my focus and attention to make my place mine again…

I have written a lot about “letting go”, surrender to the “new” and unknown etc. and now I had to live it… this did and is playing out on many levels ….

I have to say, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction did really MOBILIZE what I had to mobilize and a LOT more, hidden strengths I didn’t even know about, lol….

Interestingly, thankfully and gratefully I also experienced help from various people in various forms but then there was a time, I was on my own – I think it’s because I had to make “mine”/claim what was offered…


Tonight, I was sitting outside looking straight up to Venus and she seemed to start “glowing” even more intense with my attention 😉 


Venus in the early evening of 25.10.2024 in Chiang Mai Thailand by Fran Arnet
Venus taken from my "comfort chair" on 25.10.2024

Geocentric Venus travels through the head of the Scorpion at the moment and heliocentric Venus stands between Pluto and Ceres in earlier Capricorn – read on, to find out why Venus is of importance within the chart of the Vesta – Orcus conjunction on 27th of October 2024….


Vesta meets Orcus at 20°36’3” sidereal Leo


Vesta stands in the constellation Leo, whereas Orcus stands in the constellation Hydra.

As Orcus is a planet with a similar orbit length as Pluto, their last conjunction did take place not so far from this one – yet, the energetics have changed….

Their last conjunction was on 24th/25th of February 2021 at 16°54’3;0” sidereal Leo/Hydra.

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Vesta - Orcus conjunction 2024

Our conjunction is in opposition to Saturn in later sidereal Aquarius (approaching Nessus for conjunction – in December) and in square with Mars in later sidereal Taurus (“on” Venus’ North node) - and therefore, Vesta and Orcus in longitude aligned with Venus' most northern point of orbit.

Mars is the "string holder" of this T- Square; as Mars and Saturn are in a 90° angle as well – it makes the opposite point of the “T” (Mars) the point of resolution and as Mars stands on Venus’ NN, Venus’ Southnode becomes important here…


Mars can become the point of “relief”, yet, relief isn’t the same as resolution…


Vesta is our liberated inner, sacred flame – our devotion and passion but also “endurance” – how much are we going to “endure” (also in the sense of “patience”) in order to keep our flame burning, to find our “purpose”, inner knowing (also knowledge in general) and actually act on it. She’s Saturn’s daughter and as such they share the theme “commitment”….

The first “Vestal cults” (Roman name – Hestia Greek) came to western Europe after the Trojan war by refugees who were, according to mythology, guided by Venus…


Orcus is the “oath keeper” and a helper of Pluto – besides oaths and promises, he deals with life paths in general. Orcus belongs to the “Plutonian bodies” and is in relationship with Neptune as well as Pluto and therefore speaks of greater evolutionary cycles, awareness, and consciousness. Orcus is “silent” – Pluto is “loud”. Orcus, the inner knowing and living accordingly – integrity and authenticity for the greater good of oneself and therefore also for the greater good of All.

In Greek mythology, Orcus is a son of Eris….


We can see the theme here, of committing and devoting oneself to the very own path, the own life, the own “promises” in this sense… we’re here to be ourselves and not a copy of anybody else. We make experiences, take conclusions etc.

Sometimes we react in a certain way and create “anchors” (coping mechanisms) and those may serve us well during a time of “recovery” but may need to be let go of at a certain point as otherwise we keep on “dragging” the past along….

There are no “time-tables” of how long what “anchor” may serve us and when it becomes an obstacle – it’s the own path and awareness that dictates the process.


The 20° to 21° degrees longitude of sidereal Leo is one which comes with immense creative “storms”, with passion that finds a way – it can be violent though – yet, this type of strong “wind” can either create or destroy, it’s a choice…

Yes, there’s always a “choice” involved – it doesn’t mean that things do not happen but we always have a choice of how we respond, what we devote ourselves towards and if we can see the “positive” in an experience…. Well, again, on the emotional level this may take time…


There’s also that aspect of “liberation” that comes with Vesta – she’s not necessarily bound to “mass-consciousness” and the values associated in a certain era of time or culture.

Orcus and the Hydra are talking about the sensual receptions of life and “the higher path” (soul) – there’s a “winding through the currents” allowed, a subconscious or let’s say a perception that isn’t bound to the physical senses or extends those… Yet, the Hydra does contain the themes of “fears and worries” but also wisdom.

So, we could say here, that those “anchors” of coping mechanisms can now be replaced by more “artistic, creative” actions – yet, one needs to be aware of the T-square – is the seemingly “creative action” we devote ourselves to just another “coping mechanism” or is it truly from our “higher heart and mind” ….


With much Love to you All,


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Below - early to middle of October 2024


We had just the September Equinox and 15 hours after the Hygiea-Eris conjunction (Thailand in the early morning on 23rd of September 2024). And as I said in my post – when such events go together, there’s an emphasis on them…  Here the link to the September post…


The Hygiea-Eris conjunction is still active and will therefore be a part of the “early October” energy as well – and other “combined” events…

The October new Moon / solar eclipse will take place less than 10 hours after the Ceres-Pluto conjunction is exact…



We’re nourishing a transformation – or a situation / experience can transform our way of nourishment…. Either way, it starts from within and shows in structural transformation as well – out of chaos a coherence, an order can form… just like water forms crystals according the frequencies...

“Water” has been a theme in my last week in a very interesting way (putting the “disaster” and emotional response aside)…   and when I think back, water has taught me a lot in various parts and phases of my life – sometimes in a nicer way than other times though… each time I had to “accept” something not only in the “outer world” but also within – giggles, the “within part” came often later, yet, in the last years this “realization time gap” has become much shorter and at times I even was able to “turn things around”, did put the “within” before the “outside”…  

The ”first part” is already transformative, yet the second part is “of another world” (in lack of a better phrase / word) and it throws everything “upside down” and therefore holds some scary attributes and with that “resistance”…

Mind you – none of that is meant “judgmental” or “competitive” – it just is…  how exactly we individually observe or experience it, is personally different and depends of how one is most “reachable”, which means “frequency and resonance”…

To “nourish” oneself can also be seen as going into “resonance”, to pick something up and integrate it as a part of oneself / experience even if it actually isn’t necessarily though but a choice…  

There’s a difference between being aware of something to exist, and to pick it up, to make it “part” of oneself, which happens through "reaction"… On the other hand, there are things that can come “straight at us” – yet, here we have the choice of response or reaction…

Even the things that seem to be "random", accidental or anything alike might be on some level a choice in the sense of like a consequence (harvest).

We make experiences, there's no Human life without experiences - throughout a lifetime (or many, lol) we make loads and loads of experiences and they all hold information, they hold a "deeper meaning" than one would usually tell as well... just like many stories and fairytales hold deeper meaning... - it's a treasure chest filled with wonders, miracles and wisdom...

On a “practical” level – this means, “wisdom” is asked – the application and use of whatever we have learned from our experiences… there might be some stuff, that just becomes more clear, more “obvious” even so nothing has changed…


Ceres meets Pluto at 5°51’17” sidereal Capricorn both south

General about their cycle – the Players - correlations


It might look as a “minor” conjunction, yet, last time they met was on 12th of January 2020 at 27,5° sid. Sagittarius and it was an actual triple conjunction with Saturn (well, there were also Mercury, Chariklo and the geocentric Sun involved, therefore Earth opposite)….

As that Ceres, Pluto, Saturn synchronization took place in between the Southnodes of Saturn and Pluto, I would suggest it to have signified a major change and well, we all know a LOT did and does continue to change…

Ceres is the fastest of the Three and therefore can be seen as one of the “messengers” for the longer lasting cycle while being in her own cycles and orbit as well…


Their next conjunction will take place on 21st of June 2029 (during Solstice!!) at 13°38’ sidereal Capricorn – both a little further south in their orbits than now…


Pluto speaks about transformation, the process of death and rebirth – there’s also an aspect of secrets, or “the invisible” -  Pluto as the “gate-keeper” of the inner-world, can bring us through a “rollercoaster”, yet, on the other side might wait the realization of our inner beauty and a power that isn’t “forceful” – this realization is transformative, in which way though, is totally up to us…. He's also about power, or the misuse of that …

As mentioned above – Saturn’s and Pluto’s orbital “cross” is close together and therefore they “work” together….


Ceres is sometimes named the “new ruler” of Virgo and speaks about mature feminine energies. How we nurture ourselves and others - how we would like to be nurtured or how we receive nurturing. The theme of nurturing includes the energetics we take in as for example our environment, people, news and so on…. She also speaks about listening to our whole being, also the body – what do we need in order to feel well – a long hot bath, exercise, meditation, or just to listen ourselves as all there is “around”…. The list is long…

Just as Saturn and Pluto are in a “work relationship”, so is Ceres with Venus… Ceres’ orbital cross is around 4 degrees apart from Venus’…


Giggles – last month, I had also written about the “work collaboration” between Mercury and Mars as their orbital cross is only about 2 degrees apart…


Pluto’s southnode is almost exactly 30° away from Ceres’ and therefore she’s a little further into her own cycle/orbit than Pluto… this means, she’s more about letting go of “force” and more about “surrendering” and letting flow, yet, with a “practical” touch due to the location…

See – they meet on/south of Chariklo’s northnode 😉 – and Chariklo herself was also involved in the last conjunction and has now moved a bit more into sidereal Capricorn and “risen” north of the ecliptic into the constellation Aquarius…


As I mentioned, the Sun was involved in their last conjunction too and that the Sun, Moon, Earth axis is producing a solar eclipse just a few hours after this conjunction is exact, well – do you still belief in coincidences!!??

This eclipse will take place with the geocentric Sun and Moon in sidereal Virgo (star Porrima of Virgo) and the heliocentric Earth/Moon system in sidereal Pisces…

Throughout these events, heliocentric Mercury stands between 4 to 5,5 degrees further into Virgo than the geocentric Sun…


Saturn though stands in approaching conjunction with Nessus (exact in December – I will write about it in due time) in sidereal Aquarius, still opposing Orcus in sidereal Leo (constellation Hydra).

Pluto and Orcus have “released” themselves from the 135° angle, of which I had written about a year ago (giggles, I have linked it actually a year ago, so it's in the 2023 section) – the data for a paper I have already collected, yet, not sure when I get to do it…


Just in case you wonder - Ceres will conjoin Saturn on 26th July 2025 while their both approaching Neptune in earlier sidereal Pisces...

Therefore another "triplet" conjunction and synchronization will take place then...

Saturn is sometimes also called the "timelord" - therefore, and as you have just read this - the 26th of July 2025 can be right now....

I think, this conjunction is “helped” by the solar eclipse, in the sense of “pushing” us into looking “beyond the visible”, to look deeper … and that includes the mind – to feel and see beyond our “chatter”…  

There’s also this energy of taking “force” / strength back in the sense of “accepting” and letting happen whatever wants to come through… which is hard, I truly do understand….

Lol, yes, I love coffee - thanks in advance!!!!

The Chart of the Ceres – Pluto conjunction plus “solar eclipse”


Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Ceres and Pluto conjunction 2024

Our Ceres – Pluto conjunction circled red.


Earth – Sun axis in yellow.

You can see Mercury a little further from the geocentric Sun and north in the constellation Coma the dwarf planet Makemake…


Venus and Pallas in longitude above the Galactic center.

Hygiea and Eris in separating conjunction in trine (120°) with Venus and Pallas.


Mars conjoins Jupiter at 16°20’2” sidereal Taurus – star Ain of Taurus


In these 2 weeks, not much difference besides the “fast movers” – Mercury, Venus, and Earth…


Yet – there’s an interesting development:

  • The Earth/Moon system right between Chiron and Eris with Hygiea near the star Al Pherg at the upwards swimming fish of the constellation Pisces in early sidereal Aries…

    Therefore, the geocentric Sun conjoining asteroid Juno.

  • Mercury passed his Southnodes and is now in early sidereal Scorpio, opposing Uranus and Sedna both…

  • Venus now in later sidereal Sagittarius, squaring the stellium Chiron/ Eris/ Earth


Mars is traditionally the “God of war” – innovative, vital and active, also of leadership qualities, how we apply our “willpower”, our inner force. Really a lot of physical and “sexual” energy, the divine masculine principle (can have a lot to do with “protection”). Immature Mars can be very impulsive and if afflicted he can express as “explosive, ballistic” power.       


Jupiter is expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs and consequently expectations on a personal level and on societal level. How do we belief and expect the world to be like?? On the more physical side he’s about learning, “truth” and justice, travelling, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (kind of like “fullness of life”)…


Mars and Jupiter meet every 2 plus years, forming a 6 sided polygon or 6 pointed star (it’s outline) and need 7 conjunctions for this or 6,5 and proceeds in planetary direction .. the shape they form reminds a lot of Saturn’s northpole – so there’s “order” – interestingly though, most Mars geometry I have drawn myself do look a bit “bumped”, it’s regular but also not…


First it was Jupiter earlier this year, and now Mars that have been in conjunctions with Uranus and then Sedna – and I think, that also brings those energies to Jupiter again – Mars may though have “plotted own plans” after those meetings and those may “expand” in ways, that might surprise oneself… there’s of course the “placebo and nocebo effect” that shall be taken into account – therefore “including” the Ceres – Pluto conjunction, it seems important to be aware of what beliefs we feed also with our actions…

Mars can be very “protective” – so there might be a “defense energy” around – question there is, IS one really in “danger” of it all?? Discernment is needed here too – some situations may seem scary, dangerous etc. at first sight but are they really!!??

It’s like discerning the tactics of let’s say insurance agents for example – they may want to sell you additional insurances for stuff you may not even use or have but might leave you with this insecure feeling ….

On the other side there’s young, fresh energy around too and that might be needed for those “inspired actions” one wants to proceed with…

Much Love to you All,


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New Beginnings October 2023

Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycles Astrology – connecting to a broader view….

Update.... second half of October 2023....

a special post I wrote in - FA's astro-talk on my website....

Find the link here: Needful things....

blogpost cover showing a second hand store in Paris

In this post I discuss the Pluto - Orcus 135 degrees angle, the importance of the point of 90 degrees from Orcus, currently occupied by Vesta and later also Venus....

P.S. - there's a long free part as well as a "paid subscriber" part, within which I go into even more details, there are charts and history....

28.09. to 15.10. Grand trine: Chariklo – Vesta – Pallas/Makemake

6th of October Pallas conjoins Makemake at 13°59’40” sidereal Virgo – jump there

11th of October Juno conjoins Varuna at 12°4’14” sidereal Cancer – jump there

JUMP to Conclusions

Yes, there are "conclusions" twice, yet different ...

The Grand trine and a little “more”….

Grand-trines in general are creative, idealistic, stable and harmonious energy. A triangle or the number 3 are indicating similar energies. A triangle also links to various geometric forms and the most important is the tetrahedron which is of “self-fulfilling or self-replicating energy”.

In August and into September, we were already in a similar Grand-trine – it was with Pluto, Vesta (for some time then conjunct Sedna – the Pluto and Sedna trine is still active) and Pallas… now Chariklo has taken over from Pluto, whereas Vesta and Pallas “remain” players a little further in their paths though. As Pallas is also approaching Makemake for conjunction, he’s involved in this new Grand-trine.

Chariklo (sacred or secret spaces, discernment of potential, charity etc.) at ca. 16°29’ Capricorn, is in trine by Vesta (inner fire, devotion, commitment and independence) in the middle of sidereal Taurus and on the other side Pallas (creative solutions, strategic mind, anything can be useful or a stepping stone with her) and to Makemake (governance of resources, natural laws, application of “lessons learned”, leading for prosperity of all), both in ca. middle sidereal Virgo…

It's also interesting, that at the moment Vesta is slightly slower than Pallas, which would make this a “first trine”, yet, Pallas orbits the Sun in 4,6 years and Vesta in 3,6 years….

That all these planetary bodies are together or “in-trined” is rare – so, we can say, there’s a time now, we build a “foundation” or a “program”, which is of “self-replicating energy”…

Vesta in middle of Taurus, can indicate the need for integrity towards the own commitments, the own “fire” and calling in this sense but on a more “physical level”…

Pallas as a “warrior type” together with Makemake can “offer” the right ideas, the wisdom and the “experiences” as resource and their goal is to “improve” here, to include not only the nature and its laws but also to see what was seeded might sprout, so, a kind of “foresight” energy, as well as the “lessons learned already” that we need to apply (make real and not only “theory”)…

With Chariklo there’s a not only “witnessing”, secret or sacred energy involved, there’s also a kind of “protection” part but same time a “getting ready to start sharing” type – there’s also talk about the “spaces or grids of Earth” which is influencing us and which we influence…

Of course, we have here the theme not only about oneself, but also about groups, societies, and even civilizations….

Mars in sidereal Libra in square to Pluto in Capricorn and square from Juno in Cancer

Mars is also just separating from his conjunction with Haumea (mid-wife energy, guidance, bloodlines etc.)….

Mars is about action, leadership, outwards oriented, willpower and Pluto also about power and transformation but also can be about the misuse of power etc.… whereas Juno is about one to one relationships and their “balance” or “entanglement”, so here can be themes like superiority complexes and similar as well, yet, never forget the relationship with oneself….

NOTE: there’s no “bad planet” or something alike – they can always be lived in both polarities or any "shades in between".

Square energy bring lessons and ask for decisions – not very comfortable and usually challenging, yet, great growth can take place…

We again have the theme of “history” involved, lessons as well as “relationships”…

Around the 5th or 6th of October, Mars will also be opposing Jupiter in sidereal Aries….

Therefore, we might see the “expansion” here, we might see a “bigger picture”, the entanglement or correlations….

This aspect will last for days….

Venus travels during the time of the Grand trine from Jupiter to Uranus (and a little further)….

Venus is our value system, what we perceive as beautiful, artistic and valuable or of worth. This can include non-material things as in “matters of the heart”….

The first week or a little more, Venus is traveling between the Ram and the head of Cetus (in the constellation Aries but not the outlining stars).

There’s the theme of the “collective consciousness with all it’s mental or likewise structures” as well as the liberation, the own way, lots of actions etc.…


I think we may be facing some challenges, decisions that are asked of us, which are about how we lead our ways to a “new being” – just as our cells renew themselves constantly, whole organs do and so we do in our self-understanding or identification…

Anything within which we may have been trapped in some kind of “pattern” or program in this sense can be changed or liberated through those actions or at least become “visible”….

That might include themes we thought already to have “handled”, to “re-emerge” as there’s still some “left-over” to be faced or as a “test” of how much we really are able to put the lessons into new actions… that’s on individual as well as societal and global level….

I think, it’s here important to know, if we devote ourselves to our own “causes”, projects, values and so on and use our resources within this frame, we’re supported…. Even so, it might at times be hard and may not always look like “support” at first glance, therefore a “looking beyond” such a confusion might be necessary…

Stories, if now our own or those of others hold information that can be used and that’s also true for history, and the psychology of mythologies etc. - any of these can be used as “stepping stones” or inspiration to solutions “outside the box”, that can “break us forward”…. Individually we may have already done some adjustments mentally or emotionally but now its about the “ramification”, creating facts and actions accordingly… not always easy as we have to go beyond the familiar or comfort zone…

It also might be, that things happen or become clear "simultaneously" - while in the situation already the "solution" or a path opens, because the decision to "try" something new has already been made...

Remember the “earth grids and fields” – they all work in two ways – the more we act according the “new” that we envision or have a passion or commitment towards, the easier it also gets for other people….

You know, just like there have always been women in history, who did live their passion, did choose a different way than what society usually did allow in the specific times… it was hard for them to do so but each of them made it easier for future women to do similar and nowadays in vast parts of the world it’s already common….

Each of us, is doing things for oneself and same time are anchoring the energy for future generations or people who are able to “pick it up” through their x-senses….

Same time, whatever “programs” have run through bloodlines, they can be liberated – so, in “one go”, we can be ourselves, help the ancestors and fertilize for the future… how amazing is this!!!!

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Pallas conjoins Makemake in sidereal Virgo

Both stand north of the ecliptic – Pallas still in the constellation Virgo, whereas Makemake stands in the constellation Coma Berenices a little north of the star Diadem….

Their next conjunction will take place on 4th of June 2028, only a few degrees further into sidereal Virgo – so, these energies, including the Grand-trine in this respect, will be “active” for quite a while…. As it’s part of this “building of cycle”…

As mentioned in the previous “section”, Pallas is about strategic and creative thinking and solutions, a “problem solver” but finds always different ways and likes to use “anything” that’s available (no waste in this sense)…. Makemake though is more about resources, the governing of it, the use and application in an evolved and leading way, that serves the “all”…

I think, “lessons learned” are a “resource” too – so, we might be asked to “include” those and find solutions for whatever from a space of “growth”, that includes the vision of the future in the sense of “cause and effect”, what did lead to what in the past and therefore looking for other ways… but there’s for sure also the aspect of nature and its laws or manifestations, that can guide us in such endeavors.

The star Diadem or the whole constellation Coma feels to me like a “continuation” – we may have mastered one thing, gained or learned one ability etc. and then there’s already the next… one leads to another – just like in a computer game, where one comes to further “levels” all the time….

This together with Makemake can mean anything really – anything we have learned or ever experienced can become a resource…. May that now be in the “practical” area or may that be in the area of “spiritual, paranormal, esoteric” or whatever one wants to call these natural abilities. …. If only ONCE in life, we had such experiences in one or another form it’s enough to open the door because there’s no longer “belief” but actual “knowing”….

Juno conjoins Varuna at 12°4’14’ sidereal Cancer

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Juno - Varuna conjunction 2023

Both stand in the constellation Cancer – Juno south of the ecliptic and Varuna north of it. As for quite a while already, Varuna conjoins the star Decapoda of Cancer (now slowly separating from it)….

Juno is the Asteroid of “one to one relationships”, which can include any type from family, friends, romantic, business, teacher – student, etc. – here the focus is on “balance, equality within those relationships and similar energies…. If imbalanced Juno can manifest as jealous or with superior or inferior behavior….

Varuna to me represents the law of rhythm – the ups and downs but also as in breath-work, the heartbeat, sound, and maybe even vibration… note: any orbit for example does include rhythm as well as the “ups and downs”, which doesn’t symbolize anything to be judged but as a “law”…. And when we include the principle of a “wave” versus a “particle”, we can see, that we have here much more “vastness” that we’re talking about….

The Two are in an interesting area of the heavens, a “dim one” when it comes to naked eye observation but rather “full” otherwise…. They’re in an area where there are “Barium stars”, a not so common “star type” and furthermore they take the M44 Praesepe or Beehive cluster into “sandwich”….

Furthermore, it’s also the region or longitude on which (pretty north) Eris got her most northern part of orbit (in the constellation Ursa Major)…

We have themes of self-recognition, self-emanation, self-programming…. But it’s also to overcome the fears or old kind of programs…. Recognizing them and to “step over them”….

Eris herself stands at the cusp between sidereal Pisces and Aries at the bond of the westwards swimming fish – it’s an area within which we can become aware of the play or bondage between past and future and the “riches” it includes…. She’s in a 30° aspect created by Venus, who has just passed Uranus and now stands at the Aries-Taurus cusp… therefore, the values and the heart in an area talking about “mirroring”…. (the story of Perseus and Medusa)….

The Two are in square by Mars in middle of sidereal Libra (under the feet of Virgo) and on the other side a square from/by Jupiter in middle of sidereal Aries… therefore Mars opposes Jupiter and this whole configuration of aspects is called a T-square – Juno and Varuna holding the T here.

So, it’s making clear, that we have to start with the “recognition”, the “evaluation of the now” (may that now be about self, other within other relations), then we can see the “higher or bigger picture and act accordingly”….

Interestingly, in this chart we also see the Earth/Moon system conjoined Chiron and the Three are kind of “alone”, no further obvious aspects here involved… Chiron is about “loops and the sacrifice of wounds/repetition ”…. Whereas the Earth/Moon system is about our incarnate, manifested, grounded life including the experiences of “emotions” and the ego (fear based)….


This conjunction goes so well with everything else; as always – brilliantly orchestrated!!!

As the “outside world” and especially our relationships are a mirror of our own “vibration” or programs, we get “reflected” what needs to be recognized, to be worked on, overcome….

There might even be themes, we have thought to have “finished” some time ago but it may “re-surface” in order to get the last steps “done”….

As we not only have the "individual" level and at the moment or current lifetime lived relationships as themes, but also longer themes, history etc., and it might also go into relationships between regions, countries etc. - so we'll feel this on various levels...

Also our "relationship" with change in general might be a theme....

With the “mirror effects” there’s not only what we get reflected back but also what “mirror” we have to be, as sometimes it’s required that we “hold the mirror up” – which can be very uncomfortable but might be more helpful and, in this sense, more “valuable”….

This means, we have to, at times, to be the “mean or not so nice one” – it goes against the current understanding of help, activism, "reporting" etc....

There’s the “to help someone to help themselves” aspect, which is at times hard to provide – just like, one who wants to help an addict will not give them the drugs or cash as that wouldn’t help but on the other side, if that addict doesn’t want to help him/her self, then there’s nothing one can really do beside the “self-protection”…

I realized, that “behavior patterns” or “programs” of reactions etc. are very similar to addictions and some even pretty tricky, because they might be considered “normal” in the collective….

Whatever kind of situation one finds themselves in, it’s of importance to realize what it is and what is “asked” in this situation as “best for all – including oneself”…. Because we’re all entangled, these are all themes that work in at least “two ways” and so in this sense, we might be able to “catch many flies in one go”….

You see, that together with the Grand-trine energy, there’s an old “pattern” that might be broken by simply going a different way, by creating a new “basis”…

As I said many times over the years - "fighting" something old, is not leading anywhere - we change by doing something different, which means, we first think different...

In the world, we may watch a lot of such "behaviors" too - we may see them in politics, business, news as well as "environment" and technology .... we might be asked to use our ability of recognition first, to look beyond what is just obviously presented and secondly to be aware of our reactions as well, because those lay in our very own responsibility and are "getting back" to us in this sense...

In this time, I personally have to discern what is actually in my own responsibility and power and what is in other peoples and strictly act within this "frame".... yet, without fear, judgment nor blame because that's not helpful....

With much Love to you All,


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