Fran Arnet

Aug 10, 202317 min

Nourishing the "own castle" - new beginnings August 2023

Updated: Jan 25

Heliocentric, sidereal, constellation or star based Astrology gives us a different view point - we can become the observer and gain insights that might otherwise be hidden...

For various reasons, I have decided to update previous years posts - the URL remains the same, yet title is "year-adjusted"... the new article/year is just added in front....

New beginnings and more August 2023

JUMP links only work for Subscribers (free and paid).... The "Conclusion" part is up front....

- Saturn and Eris last septile on 8th of August

(separate post - link under the connections/"just short" section)

- Vesta conjoins Sedna on 13th of August 2023 (ca. 4 years cycle)

- Jupiter and Saturn first sextile on 19th of August

(separate post - link under the connections/"just short" section)

- The "Pluto Grand trine" I discussed in last month's post is dissolving and forming anew
with partly new members and with "gaps" active the whole month.

the shortcut to this section

Conclusions / write up....

One of the main themes for this whole month, is a kind of breaking free of old habits, beliefs or boundaries (self made) in a very natural way - it's possible to just grow out of old shoes smoothly or even "effortless" - it's forward oriented energy, by same time discerning the old, or being aware of that, seeing through it and in best case with an understanding of the "principles at work" ...

It can be surprising and out of the blue (channels of higher communication are wide open) and "big" for one personally, and/or just small things in every day life - like sudden moments of "ohh, why didn't I think of this earlier" or "ok this IS and what now" moments and FLASH "ohhh, ok, I see" answers.... these "flashes" may happen generally or about themes one is "dwelling on" for a while (may that now be something "nice" or not)....

It's also putting things into "concept"/bigger picture and maybe even an understanding in a wider form than before, a "missing piece" suddenly appears etc... yet, with such an insight or understanding, there also comes the need for acceptance and integration, a kind of "ordering" it etc.

Sometimes such processes can go for years, sometimes they can go for only minutes or even less.... and I think that "even less" is something very available right now....

I mentioned the "stability" before and that includes the term "coherence" - so we can have a lot of this and it can serve as a foundation for whatever to come/become.... especially if we include our "feminine" side, those "flashes, insights, aha-moments etc." and the limitless possibilities the Universe has to offer...

As I said earlier - we can "transition" smoothly, or not so much - the more coherent we are, the more "automatic", naturally or magically everything can "become"....

Yet, be aware that "coherence" doesn't care about the intention - it works in "love and fear", yet, one will in the end be freeing and the other entrapping... and that's what I call "self-fulfilling" ..... giggles - no worries, it's just the mechanism and we'll see it more clearly....

The foundational, stable etc. energy also translates in a different way, which I call "back to the roots"/essence type of energy - so for example - when I was young, I learned accounting (worked in this profession for quite many years) on paper, actually learning how it works... of course I also learned how to use the computer for it - yet, as I knew how it works, I knew what the computer does and it was therefore easy to find a mistake if there was a "difference, inequality outcome".... younger people, who later did only learn by computer, didn't have that same understanding....

There's also still all these "emerging" happening - may that now be in archeology, various fields of sciences, in public life but also from quantum physics to space-telescope and possible life wherever - all of it opens the gates for possibility, learning and understanding of "principles, essences and mechanics" on all levels and planes, yet also disbelief, resistance etc. - again on all planes....

It's like this breaking through the crust of earth in the life of a little plant - our consciousness as a species is evolving - for the little plant though, that also means that there's wind and weather to be "endured"..... and in this sense for us too, yet, a little rain may alter our appearance but hopefully not our inside ;-) ....

Exciting times we're in really - so much to witness, to experience, to create - trust and dare.

Much Love to you All,


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Vesta - Sedna conjunction 2023 - 2027

They meet at 4°29’25” sidereal Taurus at the stars Furibundu and Althaur of Taurus.

The Players:

Vesta is our inner, sacred flame – so it’s our devotion but she’s also about “time sharing” in the mythology – how much are we going to “endure” in order to keep our flame burning, to find our “purpose”, inner knowing (also knowledge in general) and actually act on it. She’s also Saturn’s daughter and as such they share the theme “commitment” – for Vesta it’s even “devotion”.

Sedna is called “the emergence of the exiled feminine” (named by Nick Anthony Fiorenza). She’s showing where we were hurt and “left” and closing ourselves in fear of being hurt and betrayed. But reconnecting with what the feminine principle is about, makes space for re- opening and participation in life as a “whole”.

The Chart with aspects:

Vesta and Sedna are in trine with Pluto (Vesta in first trine and Pluto in last to Sedna)

Uranus at the star Botein of Aries is slowly coming closer to Sedna for conjunction.

Quite some Capricorn energy due to Earth/Moon system, Venus in conjunction and Chariklo between them and Pluto.

Pallas at the star Zavijava of Virgo is opposing Neptune (Pisces, under the circlet)

The Grand Trine (blue triangle) is active from roughly 16th of August to 7th of September...

The placement - meeting area including some brief mythological references:

On this longitude of Taurus, we “cross” southern Eridanus twice, come up through Taurus and right up to the head of Perseus – one of the few constellations, where we can actually see a resemblance of figure/picture in the outlining without consulting old drawings… At around 5° longitude, a little north of Taurus, there are the Pleiades (7 sisters) to observe…

There are several stories about Perseus and they all link to the story of Medusa as well as to Andromeda's story (including her parents Cepheus and Cassiopeia and the "sea monster" Cetus) – Andromeda and her parents span from Pisces over Aries and Cepheus (her father) even into early Taurus, yet far in the north – also in the south, we find Cetus, the “sea monster” spanning from Pisces to Aries…

Perseus did “trick” the Gorgoneas (Medusa) by using a mirror and then “slaying” her head off (slaying fears). It’s also said that it was Perseus who did free Andromeda from being devoured to the sea monster Cetus (collective/societal norms and conditions). Perseus and Andromeda did marry and funded a city from where prosperity and happiness spread (a marriage of the divine feminine and masculine maybe, forming a new "world together").

The Pleiades – 7 Sisters – are described in old mythology/history as the daughters of the Titan Atlas and the Oceanic Queen Pleione. 6 of them were at times with some of the Gods, namely Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon (Neptune) and Ares (Mars) and one of them with a mortal. It’s said, that the Hyades were more sisters or half-sisters – either way, the stories aren’t very nice and are talking about grief and loss… more about the Pleiades on Theoi:

That’s why it’s said, the Pleiades and the Hyades are bringing tears in the form of rain onto earth as rain (the Hyades additionally with a lot of “tantrum” – storms)- an emotional part of the heavens.

Nowadays the Pleiades are often called a system of “healers” - those who have found the way through the grief, the losses and pains…

South of the ecliptic, where our conjunction takes place, we see the star Furibundus (nu Tauri) at the right leg of the bull – Furibundus means “frantic, maddened or inspired” (quite a range of meaning, lol).

Further south, we see the stars Beid and Theemin both of Eridanus – yet, not in the same “loop” of it – Beid, near the “origin” flowing towards Aries and Theemin marking the turn back to Aries after it’s loop in Aries…

The river flows first in the “evolutionary” direction, with the precession, the stars and planetary / lunar nodes – yet the river takes a turn in Aries and flows back into Taurus with the direction of the planets, to then again here take a turn with Theemin….

Imagine this: from Zaurak the loop in Aries and back to Theemin looks like a “half heart” and if you imagine “lines” between Kursa to Rigel of Orion, down to Lepus’ stars and then to Theemin – we have a whole heart….

The picture I get here:

If we mirror the scary, the fears and worries, the losses and pains and trying to “slain” them, instead of facing them, understanding them and taking their scares away, we will remain in this kind of “victim consciousness” that requires “fight”… yes, we may not “turn to stone, freeze”, yet, we have “seen it” and may keep it somewhere within ourselves and so it may "re-emerge" (triggers)….

The fairytale "neverending story" matches perfectly again (it's on YouTube, easy to watch) - the little boy reads a story and goes through a process of "mirroring" as well, and suddenly understands through this process, that it's him who can safe all the life in Phantasia. He slams the book close and runs, yet, he comes back and says yes, to that "unknown" path....

Do you see yourself, or the world around in any way "mirrored" in these few sentences about the fairytale??....


"Perfectly orchestrated" it is....

The Saturn and Eris cycle last septile is explained in detail...

The Jupiter and Saturn cycle first sextile is explained in detail ...

Just short:

While the Saturn - Eris cycle is in a part of cycle that connects to "left overs" to be used for "seeding" and connecting us to the infinite; the Jupiter - Saturn cycle is in a "pushing through" phase of "new quality" - therefore "using" up what the other cycle is seeding...

That of course does happens on all levels - there might be "stuff" we have carried with us for a while (may that now be literal stuff or otherwise), that suddenly "becomes" sense and some kind of "use" again (directly or for someone else, lol or both) .... it might also refer to ancestral themes or the connection to "galactic and universal" themes, to "essences"...

Because we have here "higher learning, connections, beliefs, structures, maturity" and so on connected in various ways, it can affect kind of everything and anything.... and don't forget Eris - if looking at her as a "primordial" energy as like the night, there are limitless possibilities, which pushes us towards the "Sedna" energy, who's an example that we can transform all the "bad" stuff into something new, a "new kingdom" or "castle"....

Whatever it is for one personally - a reminder about the fact, that energy is indestructible but transformable.... so be creative....

The Vesta-Sedna - Pluto trine and the "Pluto - Grandtrine"

Grandtrine energy feels "familiar, natural and stable", which can bring some "inertia" as of "it's enough and all good, why do more etc.", yet a Grandtrine can also bring the understanding (or lack of it) that what we individually find "natural", might not be so for others...

It holds very creative energy – either as in “ideas and visions” or as for “changes”/ adaptations or “upgrades” – it depends the state of the trines involved (first or last or both).

Furthermore can a Grand Trine bring coherence or a "self fulfillment" quality as well as a "messenger or communicative" aspect...

Pluto speaks about transformation, the process of death and rebirth and therefore he’s very powerful. Pluto as the “gate-keeper” of the inner-world, can bring us insights – the realization of our inner wealth and power – this realization is transformative, in which way though, is totally up to us. He's also about power, he's also about the misuse of that - just like nuclear power can be used in various ways…. More about Pluto:

During the Vesta - Sedna conjunction there's "only" this one trine active - yet, it holds both qualities/states within, which gives emphasis onto the "transformational" quality involved but also the power hold here (Pluto - all 3 planetary bodies hold the theme of "sacrifice and death" within too)... in some ways a "decision" to be made here.... do we see the "horror" of the past in the mirror or the fear of whatever or maybe even possibility....

The Grandtrine becomes active around the 16th of August - some people may feel it already though, depending ones sensitivity and, if it hits on personal placements....

It's Pallas, who makes the 3rd corner to become a stable triangle. I usually call Pallas our "creative problem solver", she's quite "mental", strategic and a "recycler" in the meaning that she can use anything as a "stepping stone"... she's also very able to put "the picture together"...

She's in last trine to Pluto and first trine from Vesta and Sedna (their conjunction is still active, yet in separating quality).

Pallas stands at the star Zavijava of Virgo in early sidereal Virgo. This area brings is a "conclusive" one, bringing the energies of "I have seen it and recognize"... In this sense like someone who was not only in the theater but also "backstage", understanding the concepts or intentions at work.... so kind of like "don't get fooled again" (good song!!)....

This is further "confirmed" by her standing in opposition to Neptune ("clarity" or "blinded" - depending ones choices)

The Grand Trine will dissolve around the 7th of September.... yet, another one will forming short after....

"jump link" to Vesta - Sedna conjunction

Much Love to you All,


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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

Astronomy: Jim Kaler, Wikipedia, Universeguide and more...

Geometry and Physics: Adam Apollo, Nassim Haramein and others

Animal spirit meaning and stories: by Bernadette King

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

Nourishing the own castle - New beginnings August 2022

Ceres – Varuna conjunction

at the star Decapoda of Cancer

On 18th of August 2022 – next conjunction on 17th of April 2027

Varuna with his mean orbit time of 279 years is much slower than Ceres with her ca. 4,5 years.

Varuna is one of the dwarf planets of “Pluto’s realm” and thus speaking of more universal affairs. Those parts of ourselves, that are not bond to the mere physical realms…

Ceres is an Asteroid in the main belt, orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

As such, this conjunction links our personal experiences of those outer/inner worlds with the societal belief structure…

I've seen such "4" choreography before but haven't really found any definition for it yet - to me, as it's in the sum of the angles more than 360 degrees, it may talk about longer term goals or influences. Number 4 also symbolizes the cross, the main directions, creation, the elements and more...

Yet, 2 "points" are connected whereas 2 others are "single" in this sense - start and outcome?...

Let me know, what you get out of this "upside down" 4...

Varuna is the “all knowing creator God” of India and stands for the natural flow of life and its rhythms. Astrologically the influence of Varuna is one of more cosmic, galactic or “Soul level” – all these outer “Trans Neptunian objects” seems to me to “refine” the Astrology towards the inner life and less the mundane level. The discovery position in middle of Gemini, conjoining Alhena does also give a “grounding-force” to it – meaning that we should “ground” the natural, cosmic laws of life and creator-force into our daily lives without hesitation and for the for the betterment of all life on Earth.

More about Varuna:

Ceres is sometimes named the “new ruler” of Virgo and speaks about mature feminine energies. How we nurture ourselves and others - how we would like to be nurtured or how we receive nurturing. The theme of nurturing includes the energetics we take in as for example our environment, people, news and so on…. She also speaks about listening to our whole being, also the body – what do we need to feel well – a long hot bath, exercise, meditation…. The list is long…

More about Ceres:

Ceres meets Varuna at 10°42’57” sidereal Cancer close to the star Decapoda of Cancer a little north of the ecliptic and also of influence the star Asellus Borealis of Cancer… further north the constellations Ursa Major and Lynx are of influence as well as in the south the Hydra (it’s heads).

If we take the energies of the meeting point and the planets together, we get a clear picture of nourishing the inner self and to work and live from there in order to create an environment nourishing for metamorphosis to happen… that means also an inner teamwork that is needed and it may lead to the awareness of others needing to do the very same…

When it comes to “outer” tasks like sweeping in front of the house etc., we can “outsource” or do for others but generally the inner stuff we must deal with ourselves… When we stop looking for the solutions outside of ourselves, we get to know ourselves with all the “edges and corners” there might be… it also leads to the understanding that everyone else is living within the same “laws or principles” and judgments of people instead of actions are pretty destructive energies.

We “live where our attention is” – so if we stay all the time in the “shit from the past” (Scarabaeus the old Egyptian depiction of now Cancer does collect dung and transforms it into something new) we attract more of it or kind of “spiral with it” but one day, we have to actually make a decision of what to nourish – the old “same-same” or something new and maybe better… just like instead of “healing” looking for that which can nourish well-being and health… same principle about fear – love etc. – the Cancer-Capricorn axis can bring the dissolving of polarities in the meaning of them to be judged in an emotional way and with that separated.

The theme of “time” is somewhat included as it’s also part of focus/nourishment – what do we give a lot of time to… do we give time to the self, to knowing ourselves and our very own abilities and possibilities… can we actually give time to ourselves to “enjoy”, to enjoy the senses we to perceive the beauty within and around us…

Another theme of this placement is security, safety, and the home – as I said in another post or video “home is where the heart is”, so, how much safety do we need to open our hearts? In my opinion and experience (as a Cancer Sun and Mars), one feels safe when “knowing” and that’s something nobody else than yourself can give to you… - this is further confirmed by the opposition of Chariklo in Capricorn. She wants us to be discerning but also to create our own “sacred space” where we feel safe and cared for and from there, we can plan and practice… Her placement here indicates that there might be a lot coming up but we can always deal with it in various ways – it’s our decision, our choice… All in all – it’s the coherence that will bring the manifestation …

On the homepage of my website, you can read two sentences that are most important to me and my understanding of lessons… “Get empowered by the Universe and your own experiences” and secondly “focus on that which you want, like freedom, peace, love …”

With Ceres, we can replace the word focus with the term “nourishment” ….

As Varuna is a slow-moving planet, he’ll be in Cancer for a while, yet Cancer is a very small constellation and Varuna travels a bit north and will approach his “exact” conjunction with the star Alminhar (Arabic: Al Minhar al Asad = the Lion’s nose) … it will still be in the sign of Cancer, so it’s not “full blown” Leo-energy there as we traditionally know it, but we start to get a “fresh breeze” literally 😉

So, the 2027 conjunction will still be taking place in Cancer – yet, at whatever personal point of growth, understanding and decision making we might be – it never stops, there’s always “more” as the whole Universe is expanding, so do we 😉

Mercury – Hygiea conjunction on the same day at around 8°17’ sidereal Scorpio

Conjoining the stars at the Scorpion’s head

= they make their conjunction in a trine-aspect from the Ceres-Varuna conjunction

Mercury, the “god’s Messenger” is all about communication, in inner (neurological system for example) as well as outer ways, commerce, connecting the outer with the inner world or the gods with man, information, learning. He’s of airy, mental energies.

More about Mercury:

Hygiea is name giving for hygiene – she’s about maintenance of a state (like health), purity, clarity, cleanliness etc.

More about Hygiea:

The stars on the several degrees north and south of the ecliptic want to make us realize that we’re not victims to our surroundings but that all is part of the cosmic, natural laws including the “karmic” law of cause and effect. Once one starts the path of self-mastery and this realization is integrated, the whole life will change. This means the theme of taking responsibility for the own actions and therefore experiences we make. Victim consciousness = refusal to learn a lesson = repetition (also a Chiron theme) …. Once the lesson is learned, one may even become thankful to the lesson and everyone involved as the change opens doors to new and different experiences….

The head of Scorpio, speaks especially about the realization of the victim consciousness and marks the possibility for change, to “turn” the wheel and start the work and changes needed for a new, refined look at self and the world… As the “head”, we also talk about brain-functions, neurological aspects of life…

Scorpio does generally also get a lot to do with sexuality, or better said this creative row energy – it can be directed in many different ways…

Mercury does also get a lot to do with the neurological system and we may want to “improve” our own capacities for which we need inner communication and teamwork… Hygiea does bring the knowledge and capacity to maintain a “higher state” (not victim) and Mercury will communicate that within – bringing those neurological pathways into proper motion… We’re working on refinement here, to improve those pathways but for that the acknowledgment of the underlaying “problem” and the laws/ principles involved are of most importance…

This Mercury – Hygiea conjunction does stand also in a loose trine to Jupiter who stands right at the vernal point in Pisces…

In my opinion, this last Trine to Jupiter indicates that there’s the chance to growth in an evolutionary sense, an expansion that can be seen also in the outer world…

Yet, the “work” or decisions and focus described above needs to take place to bring forth a flow that is welcomed and in alignment with galactic consciousness….

Jupiter has in the last 2 months traveled over “primordial” energies at the cuspal area between sidereal Aquarius and Pisces – over the next years Neptune is following this path – since it is also the area that hosts the March equinox, it’s traditionally thought of the house of “new beginnings”, yet same time it’s also the house of most “public”, visibility, presence etc.

Even though not directly linked through aspects, this chart also presents us with another conjunction …

Mars – Chiron conjunction conjoining the star Linteum of Pisces

Mars represents our willpower, outwards action, physical activity, masculine energy, leadership and so on.

More about Mars:

Chiron is called the “wounded healer” and is a Centaur yet from a “god’s lineage”. He knows about pain and trauma, yet couldn’t heal himself until he sacrificed those and therefore gained mastery… Breaking loops and repetitive behavior is often a theme with him, especially when he’s in the “loop phase” of his orbit (which he is now).

We can’t break “loops”, if we’re not aware of them or don’t know their deeper origin or meaning. Therefore a “higher” consciousness is needed to deal with such patterns once and for all…

Remember what I said about the “victim consciousness” – it’s one of those patterns that keeps us “low” and stuck in some ways until we recognize it and with that breakthrough … An interesting aspect of this is for example when we find excuses of “why” we have this or that “wound” or problem and with that give it “validation / permission” to stay… nothing will change, no matter how many pills or therapies or whatever one may undergo to try to get an “easy fix” ….

More about Chiron:

Well, the star Linteum of Pisces represents the theme of “uncovering” or “covering” – our decision – sometimes “covering” can be a good thing as it might help to protect – just like protecting furniture with some sheets or the caterpillar which hides in the cocoon – yet, that’s all a temporary state right … one day the butterfly can emerge … one day, we can take the covers off the furniture we have protected …

With Mars here and with Chiron, the next two years are talking about the process of uncovering. To be brave, willing, and self-leading in this process. Doesn’t mean we can’t ask for assistance, tips, and ideas, yet, Mars works best for us when we allow ourselves to listen to intuitive calls or the signs in our environment (synchronicities).

Earlier I was talking about “time” being a theme – well, “uncovering” is only possible when something got covered before right – so in this sense it deals with the past. There might be many “skeletons” buried somewhere within the collective but individually we can see through some portions of it and help to clean up that whole thing…

It’s necessary in order to start anew or to improve things – if we’re not aware, nothing changes.

Isn’t it beautiful how all these placements work wonderfully hand in hand… even so I know, I’m still amazed time after time 😊

Much Love to you All,

