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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

Astrology - 12,5 years cycle of Jupiter and Pluto - June 2024 update

Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycles Astrology - the Universe empowers us

with its limitless energies on our evolutionary path.


Jupiter and Pluto - first trine (120 degrees) on 14th of June 2024

This cycle has passed through another step - the second "square part" has started with the 90 degrees, yet had also to "finishing up" the first "square part" - now we're going into the part of the cycle, which starts with the first 120 degrees angle (in reference to the conjunction) and making the "middle" of this quarter and the "first 3rd" of the whole cycle.... yet, with this we same time start to create the second 3rd of the cycle...

It's a "shift" towards an expressing energy, the expression of inspiration in some ways... yet, in reference to the conjunction, it's more like "fulfilling" in a harmonious integrative way, whereas at the square we tried to "fight".... there's one thing to be aware of though - the second quarter is bringing us "symbolically" the fruits on the trees at its end, but now we're first gonna enjoy the flowers...

The first half (180 degrees) of a cycle is "subjective", building, growing and often without the knowing of where it will lead to... we can know, what we plant (potatoes, a fruit tree, vegetables) but we never know, what will happen in the process... "Trust" is involved and a "need"/idea to be fulfilled.

When major evolutionary steps are happening within the global or even universal currents, then we can't go to our "handbook or manual" and know how to go forward, or what will happen - "old concepts" of how to react or respond to specific situations may no longer work as something else, an additional "whatever" became a player...

For example the themes of A.I. - we have this "learning machine" that is scaring many and enriching others... the long term outcome isn't known yet and neither is, if those machines could really become a "threat" to Human kind or not....

YET, looking at the areas this specific trine is happening in and what Jupiter just has moved through - could it be, that the A.I. theme is just a "reflection" of what is going on for all of us "internally", a possible realization of us being "a biological version of A.I." following the principles of universal laws...

For "cycle history" and a short recap of the conjunction - use this "jump link"...

heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Jupiter and Pluto first trine in 2024

"Learning to use the “higher communications”, which are slumbering within us… to use the cosmic lyra, to bring our bodies to play a symphony that makes the soul dance… "

Was a sentence from the conjunction theme - "higher communication" can manifest in various ways and forms.... with Sedna involved, it might also mean that we may really go "our own ways"... and sometimes, that can be as simple as changing the perspective - a whole new world can open with such a simple step...

If we have gone "rock bottom" at one point or another, have been hurt, disappointed, betrayed and and and, can though be just the "gateway", the push into the own powers and recognition of Self... and with that - a "rebirth".....

There's always everything at play - the octaves, waves, frequencies but also the reflections, correspondence etc. - the Universal laws always are at play, if we're conscious of them or not... but "understanding" is not only revealing but leading to a creative action.... (by the way, action doesn't mean it has to be "extreme" or big etc.)


Jupiter is expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs and consequently expectations on a personal level and on societal level. How do we belief and expect the world to be like?? On the more physical side he’s about learning, “truth” and justice, travelling, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (kind of like “fullness of life”)…

Jupiter stands in the earlier part of sidereal Taurus:

The early degrees of Taurus are under the influence of the constellation Perseus including Star Algol, and the Pleiades. This area is about healing and realizing the own demons and shadows.  Our outer world is mirroring the inner world, so through the picture/life-situation a reflection of the inner world is presented and needs attention in order to be able to heal/change or its power and possibility recognized. Perseus used in his myth the reflection literally to finally kill Medusa. The Star Algol represents the one frozen/stoned in fear, trapped in habits and limiting beliefs, and no longer able to move but brings a forthgoing feel, if we’re brave enough to use Perseus’ (or our) abilities.   


Pluto speaks about transformation, the process of death and rebirth and therefore he’s very powerful. Pluto as the “gatekeeper” of the inner-world, can bring us insights – the realization of our inner beauty and power – this realization is transformative, in which way though, is totally up to us…. He's also about power, and the misuse of that - just like nuclear power can be used in various ways…

Pluto stands in the earlier part of sidereal Capricorn...

The first half of Capricorn is therefore all about the "manifestation" or structuring. The "higher" our vibration, the clearer we are and depending our intention, such "structuring" is taking more or less effort (or perception of such). Let me explain with an example: 

A Musician might be very passionate and not perceiving it as "work" but in order to practice and maybe writing music, a "solitary" space is needed, the Musician will also think about how to make the creations available for the public.... when this Musician sent out clear "intention and wishes" to the Universe, the possibilities and chances will open, ready to be taken with "earthly action".... Therefore, the more aligned we are with our creations, the easier it becomes - kind of "effortless" but if we do, just to survive without any "passion" / dedication behind it, it may feel "hard and heavy"....


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Other interesting features in this chart is, that Jupiter is still in conjunction with Sedna and Pluto of course also in trine with her, besides Pluto being in his first square with Haumea and with the "testing and radiating" 135 degrees angle with Orcus, and Neptune approaching his first 60 degrees from Pluto...

Interesting also the fact, that Saturn stands now at the longitude of the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction.... which, in my opinion adds some "futuristic" energy to this whole chart, maybe even in the sense of "foresights" or "quantum jumps"....

Jupiter and Pluto both are also in aspects with Venus in earlier sidereal Gemini (Solstice point) - Venus is 30 degrees ahead of Jupiter and therefore 150 degrees ahead of Pluto.

So, we have a direct link to the heart and values here - when Venus was with Pluto, it was actually a triple conjunction with Mars as well.... transformation and unity between the feminine and masculine principles in a "teamwork".


The Jupiter – Pluto cycle first square end of June 2023

Their conjunction was actually a triple conjunction together with Pallas and took place at 28° sidereal Sagittarius on 31st of July / 1st of August 2020… this placement also means; it took place on Saturn's Southnode and the Saturn – Pluto conjunction did take place just a few months before that between Pluto’s and Saturn’s Southnodes and was a triple conjunction too but with Ceres…

The entanglement here is important as you will see “step by step”…

A first square is kind of like the “Northnode” of a cycle – it’s rising energy, the new that wants to be “actualized” / confirmed … it’s like the growing, organizing of the “inspirational” phase of the cycle is done and now an outwards activity is asked for… in some ways like “spring energy”….

Jupiter talks about expansion also of consciousness, higher learning and viewpoints as well as resulting understanding, also beliefs which can be a tool as in like "placebo and nocebo effects"....

Pluto is about the deep transformational processes, the deep hidden and secret (or maybe sacred) and as that "underworld" very powerful...

Some “cycle history”

I have never done a complete Jupiter – Pluto research – yet, I have done it with the Saturn– Pluto cycle (which was the first one, as I saw them starting a new “cycle within cycles”)…. I asked myself: "when were Jupiter and Pluto meeting last in that approximate place of the 2020 conjunction"… it was on 23rd of May 1771.

And guess what – it was a quadruple conjunction with Jupiter – Pluto and Pallas and Ceres!!! While Saturn was under the nose of the lion in a 150° aspect…

Also – nodal axis do move – in that 1771 conjunction they stood both around 14 minutes south of the ecliptic (Jupiter 13°33’ – Pluto 14°9’) and their declination was only 15 seconds apart around 22°29’ south (of the celestial equator)… sigh, yet, at that time Pluto was still unknown….

Back to 2020 – their conjunction took place in an area that is “finalizing” Sagittarius – so a “culmination” there in this sense, the understanding of the themes of ideals, truth and communication on a higher level… when we include the constellation Octans roughly 60° south of the ecliptic and the constellation Lyra around 60° north of the ecliptic, we can right away see the themes of vibration and frequency – the cosmic lyre and the octaves to play – they always speak the truth - this also means they are together in a distance of 120 degrees and that means a harmonic trine and the ecliptic in the middle…

Have you ever tried to dance when the music of the “moment” doesn’t move you?? Yeah, it’s hard 😉, you can use trained movements but when there’s no resonance it’s also what one vibrates out, it's kind of "automatic' a bit "robotic"….

It goes much further than the problem of dancing – of course, it includes to detect the vibrational alignments or misalignments of things we hear but also about “alignments” in our bodies, the chakra system for example….

Especially as we have Pluto involved, we’re here talking about deep stuff, the “underworld”, the secrets etc., yet also "Earth and the gut", and importantly about deep transformational processes – Jupiter adds “expansion” (also of consciousness), higher learning and viewpoints, ideals and beliefs…

Learning to use the “higher communications”, which are slumbering within us… to use the cosmic lyra, to bring our bodies to play a symphony that makes the soul dance…

So, it’s a pretty impressive and important combination 😉 and they work not only on the individual level but as an outcome also on the societal and generational level…

Back to 2023 – Pluto stands in early sidereal Capricorn, just on the constellation cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn and near the Northnode of Chariklo (note, she’s not far from there in here rising phase and plays a role also because of her being conjoined by Hygiea). Here he find themes like “focus”, observation, sacred “space” within and without etc.

Jupiter though, as you may remember, is still in separating conjunction with Eris and himself at the star Torcularis of Pisces… this star name translates to a wine-press or cellar – we could also see in it the theme of “essence”….

As Eris is on the “other side” of the Kuiper belt – we could say, she’s on the other side of that part of Pluto’s realm – if we want to work with these energies, there’s no “fear” allowed and hesitation does slow us down or even hinders us…. Eris theme is to see “reality”, the fact that the maybe not so comfortable things in our lives usually turn things around – yet, they’re not necessary, or not in any “extreme” way, once we show our willingness to apply what we have learned…

We’re dealing with soooo much Love…. It just makes me cry….

It’s truly eye and heart opening what Eris offers – and may even “catapult” us towards those fairly unknown planet’s energies that orbit far beyond her and with that to a consciousness far beyond the visible realm and far beyond our solar system… galactic and universal consciousness….


The 2020 Jupiter - Pluto conjunction ... geocentric / heliocentric mixed...

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