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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

Earth "Gaia" - her and our evolutionary path

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Earth 1992 by Explorer 1 - NASA/JPL

While I’m busy with all of my research and viewing hundreds of heliocentric charts, I got more and more into viewing where Earth actually stands…. Mostly in Astrology we’re using the geocentric view and even though that makes Earth our “center point”, we never really talk about her relation to it but only about the effect on Human’s – yes, we’re very tightly connected to her as we All know 😉 but hey, we’re also tight to her evolutionary cycle and that “view point” we often leave out of mentioning – she’s our “floor”/roots but as so often, we prefer to look far and outside instead of what we have just right under our feet… I often talk about Axis (Astrology) and Polarities (Universal Laws) – in Astrology we always talk about where the Sun stands and identify with that – Earth is always exactly opposite of that as viewed in a heliocentric chart. So, if the Sun is in Sagittarius, Earth is in Gemini…. Therefore. we have an actual emphasis on the axis and not only on the Sun and its position. Earth and we All are now actually “opposing” the place where Saturn and Pluto made their new cycle synod a year ago (around 10th to 13th of January 2020), which is also right in between their two Southnodes and therefore Earth right between their Northnodes – as the Southnodes are about the digestion of themes or input, the Northnodes are about the “intake” kind of the “highest” point of this input. It’s like Earth and we are gathering the information and the Sun is digesting it through expression.

Earth is very much influenced by the Moon as well as the other way round – as Earth keeps the Moon around her and the Moon influences the sea, the plants and our moods etc. – so these nodes and their cycles are important to Earth – with the new Moons she goes within, the power is in the roots and with the full Moon she exposes her powers the most in the outside – the plants put their power up from the roots into the leaves…. An important cycle in agriculture/ gardening, just as a sidenote 😉 … The lunar node axis (crossing of Moons orbit with the ecliptic) is therefore a very important “longer” cycle between the Two. In early September 2020 we had the change of the lunar nodal axis from Sagittarius/Gemini axis to Scorpio/Taurus axis. That did happen while the Sun stood in Leo but Earth stood in Aquarius at that time…. Meaning a “cross” if only looked at the signs and not degrees – Taurus/Scorpio and Leo/Aquarius is the fixed cross…. This is a roughly 1,5 years cycle energy and will change with the shift into the Aries/Libra axis (lunar nodes) which will occur in early March 2022, while the Sun is in Aquarius and Earth in Leo (just interchanged!!) – it takes around 18.6 years for a full cycle (from lunar Southnode to Southnode).

Taurus is an “earth sign” and Scorpio a “water sign” – The axis that talks about the deep inner truth and transformation (Scorpio – Antares it’s Alpha Star but also the constellation of Ophiuchus and others) – the own value system, the self and self-reliance or to stand for oneself (Taurus – Aldebaran it’s most known star, the constellations Perseus but also Capella and it’s constellation Auriga and half of Orion, where the long winding “river of life” Eridanus starts in the direction to Aquarius, where it’s “delta” is situated – it’s also the direction of Earth’s precession).

Another important axis and nowadays cross for Earth is the crossing points of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic (our path around the Sun), which is at around 5° Sagittarius (north) – Gemini (south) Axis. The Galactic Pole Axis at around 5° Virgo (north) – Pisces (south) forms the “Galactic Grand Cross” which influences Earth a lot in her path…. And is for some years “overlaid” by Earth’s own “Grand Cross” formed by the Equinox – Solstice Cross at roughly 4°50’ Pisces – Virgo axis (Equinoxes) and the Solstices in Gemini – Sagittarius. We could say, Earth is on the “galactic path” – an important point of her own evolutionary path and therefore our as well.

Sagittarius – Gemini axis was also very much in focus for over a year now by the “stellium” as well as by the various synodic cycles started by various bodies like Ceres, Chariklo, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Pallas and a lot talked about. Same for the Pisces – Virgo axis but maybe less, as there wasn’t so much focus on and that may be a part of the “Grand Cross Problem” so to speak – focusing on one axis and “leaving” the other one out, may bring more conflict and obstacles into the path than one would wish for….

Now the “Age” of Pisces, which we’re in for 1800 years now, means that the Sun is in Pisces during spring equinox and in Virgo during autumn equinox and therefore for Earth the other way round. –The theme of “galactic integration” seems a given but shouldn’t we maybe have a bit a look at that Pisces/Virgo axis? Pisces themes or tasks are transcendence/clarity, spirituality etc. grounded into the pure intention, organization and more let’s say “physicality/ life-form” of Virgo….

Last time we lived through an age (equinoxes) involving this axis was from roughly 12970 BC to 10776 BC after that it moved into the Leo/Aquarius axis – just note – the equinox signs were interchanged at that time, we’re just “half way round” so to speak…. The longitude equivalence back then was around the year 11’120 BC and we will move into the Aquarius/Leo axis at around 2357 AD (all data I calculate with Astrodienst using the “Galactic-Equator-Fiorenza sidereal zodiac”). Well – we don’t really know much about Earth back then or any civilizations – what “know” is, that around then there was the “great flood” – some call this the “reset” – well, maybe Earth just simply “re-birthed” herself 😉 – It seems, according to new possible dating of the Pyramids and discovery of other ancient sites, that new civilizations grew within the age of the Leo/ Aquarius axis (I often think about the image of the Sphynx – a Lion and a Virgin? – only a thought) – maybe why so many people think the Age of Aquarius will be the “golden age” – however, before that, we have to “solve and finish” the themes of the Pisces/Virgo axis together with Earth… For the moment though, we don’t really know with which axis this whole cycle started and therefore we don’t know in which “part” of it we stand – are we about to reach “culmination” with the change into Aquarius/Leo or are we already almost through it? Who knows, when a spiral starts or ends really as it’s ongoing….

In around the year 203 this cycle-part had started and since we (Earth and Humanity) went through many happenings – many have been bringing a lot of change, some better and some worse, according the “smaller cycles” involved but one theme seems to me standing out – wars and the ongoing greed for power over others through fear by whatever kind of systems and constitutions. To a certain degree, the world wars of last century did bring realization to many and maybe the fact that we were on the merge to self-destruction, did bring a bit of change but after the first few decades of “the time after” things started to kind of go on like “busy(i)ness as usual”. In my experience it’s all “simple” but not “easy” – so let’s look at things from that “simple” view-point: Polarities – there are always Those who want to overpower others and there are Those who let that happen – one can’t be without the other to function as that – it would need change from within to “jump out” of this polarity without ending up on the opposite side 😉 (which would be “revenge”). As polarities exist in every “realm”, this process is ongoing – to realize, to integrate and to therefore “jump over”/grow….

But back to Earth – she’s on a galactic path, together with the whole solar system and possibly galaxy(s)… We’re part of Earth’s so called “ascension” or simple term “evolution”. For most Beings (possibly including Earth), such major changes can be a little frightening at times and causing “eruptions” of emotions until stabilized, harmonized, settled in… I would like to compare it with “moving home” – at first all is new, a little insecure, maybe some toe banging when waking in the middle of the night and so on until we have “integrated” and “settled”….

So, let’s together with Earth travel that Galactic Path without hesitation nor fear and use the “higher ideals” of Sagittarius paired with the openness and curiosity of Gemini – taking the inner truth and knowledge (Sagittarius) and new values (Taurus) set courageously and in integrity (Leo) into the collective future (Aquarius)…

Much Love to you All,


Picture: 1992 picture by "Explorer 1" NASA/JPL called "family portrait"

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