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New Beginnings September 2024

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology.

The heavens do tell us stories - there's never just a conjunction or just one month of this or that - they are wonderfully working hand in hand - orchestrating....

23.09.2024 - Hygiea meets Eris in very late sidereal Pisces - I will update this post later ...

14.09.2024 - Mars conjoins Uranus for conjunction

15.09.2024 - Pallas reaches her most northern point of orbit

4.-6.09.2024 - Mercury and Mars at their Northnodes, and in between meet in conjunction.

Very "personal" times or "charts" we're dealing with and they also show us, how this got influence onto our "world"....

The connections of the mind-body-action/reaction with our ability to problem solving or to initiate change and transformation...

 I have explained a “principle” I see within the Mercury-Mars cycles (mind-body-action) in general further down… jump there...


I would like to show you how that develops further….


Mercury/Hermes (communication, collaboration, learning, etc.)  is really “running fast” at the moment – he’s rushing with over 6 degrees a day through the constellations Taurus and Gemini (14th of September at Propus io of Gemini and on the 15th almost exact at Pollux, the head of the immortal Twin). By the time he reaches Pollux, he will have slowed a little bit…


So, he just had his chat with Mars (activity, vitality, leadership, etc.), integrating Venus’ attributes (beauty, the arts, values etc.) and carried them to Uranus (liberation, change, suddenness etc.), then noted that there’s the influence of Sedna (the return of the “exiled”, imagination and phantasy etc.) lingering south in the constellation Taurus and then makes his way over to Jupiter (expansion, growth, “higher” viewpoints etc.) and has a talk with him too.

After he travels north of Orion’s shield before he crosses through the galactic equator (Milky Way stream) and after this quick “bath or shower” he rushes himself "refreshed" through the constellation Gemini…


When Mercury/Hermes reaches Propus io (a single old and evolved yellow giant star), there’s same time a chatter going on between Mars and Uranus – I think it’s interesting to note, that Propus iota is together with Pollux and Castor forming a triangle with 2 equal side lengths, meaning, Mercury at this star forms a connection between Castor and Pollux….

This connection is also recognized in the various constellation drawings.


Mercury now moves on to connect directly with Pollux, it’s head or ear (depending the interpretation)… Pollux itself is the Beta star of the constellation Gemini, even though Pollux is brighter than Castor, the alpha star – it’s actually pretty often, that the traditional designation doesn’t match today’s brightness…  It’s also interesting to note, that Pollux got a planet orbiting while Castor is a multiple star system.


While Mercury is with Pollux, he’s also in a quincunx (150° angle) with Pallas…..

Pallas most northern point of orbit at the star Rasalhague – alpha star of the constellation Ophiuchus

Heliocentric Astrology chart about Pallas being at her most northern point of orbit in 2024

Pallas circled red ...


The red triangle, is Pallas to Earth in a first square and Earth to Varuna in Cancer a last 135°, Pallas forms a first 135° from Varuna – these numbers are related through the number 8 (360° divided by 8 is 45°).

Pallas is also in a trine (120°) from Chiron, Hygiea and also Eris…  Eris is related through angles to all of them too, as she’s at a cuspal area…  Hygiea will conjoin Eris exactly later this month...


Mercury stands in a last 150° to Pallas and a first trine from Earth. Mercury is in a sextile (60°) from the Mars-Uranus conjunction and Earth stands in a 60° as well…

Venus moved on a little too – she’s now between the constellations Libra and Scorpio.



Pallas is Jupiter’s “brain child” (Greek mythology) and is of a fearless character. She fights if needed for justice and harmony. She’s intelligent and creative, puts the pieces of information together to find innovative/creative solutions to problems.


Mars is traditionally the “God of war” – innovative, vital and active, also of leadership qualities, how we apply our “willpower”, our inner force. Really a lot of physical and “sexual” energy, the divine masculine principle (can have a lot to do with “protection”). Immature Mars can be very impulsive and if afflicted he can express as “explosive, ballistic” power.      

Uranus is the liberator and scientist (also technology), can show rebellious behavior but also surprising and sudden attribute.  He can, for example, personify the “eccentric scientist or professor”.  Liberation can also stand for “individualization” or to “let go” of stuff by just going “forward”.



Mercury and Mars conjunction at their north nodes in sidereal Aries - near Botein of Aries


Northnodes are like the “Ascendants” of planets in relation to the ecliptic, or let’s say, their orbit (path of action) crosses with the one of the Earth/Moon system… once “ascending” (northnode) and once “descending” (southnode).

Mercury and Mars have their planetary crosses (nodal axis, most south and north) very close to each other, therefore they “work” closely together – when they have a conjunction at any of their “angles”, it’s an important emphasis on the quality of their conjunction.


About 3 weeks ago Mercury was at his most southern point of orbit in late Capricorn (written about in the “August new Beginnings”) and Mars was at his most southern point also in later Capricorn in April this year…

They last met on 28th of May 2024 in later sidereal Aquarius and will next time meet on 9th/10th of December 2024 near the star Mebsuta of Gemini.


Mercury, the “god’s Messenger” is all about communication, in inner (neurological system for example) as well as outer ways, commerce, connecting the outer with the inner world or the gods with man, information, learning.

Mars is traditionally the “God of war” – innovative, vital and active, also of leadership qualities, how we apply our “willpower”, our inner force. Really a lot of physical and “sexual” energy, the divine masculine principle (can have a lot to do with “protection”). Immature Mars can be very impulsive and if afflicted he can express as “explosive, ballistic” power.      


They always “work together” as we know from their “planetary cross” – for example – we have a system, that moves our body/limbs sometimes even before we know consciously or having given a “command”… have you ever had the situation, when you opened the mouth to say something but closed it again, because we forgot what we really wanted to say or aren’t sure of how to say it?? Or the “classic”, finding oneself somewhere (in another part/room of the home) to then return because one forgot why we went there the first place – often, it suddenly comes back to mind with a little more or less delay….

This is not a disease or something, it just only means we focused onto something else and our body followed an only “brief thought”, or a subconscious “command” – so we were not “HERE, in the now” with our attention…

 So, there’s a lot of “programming” involved, which is nothing “bad”, no, opposite actually – it means we have a “perfect” collaboration at work. On the “human, physical, incarnate” level, we’re often challenged with that understanding, even though we actually do use the system every day and we use it consciously when we “learn” something new.

Learning is expanding the system – new synapsis are built in the brain, maybe new “movements” of the body are involved etc., for example, learning to dance or to drive a car or motorbike or as kids when learning to ride a bicycle or how to write etc. At first it seems very hard and a tall mountain to climb, yet, once that’s all put into “place” as “learned”, it’s just used, without further thought – opposite, when you know how to drive and then in a situation start to think about, what you have to do, or when you get a new car where maybe certain things are different, suddenly the driving doesn’t go as smoothly anymore, because we “interfere” with the thinking mind….

It's a principle at work – as that, we do not need to know all it’s details (unless we want to do so), just as we don’t need to be a mechanic, engineer etc. in order to fly/drive/ride and fulfill the basic needs of the vehicle we chose as “transportation tool”…

Just as the car will give “signals” of one or another kind of “problem” within the system’s flow, so will our body or our life in general.

There though, might come the time we do want to "dive deeper" into a theme or "evolve"... yet, sometimes, we're not even consciously aware of having made the choice - then things can become tricky as we may start to "battle" with ourselves, or look for the "manual" of how to do so when in fact the "manual" is ourselves / within...

Heliocentric astrological conjunction wheel of Mercury and Mars by Fran Arnet

No 2 on the diagram, is the one we’re now experiencing (“random” choice of the “now times”)…


All together, they meet 7 times during an orbit of Mars around the Sun, yet, it needs an 8th conjunction to bring them to complete the “zodiac wheel” or a little beyond.

With this, a 7 pointed “star” or better said “outlining shape” is created…  


I find it interesting, that in numerology, the Seven is associated to spirituality, creation, the “observer” etc. and whatever one personally associates with these terms (belief systems etc.).

The chart of the Mercury – Mars conjunction


heliocentric sidereal astrology chart about the Mercury and Mars conjunction September 2024

As they’re close and near their northnodes, I think it’s interesting to note, that on 25th/26th of October 2023 they met approaching their Southnodes in the constellation Libra, with Ceres a little on the other side of their SN….

This time, on the opposite side in later Aries, we have Uranus nearby.

Venus is approaching their south nodes in this chart – loosely opposite.

Venus connects in a trine (120°) to Earth and Saturn in Aquarius and Mercury and Mars do connect with them via a sextile (60°). Nearby Nessus should not be “overlooked” though. 


As all these planets are “entangled” through aspects, so are their themes for us - it's very personal and "core"/ fundamental, which is linked and reflected to the “outer” world….


Mercury and Mars meet near the star Botein of Aries, there are other stars and constellations important for the energies of this area. Together they’re providing forward-orientated action to fulfill any kind of “desire”, which can also be felt as “erupting”. It can manifest as sexual drive, creative action but also as “war-like” energy – depending one’s choice as there is also the energy that talks about the inner need for truth and righteousness (not justice!!!). “War like energy” also means that there has to be an “enemy”, someone or something to blame for what happens. A pattern we’re all very well aware and accustomed to but it’s not really serving one – neither within, nor without.


Venus speaks about our sense of beauty, art etc. and connects our “value system” as well.

An opposition speaks of “integration and a point of awareness” – it’s not always as easy as it sounds as we’re often “fighting” right that. The area she stands in, or is approaching does emphasize on the “letting go”, the “weighing of the heart” in ancient traditions. What is it that we’re holding on to, what is it that is making us heavy.

Uranus is the liberator and scientist (also technology), can show rebellious behavior but also surprising and sudden attributes, can for example personify the “eccentric scientist or professor”.  Liberation can also stand for “individualization” or living the “true self”.

An almost conjunction is like the “light” at the end of the tunnel – it’s envisioning energy. Uranus also stands in this very “potent” area of the cuspal area between sidereal Aries and Taurus. He’s emphasizing here on a “bridging” or transitioning quality. His movement over the last years over the northnodes of Mercury and Mars has allowed us to “liberate” something within us, what that means for you personally, you know BEST….

The Earth represents our “playground”, how we anchor our incarnation, grounding, the energetics of the planet and with that the resonances and harmonies we create.

In geocentric view, the Sun would be directly opposite in the constellation Leo and north of Orcus (oaths, promises, life path).


Saturn is about authority, structures, order and law but not only material structures (like our skeleton/body or buildings) but also about societal structures, political structures and structures of our inner life… other key words are commitment, responsibility and to mature… He reminds us, that we build our structures ourselves and need to take on the responsibility in order to live our sovereignty….  

Earth and Saturn work VERY well together – structuring and ordering is a theme they both stand for in a little different ways though. Saturn here does remind us, WE the people do structure our society we live in, not only in the outside but also how things go on within ourselves. I always think also of Saturn’s poles – the eye in the storm on one side and the hexagonal shape on the other…  They stay at the urn and legs of the waterbearer – the stability we need to make sure we can actually handle the outpouring water…   


I think, it's important to add some "clarification" here - "letting go" / accepting can be a transformational process, within which we allow the experiences to become wisdom, to "condense it to wisdom"... similar to compress information within our devices to safe storage space...

That wisdom remains, the "need" to repeat the experience though isn't...

This also applies to things we actually like - because there comes a time, it's just not as it used to be and can even become "mouldy" in feel...

It might be especially important to those who belief in a "soul journey" or "continuation" of some sort, because on this level there's no time and no separation...

Much Love to you All,


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New Beginnings September 2023

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