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New Beginnings September 2023

Updated: Jan 25

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology.

The heavens do tell us stories - there's never just a conjunction or just one month of this or that - they are wonderfully working hand in hand - orchestrating....


30st of August 2023 Venus most south in her orbit, at around 20° sidereal Aquarius.

conjoining Nessus / opposing Orcus

Mercury approaching most southern point as well in sidereal

Capricorn and for a few hours, Venus and Mercury are in their

last 30° of cycle together....

4th of September 2023 Venus conjoins Neptune in early sidereal Pisces same time

Mercury conjoins Saturn in earlier sidereal Aquarius

During these days, the Earth/Moon system travels from Saturn to Nessus....

As we have these many "personal or terrestrial" planets involved, I think it's noteworthy what Mars as the "4th" and our “active side” is doing - he travels through later degrees of sidereal Virgo during these few days, first opposing Chiron and later Eris… matching too...


Mercury and Venus as "inner" planets are also the "fastest" orbits as they have less "ground" to cover...

Venus' orbit does make only slight "curves" to the south or north of the ecliptic. Nevertheless, it's a part of her orbit, of the "energetics" - just like even if a season isn't in its extreme of expression it's still "that season".... south means, a new start, a new intention or "integration".... and we're going through that also with Mercury, who's orbit is going much further south and north than Venus'....

Mercury as the mind and “messenger” and Venus as “heart and beauty” or the value system are important and “fundamental” parts of our existence….

Naturally, even if people don’t have lots of money, there is a tendency to do or create something beautiful or artistic.… even if it’s just cleaning or rearranging something, to enjoy and admire the color of flowers, a sunrise or set, the moon, a butterfly or a strange form of a rock or a piece of wood or the smile of a stranger somewhere… especially, if we can make our minds and hearts to be open to the possibility of there being beauty even if “life seems miserable”…

Nessus is one of the often “uncomfortable” ones – he’s about abuse and neglect or to take it away from the extremes, where we jeopardize ourselves – may that now be we to us or others, direct or indirect…

Saturn is about structures and order, systems, authority and responsibility etc.


A blessing in disguise

In these next 10 to 12 days, we will have such moments - insights, realizations, gifts, possibilities and so on.... yet, its clear we have to be open....

We have the tendency to think about all "possibilities" of what could maybe happen - may that now be about health or loss of this or that, a lack of whatever, someone "stealing", something breaking whatever.... and we may come up with all kinds of ideas and measurements to "prevent" something - there might be creative force in it - yet, I think it's

not really the creative power used in full.... because we have still not done, what we really want right??

Focus, action, thought and feeling - all together work for creation.... what is the heart's foundation for whatever? What does the heart give to the mind?? - fear or love/ trust and passion etc.

Seljalandsfoss islandia
Seljalandsfoss islandia

Everything we think, feel and do, does have an effect – a “flow” in this sense – that’s true within our visible, physical world but also on subtle levels… when we talk with someone, we same time talk to ourselves too, the “energy” in this sense doesn’t only flow or effect the other but ourselves as well plus of course the other person’s words/energy does effect us to a certain degree as well… (we decide the boundaries)....

Therefore, we have a responsibility here, yet same time power – we can create a coherence within and the more honest we are in our communications within and without, the more “stable” we become also within…. You see, we do take the responsibilities, what is going “wrong”, yet we often tend to give much less attention to what we did right, what is a strength within ourselves etc.

In my last post about August and the energies flowing into September.... there's the "self fulfilling Grandtrine".... Now we will be directed from our heart and mind, to see our abilities or strength through the jeopardized "flow".... because "flow" is always created, as the flow is an effect - so, what effects are we creating.... yes, we may have "not so nice" effects but if we can accept it as exactly that, we can open the "veils" to see beyond that...

If we "allow" - we can see the strength, instead of the lack and concentrate on developing that ability.... it's kind of a "responsibility" we have for ourselves - yet, not in a condemning way but in "understanding", so we know what we want to "develop" and what we want to "dismiss"....

For many its this question of "trust" - can we really trust ourselves, our abilities and try to understand that sometimes we're not reachable through the "nice" but through the "ugly".

Just as we may be able to see a person's beauty in their hearts instead of in their outer form or appearance, we can do the very same with ourselves and whatever comes our way....

As much as there are "blessings in disguise" there are also it's opposite - usually called the "wolf in the lambs wool" or similar... well, I think also wolfs have "good qualities" as an animal or lets say "archetype" and so I don't really like that phrase.... anyhow, the energy I mean is pretty clear I guess, that there are also those situations we think at first it's "nice" and then we see it leads to something else....

Both sides of this coin, can be applied to inner work too - because honesty and being true to ourselves doesn't only mean to look for the "nice" things... yet, please, emotional reactions do not help - neither euphoria nor harsh self-judgment... calm, mature response - a recognition and then the decision "take or leave" ... its very powerful tool too.....

Yeah - the more of those "inner battles" we resolve or dissolve, the easier it becomes and it might help the "global" affairs to change too.... yet, all starts in the small.....

Much Love to you All,

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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

Heliocentric sidereal conjunctions 09.2022

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