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Nourishing the "own castle" - new beginnings August 2023

Updated: Jan 25

Heliocentric, sidereal, constellation or star based Astrology gives us a different view point - we can become the observer and gain insights that might otherwise be hidden...

For various reasons, I have decided to update previous years posts - the URL remains the same, yet title is "year-adjusted"... the new article/year is just added in front....

New beginnings and more August 2023

JUMP links only work for Subscribers (free and paid).... The "Conclusion" part is up front....

- Saturn and Eris last septile on 8th of August

- Vesta conjoins Sedna on 13th of August 2023 (ca. 4 years cycle)

- Jupiter and Saturn first sextile on 19th of August

- The "Pluto Grand trine" I discussed in last month's post is dissolving and forming anew with partly new members and with "gaps" active the whole month.

Conclusions / write up....

One of the main themes for this whole month, is a kind of breaking free of old habits, beliefs or boundaries (self made) in a very natural way - it's possible to just grow out of old shoes smoothly or even "effortless" - it's forward oriented energy, by same time discerning the old, or being aware of that, seeing through it and in best case with an understanding of the "principles at work" ...

It can be surprising and out of the blue (channels of higher communication are wide open) and "big" for one personally, and/or just small things in every day life - like sudden moments of "ohh, why didn't I think of this earlier" or "ok this IS and what now" moments and FLASH "ohhh, ok, I see" answers.... these "flashes" may happen generally or about themes one is "dwelling on" for a while (may that now be something "nice" or not)....

It's also putting things into "concept"/bigger picture and maybe even an understanding in a wider form than before, a "missing piece" suddenly appears etc... yet, with such an insight or understanding, there also comes the need for acceptance and integration, a kind of "ordering" it etc.

Sometimes such processes can go for years, sometimes they can go for only minutes or even less.... and I think that "even less" is something very available right now....

I mentioned the "stability" before and that includes the term "coherence" - so we can have a lot of this and it can serve as a foundation for whatever to come/become.... especially if we include our "feminine" side, those "flashes, insights, aha-moments etc." and the limitless possibilities the Universe has to offer...

As I said earlier - we can "transition" smoothly, or not so much - the more coherent we are, the more "automatic", naturally or magically everything can "become"....

Yet, be aware that "coherence" doesn't care about the intention - it works in "love and fear", yet, one will in the end be freeing and the other entrapping... and that's what I call "self-fulfilling" ..... giggles - no worries, it's just the mechanism and we'll see it more clearly....

The foundational, stable etc. energy also translates in a different way, which I call "back to the roots"/essence type of energy - so for example - when I was young, I learned accounting (worked in this profession for quite many years) on paper, actually learning how it works... of course I also learned how to use the computer for it - yet, as I knew how it works, I knew what the computer does and it was therefore easy to find a mistake if there was a "difference, inequality outcome".... younger people, who later did only learn by computer, didn't have that same understanding....

There's also still all these "emerging" happening - may that now be in archeology, various fields of sciences, in public life but also from quantum physics to space-telescope and possible life wherever - all of it opens the gates for possibility, learning and understanding of "principles, essences and mechanics" on all levels and planes, yet also disbelief, resistance etc. - again on all planes....

It's like this breaking through the crust of earth in the life of a little plant - our consciousness as a species is evolving - for the little plant though, that also means that there's wind and weather to be "endured"..... and in this sense for us too, yet, a little rain may alter our appearance but hopefully not our inside ;-) ....

Exciting times we're in really - so much to witness, to experience, to create - trust and dare.

Much Love to you All,


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