Heliocentric sidereal Astrology - provides us with a different view point and perspective...
Holding our torch high (vibration, radiation)
The “chapters” with “jump-links”…
General and about the Solstice
Winter-Solstice for some, Summer-Solstice for others… or just two points of an axis – once on this side, once on the other and back and forth, yet "one" and never separate…
We are always dealing with many “time-frames” – for the Sun one “orbit” takes a calculated ca. 225 million years and that would be “equivalent” to a “Sun-year”… Jupiter though got a year measured in Earth’s years of 13…. So, we’re always within cycles of whatever lengths…
When we look at the precession cycle in relation to the galactic “cross”, we have just started a new “age” and a new “season”/square….
Within all of that an Earth-year is very little – steps to take on the evolutionary path – within one’s personal incarnate life as well as within the path of Humanity and probably the solar system and further "structures"…
And just as it is 6 o’clock somewhere on the globe, there’s whatever season on a planetary or orbiting body somewhere in the solar system etc., etc. …
In heliocentric Astrology the Moon always conjoins the Earth and opposing the Sun – the Earth/Moon system stands at 4°39’29” (ca. middle of the solstice) sidereal Gemini over Orion and the Sun right opposite same degrees sidereal Sagittarius…
On these degrees on both “sides” also the apparent crossing of the milky way or in other words the galactic equator with the ecliptic. Furthermore, the ecliptical longitude of the celestial (Earth) pole axis is involved (north pole star Polaris of Ursa Minor in sid. Gemini and the southpole south of the constellation Octans in earlier sidereal Sagittarius).
Lots of interesting “alignments” we observe in these days for the solstices and equinoxes – we’re already on “the other side” of the exact alignment/ middle and therefore the beginning of another ca. 6400 years or so quarter of the precession year.
Earth stands over the shoulder of Orion (the star Betelgeuse) in early sidereal Gemini and the Sun on the other side near the M20 nebula, under the Serpens and under the shoulder or arm of Ophiuchus the serpent bearer in early sidereal Sagittarius….
Up in the north (pink) our polestar Polaris of Ursa Minor.
On the ca. 20° latitude the star Menkalinan of Auriga.
At 0° - ecliptic (blue) – the GEN or crossing of the galactic equator (violet) with the ecliptic….
On ca. 18° south the star Betelgeuse of Orion
Further south crossing through the constellations Lepus (the hare) and Columba (the dove).
You can see, that just the first few days after the Solstice, the Earth/ Moon system will travel through the region of Castor’s foot… a very brilliant part of the heavens…
The Earth/Moon system is also slowly approaching Earth’s Perihelion in the ca. middle of sidereal/constellation Gemini (in early January 2025) and that’s also roughly the longitude of the crossing between the celestial equator (green line) with the galactic equator (purple line)…
The Earth’s placement shows us, what we will see in the night sky “rising, culminating and setting” in this sense and of course we see the “neighboring” constellations as well…
Yet, on or from Earth, we’re also “bond” to our location and therefore the celestial equator (green line in the south) plays a big role…
During the day it’s similar with the Sun, just we can’t see the stars because we’re “blinded” by the light of our star….
Here some photos of the region in the sky that influences during the Solstice and a little after, in earlier Sagittarius….
In June 2024 I published a little "study" about both sides of the Solstices in general - link:
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Solstice 21st of December 2024
Including the Sun or in geocentric view the Earth, we complete the Grand Square in this year’s chart – it’s like a symbol of unity, oneness or wholeness…
The Earth is almost aligned with Asbolus (a Centaur north of the ecliptic in Auriga) a “Seer” and the Sun is almost aligned with Ixion (a minor planet in Pluto's realm) symbolizing the “lust for life” …
The squares are marked by Neptune (clarity, transcendence, dreams, illusions, the veil, nebulous) in earlier sidereal Pisces and Vesta (inner fire, calling, passion, commitment) in sidereal Virgo and with that, we have our Equinox-axis “occupied”.
As the various conjunctions are still or already part of this solstice chart, these themes are "integrated" in the Solstice energy.
Those cycles are written about in the "new Beginnings 12.2024 post".
There’s a lot of the “seeing, clarity, truth etc.” type of energy in this chart or within many of these cycle charts, which will carry on for years in some cases and we may “look” at things from different “angles” and “consciousness” as we go along…
Yet, also the themes of passion, creativity, imagination, phantasy etc. are emphasized on – so, can we finally allow ourselves to include them in our way of living!!??
Life is a promise – it’s an unstoppable energy – things grow out of nowhere, in between a concrete jungle some little green whatever sprouts out where it had grown roots before…
I could be a little “brutal” and just say what I think – whatever enters our awareness has something to communicate to us. We may have not consciously helped to create it but maybe on some level we have. YET, it’s not about GUILT here, life just shows us how life works – giggles, isn’t THAT an OPPORTUNITY!!???
In short, we're invited to consciously "choose" and grow roots in the new energies, in the new Earth as some call it - we take responsibility and with that we're out of victimhood - again, it's not about guilt, blame or any of such but a conscious choice. It's also not about "right or wrong" but what oneself feels to be "right" and as diverse we are as a whole, the diversity of creation can become breathtaking... imagine, imagine, imagine how it could be, how it could "feel" like... giggles, I know, it's actually more difficult than one would think....
Also the imagination is telling something about oneself - WHAT are you imagining and why, where does it come from??... and note, not everything that comes in from the subconscious in dreams or ideas is coming from a creative state of being, but often from hurts of the past. There's no need to repeat them, nor to analyze them to an extensive degree, no, but acknowledging them and making a different choice is a possibility...
With the "clarity"/seeing themes in this chart, we're also recognizing how things work on a society level - not only the society "outside" but also the one within. How "coherent" are we and what is our "boss" in this sense, what are following...
Again, it's not about "good or bad" but a recognition and acknowledgment and then a choice....
So, be honest with yourself!!!
I wish you All a wonderful holiday season,
much Love,
My website FA empowerment:
My "Shop page"
Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by Astrodienst.com - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)
Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)
Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on Khaldea.com
Astronomy: Jim Kaler, Wikipedia, Universeguide and more...
Geometry and Physics: Adam Apollo, Nassim Haramein and others
Sacred Geometry drawing - at Knewgeometry.space .
Animal spirit meaning and stories: by Bernadette King
My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…
Solstice 12.2023
The chart and details
The Moon/Earth system is conjoining the Asteroid Vesta pretty close and Mercury is approaching at 1°18’0” sidereal Gemini, just passed the horns of the bull.
Mercury pretty exact as well as Earth, Vesta and from the other side the Sun are aspecting Neptune near the vernal point and the South Galactic Pole in squares… there are first squares and a last square (the Sun).
Furthermore, our “Earth and consorts” are in trine with Haumea and Pallas in sidereal Libra and the Sun forms a sextile to the Two…
I find it interesting to note, that Mercury will then travel on through Gemini and on 26th of December will be close (also in latitude) conjoined the star Pollux (the immortal Twin).
Venus will by then be just north of Zavijava of Virgo…
Within this time frame, the Sun in Sagittarius is transiting the minor planet Ixion – which stands for the “lust for life”…
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During the June Solstice, the Sun was conjoined by Juno in Orion/early Gemini and Earth in “leading position” in early sidereal Sagittarius… so it was a lot about relationships (also the one with self), balance / harmony and “equality”….
Now for the December solstice, at the same placement but conjoined by the Earth/Moon system and Mercury, we have Vesta – the themes of “inner fire”, callings, commitment and devotion.
Conclusions and thoughts
I think we have in many ways “future oriented” energy here – it might be that we “run ahead”, want to leave behind…. Yet, we’re also asked to “see through”, see clearly etc. and that’s something we may “miss”, when we’re too far ahead… we always “get the most”, when we’re trying to be in the present or presence…
Just when we take a long distance flight – we often take a few days until we feel “fully arrived” (well, I know, it also depends the direction we’re flying).
I love the mind – yet, it can be a bit of a "trickster" and so we need to know its/our “basis”, or fundament… the “mind set” is very much the fundament of whatever we let ourselves “travel to”…. yet, it’s also that “mind set” that defines how “far” that travel will go…
To put the “thinking” mind over everything else, isn’t the solution either though… the mind has a “receiving side” as well and if it’s constantly “sending”, then it’s hard to hear the “receiving”…
You see, that’s what the “collaboration” is about too – a conversation, may that now be within or with others, it’s a “2 way street”… we need openness to hear what others really say (including the “in between” or the tone etc.) and we need to listen to ourselves (on all levels) as well…
I heard the word “expectations” just before – so, that’s a part of us that is often associated with past experiences and it works differently than beliefs but are closely related…
The problem here is, that the Mercury-Earth geometry forms an almost exact equilateral triangle. The most fundamental “shape” and in platonic- 3 dimensional form representing fire as well as the only “self-duplicating” form…
This means, that we may have the belief it’s possible to win the lottery and because we belief that, and may have the hope it can happen to us too, we may buy a ticket but if we actually expect to lose then we most likely will win a very little or nothing…
Mercury, Earth/Moon and Vesta are beginning new cycles with each other – and as the Moon is always conjoining Earth, all the Moon themes are here involved too – the emotions, which are coupled with “memory” and the mind…
I remember, that I was talking about the themes of “principles”, essence and alike energies before (especially in the post about the Jupiter-Eris conjunction)… – it’s in everything like a “blue print”, the “details” are added after and every detail contains the blue-print as well as the blue-print contains the possibilities of any detail…
I have recently started to draw “golden seeds and flowers of life” – and while I was drawing those, I realized a lot about the cycles and some phenomena I have detected while drawing the cycle geometries etc. … there’s always an expansion happening with the next layer one starts to draw and same time, exactly that expansion is actually finalizing the previous one / flower….
So, you see – the “next or new” is directly related to the old – by actually stepping towards that “new or next” is simultaneously what helps finalizing and to let go of that old… and as long as we focus mainly onto the old/past, no next step is taken and it can only “blueprint” the old again, a repetition, nor is the past finalized…
It’s a principle that is applicable to everything, the physical as well as the non-physical realms…
So, you see, it doesn’t need to be hard nor difficult nor anything alike….
With any “new beginning” we have the opportunity to “synchronize” something and to put those energies into “coherence” for the next journey / step to be taken…
I think, that this chart and the 2 weeks after the Solstice are asking us to not only gain “inner coherence” but to “listen” to what our “immortal parts” have to say, suggest or manifest into our lives… what can we learn from what we encounter in our lives, what does it want to show us… If there’s something not the way we wanted it, if there’s something challenging, if we encounter “shadows”… it all means something, it’s communicating, messaging… and lol, it shows the truth, there’s no “escape” from that…
I have talked about themes as “corruptibility” in the December post – a couple of months or so ago I had also made a Substack post about the “pied piper” (Rattenfaenger) type of energy, which includes temptations… yet, it’s also coupled with the theme of “radiation”….
These are themes that go along with the 135° angle between Pluto and Orcus, with which we’re dealing with until ca. middle of 2025… it’s an overtone and it does work together with the energies of Eris… it’s no time for bias or lies…
The “narrative” of all “love and light” by being “blind-folded” to what really IS within self, is not “whole” and not “unity” nor “oneness”….
Are we doing things because we really want to from deep within and “whole heartedly” or are we doing something because we think it’s what is asked of us and fulfilling a certain "narrative" or any other "wrong reasons" based in some type of fear??
Each Solstice shows us, if we're aligned with our intentions and the "higher path", the bigger picture or cycle or where we could need some "corrections", more understanding and coherence, where or how we can step to the "next" etc. ...
Solstice 12.2022
In heliocentric Astrology the Moon always conjoins the Earth and opposing the Sun – the Earth/Moon system stands at 4°42’42” sid. Gemini over Orion and the Sun right opposite same degrees Sagittarius…
On these degrees on both “sides” also the apparent crossing of the milky way or in other words the galactic equator with the ecliptic. Furthermore, the ecliptical longitude of the celestial (Earth) pole axis is involved (polestar Polaris of Ursa Minor in sid. Gemini).
Lots of interesting “alignments” we observe in these days for the solstices and equinoxes – it’s though that we’re already on “the other side” of the exact alignment and therefore the beginning of another ca. 6400 or though quarter of the precession year.
Beside this fact, I guess most of us here agree, that we’re in special times and changing times of importance…
Whereas the equinoxes happen on an exact degree, minute and second as well as to the second in time, the Solstices happen over several hours – the ca. middle point this year will be reached on 22nd of December 5:30 am (Thailand time) and on 21st of December at 22:30 pm Universal Time.
Some details:
Earth stands over the shoulder of Orion (the star Betelgeuse) and the Sun on the other side near the M20 nebula, under the Serpens and under the shoulder or arm of Ophiuchus the serpent bearer….
The Moon/Earth system is in a first trine (120°) aspect with Saturn in very early Aquarius and a last trine with Haumea. As Haumea is of “mid wife” energy, birthing, fertility etc. we become aware here, we start to re-orientate, re-structure, re-directing our energies for a “harvest” that might be more “in tune” with what we want…
The whole “Pisces stellium” is of course at work too with the Solstice – and now also Mercury joins the group and Vesta is “rolling up the field from the back”….
The links to the two "Pisces stellium posts":
What I see in this:
On both sides we’re talking about fundamental energies, building energies – it’s about building and anchoring/integrating from the “higher mind”, the self-mastery – the inspiration we can gain as long as we have mastered to listen to our true intuition and wisdom and therefore don’t give space to any fear based emotions that cloud us…. The cooperation we can establish within and without…
It's no coincidence that asteroid Hygiea is very close to the Sun and on the other side to the Centaurs Ixion and Pholus. Hygiea stands for purity, hygiene (also of the mind and the emotions) and the maintenance of health. Ixion stands for the “lust for life” as a force or power we direct “wherever” and that may lead to us become “tyrannical” against ourselves if we loose control over “desire”/lust whereas Pholus stands as being a wise Teacher of perceptual abilities (mainly the eyes – also the inner one)…
We have opportunity here – to be in the “galactic flow” or giving its path to be our axis of “rotation”… being stable, being guided, supported for the next steps to come… a new self, a new world, a new paradigm, a new age or “whatever”….
We are having the energies of being able to stand tall and “proud” for what we are, holding a torch for ourselves and others to light the way that can overcome senseless fights against something we don’t want and therefore subconsciously giving it the energy away to exactly that which we “fight” – totally counterproductive really…
Somebody close to me told me once, that she got strength through the thought of what would be written on her grave stone if she continued like before – she said to herself “no” – and started to walk another path, with that inner power and strength….
That’s part of the energy we have here – the ability of “foresight”, inner wisdom or “vision” and to decide based on that as a foundation – maybe there’s not yet an exact plan of how it shall be or where it shall lead to in detail but a “direction” or at least clear decision of what not and then walking on step by step…
Another part is a bit like children who form their immune-system by touching, tasting, licking, chewing, everything they get their hands on… they become “familiar” with it and the body intelligence will do the rest…. Now, same principle can be applied to many aspects of life…
In the mythologies left to us, there are many stories about poisonous arrows that killed and snakes’ venom or wisdom that can cure – what is done in medicine – the use of the poison as part of the cure, a getting “familiar with” it just as we naturally do as little kids…. It does work like this with thoughts or beliefs… here though, we’re asked to look consciously at them and become familiar in the sense of what is my “relationship” with them…
There’s also our ability to “envision” something within ourselves – the “perfect” organism we are, working together on ALL realms. Just like the “placebo and nocebo” effect we know from pharmaceutical studies – if we believe and trust, it will be done… have we not all have little success stories to tell, that go into such directions – it’s those little stories/steps that bring us more and more confidence and trust.
We become in this sense our own “study object”, our own teacher and our own student and own “scientist”….
We have so many tools at our disposal – so many ways of how we can become strong, healthy, true to self and empowered BY OURSELVES… Yes, what works for me isn’t necessarily right for you and the other way round – the principles underlaying it all though are same for everyone…
There’s more to it all:
Uranus has gone on from the head of Cetus – he has traveled over Cetus for many years and the head alone since roughly the June Solstice 2020… Uranus is in direct aspect to the Solstice axis.
Mars stands just a few degrees “behind” our Earth/Moon system at the horns of the Bull which is also close to Venus’ northnode. It’s an area with very potent energies that can “move mountains”. An area that brings innovative ideas and the discernment of what has a “future” or better said “potential” and what comes from “antiquated” beliefs.
A wonderful, very promising collaboration here – I mean, liberation from what is maybe bureaucratic nonsense, proven to not work yet still believed in etc., or simply “we always did it this way” – yet, something new isn’t always necessarily “better” that’s why we also need the discernment energies of where Mars stands here… blindly following what is “new” is as blind as staying with something that has proven wrong…
Saturn is “directly” involved here in more than one way with his themes of “authority”, structuring, responsibility but also the more chaotic, stormy part with its eye in the middle that asks for integration – his aphelion and perihelion axis near where the Solstice takes place – and Saturn being in “sandwich” of almost 30° to and from Neptune and Pluto.
There’s a general principle at work between Saturn and Uranus – if we’re not ready to take the responsibility and commit fully there’s no freedom either… it goes hand in hand… It’s only when we take and understand “responsibility”, that there can be freedom and peace, because then we automatically honor the “other” with the same “rights and duties”.
Can we grow up, mature and take on the responsibility for ourselves…
Transcending and “collapsing” polarities into “one” is in my opinion an important part of the “Saturnian task” – nope, polarities are an important part of nature, without them nothing would exist in the material world, yet our judgment of them and the “separation” caused by that might at times cause problems…
We will see a lot surfacing over the next months to come – not only on the personal level but also collectively – it might at times become difficult and not so nice nor beautiful in the moment but we’re truly asked to stay calm, to accept the necessity and maybe even see the benevolence behind and within it.
On 23rd of December there will be the new Moon at 6°13’50” sid. Sagittarius and Gemini and this time the Sun even closer to Hygiea and Ixion at the “tip” of the bow/arrow of Sagittarius. Ixion can manifest a little “tyrannical”/overpowering, misusing the powers for lust and greed etc. – nope, it’s not his intention, yet we may see things like that happen or actually becoming aware of them because they may just become too obvious where they previously have been hidden… it's also about where we go against our intuition, or better knowing etc.
No, I’m not only speaking about political things but of course, those are included – there might also be within our communities or families things coming “to light”…
Hygiea is there too – so the purity, hygiene etc. is to be kept (she’s often depicted holding snakes, so be aware of that wisdom) and maybe there will be themes about health or “maintenance” of it that becomes more prominent during these months. Yet, whatever you may think now – I guess it will go further than that – because there will be “ripple effects”….
Loads will go on in the first 7 or 8 days in January and then end of January there will be the triple conjunction of Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron.
In February 2023 Neptune’s Aphelion and Perihelion axis will change into sidereal Aries (the upwards swimming fish of Pisces – very important points there as the stars Torculari and Alrischa)
Again – it’s another “sign” of how important it is to transcend the happenings and to stay with the very own truth, authority etc. – as I said 2 years or more ago – “virus of fear” is very contagious.
Yet – who knows, maybe the world is surprising me and the reactions will be actual “responses” more than anything else because the energies provide it…
More about all these charts, closer to their times lol…
Much Love to you All,
My website FA empowerment:
For readings you can contact me via the website contact possibilities.
Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by Astrodienst.com - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)
Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)
Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on Khaldea.com
My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…