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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

New Beginnings 12.2024 - updated

Updated: Dec 27, 2024

Heliocentric sidereal and planetary cycle Astrology - a change of perspective

Earth – Sun – Galaxy – Universe(s) - an ongoing tale

Just take what “resonates” and “leave” the rest…

26./27. December    Ceres conjoins Chariklo in later sidereal Capricorn - jump there


2nd of December      Saturn – Nessus conjunction… separate post link here

8./9. December        Juno conjoins Haumea in earlier sidereal Libra

9. /10. December     Mercury – Mars conjunction

12th of December     Pallas conjoins Pholus in the middle of sidereal Sagittarius

21st of December      Solstice... separate post link here...

December 2024 overview


I see a lot of “bridging” energies because of the involvement of Centaurs in these “new beginnings” of December. Nessus, Pholus, and Chariklo are all Centaurs.

What are they “bridging” – well, some of them are in some extreme orbits and “cut through” the orbits of outer planets and with that also “connecting” these, bringing themes to awareness and with that, offering an approach / response.

The involved Asteroids of the main-belt (between Mars and Jupiter) as Juno, Pallas and Ceres (which is also a minor planet) do connect to us in a more direct way, we’re aware of them for a longer time and have developed a “relationship” with these energies on a generational level… that in itself can be both “positive and negative”- some may need a “remake”, rethink, etc.  Some of the Asteroids do have also very inclined orbits in relation to the ecliptic and therefore do also “cut through” or in other words can be challenging, yet, that can be positive too…

I mean, imagine you’re so pushed and challenged that you finally “give up” and think/say “I have enough and now I just …. “. Some people have a “higher” pain level than others, that might be practical in some situations but it can also lead to “enduring” to an almost “stubborn” extent…  So, where is it that YOU have a “high pain level” and tend to “endure”??

Funny thing is, often times it’s within the area of life we may talk with others about in a repetitive and “complaining”/emotional way – may that now be relationship problems, financial problems, problems with “official bureaucratic stuff”, environmental things, health problems to just name a few…  we may gain some sympathy from that other person in whatever form and then we are kind of “validating” the issue instead of resolving it…  

There are of course other ways, we’re “validating” issues – it can be by strengthening a belief system of any kind, that is disempowering oneself (it’s like “gaslighting” oneself).

To be clear – whatever we’re ready for, we’re becoming “aware of” – there’s no need to dissect oneself …  


Sometimes, we may find ourselves also in the energy of “testing” – we may test our boundaries, we may test our “luck” or our beliefs and so on…

It’s kind of checking out, if we’re really ready for the next step as we think… it’s something though, that we may not consciously plan but in some way gave “permission” to…

Remember, the theme of vibration and resonance.


Phantasy, imagination, inspiration – these are the tools we have at hand to resolve anything – so much that wants to come forth, that wants to be created, lived - trust your instinct, gut, intuition

The “never ending story” might be less a tale and more a documentary…



2nd of December 2024 Saturn – Nessus conjunction…

Saturn - Nessus conjunction chart with some details:

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Saturn and Nessus conjunction 2024

Saturn and Nessus are in a Quincunx (72°) with Senda (yellow line), a sextile (60°) with Mercury (blue) and a 90° square with Jupiter (red).

Besides these “straight” aspects, it's notable that Saturn and Nessus are both in approach to Neptune, while he’s himself near the vernal point and north of the Galactic South Pole – I think, that’s in this sense a very “balsamic” aspect feel here, that underlays every “straight” aspect…

This “mystical, balsamic” feel can especially develop in combination with the Quincunx of Sedna – Sedna by herself of an own world and league with a pentagonal aspect which reminds of the Venus – Sun/Earth cycle geometry which is as well as the “face shape” of the dodecahedron the “heavenly” platonic solid.

As Sedna is the one with the longest orbit used in my charts, any angle formed from “behind” her is a “last or descending” one, whereas those “ahead” are “first or ascending”.


Interesting to note here is the position of Mercury just 2° passed his own Northnode and less than a degree passed Mars’ Northnode. The Mercury – Mars relationship of thought and action I have explained in the post about their conjunction at their Northnodes in September 2024 (link to that post)… Yet, there’s also the themes of reaction, response etc. which means “communication”… When we now put that in relationship to Saturn, we have a theme of authority and maturity here and with Nessus the “bridging” theme and a possible “neglect”…

Neglect is often used in a "creative" way too - we may "dismiss" something, focus on something else etc. yet, it's important to do this in an aware way. Consciously deciding to neglect something for something else....

for more, here the separate post link here

12th of December 2024: Pallas meets Pholus and Quaoar in a triple conjunction in the middle of sidereal Sagittarius

The Players – Pallas, Pholus, Quaoar and to a lesser degree Ixion

Pallas is Jupiter’s “brain child” (Greek mythology) and is of a fearless character. She fights if needed for justice and harmony. She’s intelligent and creative, puts the pieces of information together to find innovative/creative solutions to problems.


Pholus is the Assistant for a healing or transformation processes as he heightens the perception – especially the sight (from physical eyes to the “inner eye”) – to see “through”. He works together with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and is in a special harmony with Orcus as well as Chariklo - the mysteries of our inner self and related experiences may lead to deep inner transformation. Pholus can be the trigger for a wave of events….


Quaoar is about the natural laws of life, its harmony and sacredness. This harmony is accessible by surrendering and to let go of what is disturbing this harmony. Natural order and law includes death – physical death of biological life as well as any kind of energetic transformations… Natural law and order or as I like to call them “universal laws” connect all outer planetary bodies – to see the harmony of “interplay” and where that is “disturbed” might be one of Quaoar’s tasks...


Ixion talks about how we react to the power/force of lust “for life” a creative power - like the one within a seed that grows and forces itself through the soil towards the sun, the air and so on. This creative force, can be misused of course, as any force/power can and it then "backfires" - the power controls us instead of being a creative tool and the same happens, if we suppress it.  Ixion makes us aware of this principle and with being aware of it, we can freely create wonders…

If that isn't a promising Quartet, I don't know what would be, lol

In June this year, Ceres had conjoined the here small moving Pholus, Quaoar and Ixion.

As Ceres with her "nourishing, mothering" energy is now in approach to Chariklo, we may want to reflect on that theme with the Three again too... what did we encounter the last few months and what did we nourish in that time, that was maybe "disempowering" etc.

heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Pallas and Pholus and Quaoar triple conjunction 2024

Pallas, Pholus, Quaoar and south Ixion are circled in red.

The separating conjunctions of Juno and Haumea (orange), and the Saturn – Nessus conjunction (light green) are still very close.

Ceres is slowly coming into orb of approaching conjunction with Chariklo (circled lilac).

Circled brown Earth separating from Jupiter, which also means opposite there’s the Sun in geocentric view.


Our stellium connects with an opposition with Mars close to Mebsuta of Gemini and with Makemake near Diadem of Coma, which makes this a T-Square with Makemake as the “pointer” and his opposite point in sidereal Pisces would create a Grand Square.

Mercury has been with Mars just 2 days prior and you can see, he’s now quite some degrees away near the stars Pollux and Castor – the Twins…

Venus made quite a journey since the Saturn-Nessus conjunction too – she went from Neptune to almost Chiron – might that not be an important hint 😉

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Solstice 21st of December 2024


What the Solstices in general are about, including some mythology the placements with star maps etc. you find in this “general solstices post” – which I had posted in June 2024…

The Solstices mark the times of the year, when Earth and the Sun (as viewed from Earth) are aligned with the Galactic Equator (Milky Way) once with Earth “ahead” (in direction of the solar apex) in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini over the “torch of Orion” and the other time it’s just the other way round and that’s where we’re now in December… the Sun is leading the path and Earth is following with the “torch lightened” …

Around 2 weeks after each Solstice, Earth reaches either Perihelion or as in early January Aphelion.

I feel, this makes those weeks every time special, creative and important…

Here the link to the "Solstice 12.2024 post":

heliocentric sidereal astrology chart about the December Solstice 2024

26th/27th December 2024: Ceres – Chariklo conjunction in sidereal Capricorn


They meet at 21°49’51” sidereal Capricorn. Ceres south in the constellation Capricorn at the star Marakk and Chariklo north in the constellation Aquarius at the star Albulaan.

They last met on 22nd of January 2020 while still in orb of separating conjunction from Saturn and Pluto.

They will next meet on 24th of November 2029 in sidereal Aquarius.


Ceres is sometimes named the “new ruler” of Virgo and speaks about mature feminine energies. How we nurture ourselves and others - how we would like to be nurtured or how we receive nurturing. The theme of nurturing includes the energetics we take in as for example our environment, people, news and so on…. Ceres also works on the level of physical wellbeing.


Chariklo is Apollo’s “daughter” and as that a very benevolent Being when it comes to the healing art-sciences that work with any kind of harmony and resonance. But she also stands for outsiders, “refugee”/sacred places and the inner “sacred” space as well as discernment.

you can "jump" to the "conclusions" here...

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Ceres and Chariklo conjunction end of December 2024

Ceres and Chariklo are in a 120° angle with Jupiter (blue) and a 150° angle with Mars (green).

The 120° angle fits 3 times into a circle with its 360 degrees - it’s harmonious, obvious, stable and creative.

The 150° angle seems “off”, in disharmony, doesn’t fit into 360°… YET… 5 times 360 equals 1’800 divided by 150 equals 12… The 5 and the 12 both are connected in the dodecahedron, a platonic solid with the ancient reference to “the heavens” …

The geometry, or the relationship between a “first and last” 150° (as like 360° - 150° = 210°), we get them flanking the opposition in a 60° distance (creates a triangular configuration often called the “finger of god”).

Mars is in a first 150°, yet there’s a connection with the “other side” when looking at our very own life-paths (individually and collectively) and Jupiter’s themes.   

Jupiter is in a last trine formed by Ceres and he’s in a first from Chariklo…

I find this a very interesting geometry formed here, when we include the other 150° angle to/ from Orcus in sidereal Leo (still in the constellation Hydra). We got a little pyramid formed, emphasized by Jupiter’s position – therefore, with any “disharmony” or conflict we may experience, there’s this promise of stability and harmony. Yet, there’s “work” to do…

Even though, the “quality” of the two 150° angles are of a “first” one, they take the “imaginary opposition” into sandwich because Mars is in his "last" 60 degrees to Orcus (we have multiple planets and “timing”/orbits involved).

This “imaginary opposition” / point of awareness and consciousness would be around 21° sidereal Cancer, an area which talks about “leaving the nest” and therefore in this sense “daring” and future oriented.

Mars’ positioning between several stars of the constellation Gemini, is more in a “communicative”, diplomatic etc. area – yet, be aware, this communication does include the one with oneself, the “higher mind”, the soul level etc.

Jupiter here is building another part of the “foundation” of this pyramid. He’s here asking to see or at least “create a possibility of existence” of those “higher realms / parts of self” …  


Albulaan Is a yellowish Giant singular star in the constellation Aquarius.

Marakk is a binary star system in the constellation Capricorn, consisting of an “old” white dwarf and a yellow supergiant star. It’s the white dwarf who is the more “evolved” one of the Two – the white dwarf had transferred mass to the now primary one in the past (roughly 3 million years) …

More about these stars:

I find this a very “fitting” area for this conjunction – Ceres, the “nourishing, mothering, caring” energy and the more “centered, safe space” of Chariklo who yet, is also discerning from this “centered space” … there’s an “inclusion” here…


How does "creation" work?? What is "reality"?? Where are we coming from, what are we doing here and why?? Age old questions Humans have asked...

Answer - what do you belief even possible?? only "one way" or are there many possibilities in your line of thought??

I just got this "picture" of a roulette bullet - it has many possibilities where to stop and will eventually somewhere... does that mean, the other numbers aren't there - nope... it's in this sense paradox.

The same "thing", happening, experience can have many different ways to be felt, discerned and concluded. What is a tragedy to one, can be lucky for another.

Sometimes it takes us a long time to see the actual "benefit" of a situation - we just often need the time to see beyond the very "obvious", or to dare to go with the very own inner perception and admit something to ourselves that might be "against common sense or belief", the restrictions we have put onto ourselves etc.

For example, several people in my life have started to think back to the "Covid time", the lockdowns and even "miss" some of its consequences. This holds in itself the clue of what is the underlaying "need" that was "fulfilled" through the particular "part" of that happening.

Now one can even go further into the theme and find out more about it and oneself.

People dare to talk about that experience and what they "felt" about it, something they may have "secretly" thought in that time but couldn't really "admit" for whatever reason. Now, there's the "distance" and one doesn't feel to "offend" another by admitting it.

It can also be, that someone had a strong polarized position or view on parts that were happening and is now able to "include, integrate" that other "pole" in a neutral way or see the "view point" confirmed in the individual life experiences....

The "paradox" is, all of it is "real" - the same "happening" but different experiences.

This understanding has an "inclusive" energy, an understanding of self and others that can create a fundament that may change "everything" even if we do not know yet, what is to come....

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There's though more to that whole theme - those "big questions" - what does your experience show you, what correlations do you see and start to "admit" to yourself!!??

What do you make a "possibility" even it seems "far off"??? Do you dare talking about it??

Much Love to you All,



Yes, it's interesting to look at previous years - yet, access only for paying subscribers.


New Beginnings 12.2023

I got a “one line download” – corruptibility or “blind spots” as aid for self-recognition

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