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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

The Virus of Fear and the Universal Laws

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

artwork about the earth and universe by Werner Hornung

(Artwork by Werner Hornung)

The whole Earth is at the moment kept in the “clutches” of a Virus, as we All know. It does create a lot of fear on various levels. There is the fear of illness, fear of death, fear of financial loss, fear of loosing loved ones (either through illness or by the physical distance) and probably some other ones – mainly the fear of the unknown.

When I was 18, I got diagnosed with the Herpes Virus. I was told, that it’s not possible to “kill” the virus as it will be in the body “hiding”. This was confirmed when I later on studied all kinds of health-related matters in order to cure myself of Depression and Anxiety.

I thought it very interesting to learn, that specific viruses go and “hide” at known places in the body and are kind of “sleeping” there until the environment in the body is of a certain type and they will come “out” and we’ll be sick with whatever (Some Scientists explain now a totally different point of view and say that the virus isn’t really the cause but more like a messenger – who knows – sometimes it’s difficult to see what is cause and what is effect or where it starts and where it ends)….

I also understood that this was related to my “state of mind” – we create our inner environment by our thoughts and emotions. If a “disturbing” state of mind is present for a longer period of time, that will change the whole body environment and makes us perceptible for all kinds of illnesses – which means we’re “manifesting” according the Law of Attraction. In order to manifest/create, we need an idea, a thought and most effectively a visualized one and we need focus and emotion….

Fear is a very strong emotion and we have often really problems to overcome them and so we find ourselves trapped in a “negative spiral” as we also constantly manifest/create those things or at least little happenings that we think of as a “confirmation or validation”.

The Universal Laws – taken from the Kybalion.

1. The Principle of Mentalism

“The all is mind; the universe is mental.”

2. The Principle of Correspondence

“As above, so below, as below, so above. As within, so without, as without, so within.”

3. The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

4. The Principle of Polarity

“Everything is dual, everything has poles and everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.”

5. The Principle of Rhythm

“Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall.”

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

“Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause.”

7. The Principle of Gender

“Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

According the Kybalion/Hermetic Laws/Universal Laws, the Universe is mental. How can that now help us out of that trap of fear?? – it’s often said “think positive” and yes, that’s true but maybe not exactly in the way that it’s often interpreted. We need a little more than that as described above. So, first step would be, to stop focusing on illness but on health instead – meaning “think yourself healthy” – literally – visualize yourself doing whatever you love to do – may that be singing and dancing, hiking in the mountains or forest, cycling, motorbike trip, playing with your Children or Friends, sitting comfortably in a cozy environment and and and – do you feel the difference!!!!! 😉 yes, you’re on the right path then and please “believe in it”, FEEL IT!!!!!! Whatever there is, that needs healing, if you focus on your goal, you will automatically attract the right Person, situation or therapy that will help you to achieve this, the opportunity will manifest… Yes – we also have to actually DO something, we’re living in a physical world, so we have to physically do something – an action, movement. The idea/ thought is the first step, believing and feeling it the second and the action towards it the 3rd step…. I know, often it takes quite a while towards that goal but there will be the “little happenings” confirming/validating the upwards spiral 😊 enjoy every single one and be thankful to yourself and the Universe for each of them 😊

A little tip: the Universe (inside and outside) does follow you – you ARE it as you’re a part of the All and have all within you that is needed, but the negations are NOT understood. Therefore look for a “single/positive” word when you create. If you think “I don’t want xxx”, “I’m not xxx” and so on, you will get different results… If you think in the way of “positive”, go towards “I want xxx”, “I’m xxx” … It’s often difficult and needs practice and awareness of the own thought process…. Hahahhaha, yes, I know – but use your compassion towards yourself, it helps a lot!!!

Words do have a vibration – spoken out aloud it effects also the people, animals, plants around you – words in thought do affect your own Being, emotionally as well as physically. I was writing about this several times before and so if you did experiment with it, then you know already that it’s true…. A few years ago, I heard an interview – a German Language Scientist talked about that phenomena with an example. She said how many times did you think about or even told someone, that you will “quickly drive pass by the bakery and get a loaf of bread” and then while driving you think this and that and actually DO drive passed the bakery!!??? If you instead say to someone or yourself “I quickly stop at the bakery to buy a loaf of bread”, you programmed yourself to do right that, even if you think other stuff meanwhile. (I’m not sure if this example works for English Speakers but it definitely does in German language – so as you get the principle of it I’m sure, you can find other examples.) … so words do give vibration and they program ourselves and others. Therefore the idea/vision we have, needs to be positive and we need to believe/trust into it – if we have a great idea but then doubt it all the time with thoughts like “ohhh but what if this or that, ohhh I may fail, ohhh I lack the knowledge or the resources or the money” and so on, you will not go for it – you’re stagnant, no action, no movement…. Of course is discernment needed to find out, if the idea was really so great and should be followed up by action but it should be done be logic reasoning (neutral) and not from a state of lack or “false/imaginary” fear. Of course, also the “fear system” does have its purpose and right of existence – often it’s not as obvious as the famous “lion” but we have many subtle warnings we get – often more like an intuitive thought or feeling. An example including the “overruling” of intuition: before leaving the house, you suddenly stop and look at the umbrella and think about to take it with you but you decide against it as the sun is shining. An hour or two later, you come out of a building and it’s raining…. I find this a really practical, helpful tool we got here within our own system 😊 Some people do not trust their system and will start to have “everything” with them as maybe this or maybe that might happen or may check the whole house before leaving to make sure really everything is shut off, closed and so on…. This is then called a “compulsive behavior” – it comes from “imaginary” fear and distrust in self (control issue), for whatever reason... Or people who constantly check their phone, in “fear” they could miss something – I’m sure you know such Individuals! Often it’s done without that person being aware of it, I mean those, not the once checking because they’re waiting for a specific reply or message. – As soon as we’re aware of a certain behavior, we can actually start to work with it – we can look at it from various angles and discern why and how and is it in any form “useful” to me – often it’s useful in the meaning that we can discover problems that are “hidden beneath”. So it’s the start of the famous “shadow work” – the first steps to inner growth and happiness! Here another little situation out of my life: I love to be in my “bubble” undisturbed by my phone, so I often leave the house without the phone but not realizing it. Several times I would have really needed it, so very unpractical the forgetting. Several times it happened that I drove maybe 500 meters and suddenly know, what I had forgotten – the phone – then I discern, “where do I go – do I need it there” (is it work, is it private, do I need to confirm an appointment or anything alike…) and if not, I feel wonderfully free and drive on, if I need it, I turn around and get it…. By now, I have never forgotten it anymore when I need to have it with me for a reason. But I enjoy it very much, when I can leave as a “free” person, without a watch and without a phone – totally wonderful. In this little example we have many of the Laws at work 😉 …

You can find countless examples in your life to examine the truth of the laws and take it to examine further. You have positive and negative examples – I’m by now thankful for the negative ones as well, as they showed me, where to work on…. Maybe there will be a time, when we, as a species, do no longer need to have the negative experiences in order to learn. Wouldn’t that be nice 😉 … so take the virus of fear, conquer it with the power of your mind, hidden yet visible in the positive experiences. This is the reason, why I mainly talk about the “help”, positive attributes in Astrology – the negative pole is of course always there but we see that so much already in our daily lives, that there should be more awareness of the positive, helpful criteria – a half truth but the nicer way to the complete, integrated truth 😊

I’m working on drawing the picture, completing the puzzle of my experiences and knowledge in form of posts/videos/presentation, which I will start to post as soon as possible…. Meanwhile, stay tuned for Astrology updates to be presented soon about the New Moon and previous to that the geocentric conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto as well as Pallas, confirming their new cycles 😊 as they’re also all out of retrogrades….

Much Love,


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