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We have the power and we take the responsibility

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

or the ability to respond to an effect/resonance/reflection

As I already talked abut in the last Astrology post, is the “polarity” of power and responsibility. As we know, polarities are only two extremes of the same. Just like “hot” and “cold” are just “extremes” of temperature and the definition or perception of one or the other is individually different…. As all “universal laws” are “entangled” within each other, polarity is the “dualistic” part…

When we now add another point somewhere, some “resonance”/reaction happens and out of this, a “new” thing comes out… just like as 1 and 1 doesn’t need to be 2 but can become 3, through their “intersection”….. when you’re a Parent you’ll take care and help until your child can live on their own – you know, they now act on their own decisions, from their own power and have to take on their own responsibilities.

Same principle we can use with everything else. Due to our “power” we create something – we have an idea, combine it with an ability/resources and so there is that “whatever” and so it becomes kind of a “life of its own”…. and because we share ideas/thoughts into the collective too, several people can publish similar or nearly identical works the same time, completely independent of each other - we can work on something similar and through that our "results" are in the field and through the "resonance" we pick up on that....

If we create something to sell, we take responsibility until that thing is “fully functional” with the customer, if we offer a service, we take responsibility for the quality of the service for a certain time, depending on what it is…. After that, it’s no longer in our control/power and therefore, no longer in our direct responsibility we may think - but if we figure out, something is wrong with that product, we will for sure "call it back" as it's our "creation" and we feel that responsibility. How is it though, if a discovery or invention is misused by someone else?? Most likely, that original Creator, especially when still alive, will feel very bad but it's in my opinion, not his/her responsibility because the idea was brought further and is therefore in the responsibility of that 2nd Creator....

We also create our own “environment” in form of thoughts, beliefs, values and so on. We act accordingly and that has an effect/reflection – so, also a creation of our own doing, for which we’re responsible for. As I don’t have control/power over your thoughts, belief and values I’m also not responsible for the outcome and that’s the same for each and everyone of us - same time though, because all is fractal/entangled (One), our thoughts have an impact on the collective field and therefore each of us is influencing that field….

This is a principle – a kind of a natural law and therefore it’s the same if you’re aware of it or not. Our awareness doesn’t have effect on the law, but being aware of it helps to create what we desire but also to decide if we still want it after knowing about the consequences/ responsibilities…. but it doesn't mean, to freeze in fear of doing something "wrong" - we need to trust our own whole Self....

It’s the principle of resonance and that’s what commerce is based on – if you want to “sell” anything, there need to be someone who wants exactly that and logically if you want to buy something, there needs to be someone selling it (if it’s not available yet, maybe you have to create it)…. In commerce we’re aware, we know what we want and we get a price tag and decide if we still want it or not. When we’re aware of the principle, we then automatically start to think about consequences the same time when we want/create something – difficult yes, because how can we think of all possible consequences? Yep, we have to take a "leap of faith" and know, we did the best we can and go for it....

Yes, we have a responsibility for what we create for ourselves and also for things we put out there (on all “levels”) and these outgoing energies are reflected by the “others” – we then have to “examine” that reflection but as something of it's own as it's "colored" by the other person, who will give something into it too. We look at that reflection and decide, which part to "react" on either directly or inwards or a mix of it - like this another, "I" is created and so it's ongoing and all is interwoven.

I think, the teaching of "think about the others" or that we need to do this or that for "others" etc. is based on that knowledge but has become a little "feared" of and "twisted" – and at times goes so far, that we may feel as having to put the others before ourselves and with that, it all becomes somehow distorted, as we signalize ourselves, that we’re not worth our own attention. We signalize the other people that they can’t do without help. It’s disempowering on all levels, ourselves as well as the others…..

When we’re ready, to take on the responsibilities for ourselves and our “creations”, when we act consciously, then we automatically do a lot for “others”, because we don’t need to blame, we don’t need to help those who don’t need or want help and so on… we will put borders up, and we automatically give the same right to others…. Of course, if someone comes and needs help, then we help the best we can (just don’t become used!) – an important point here is, that to help is one thing, to try to “save” someone from themselves is another, just like a child needs to fall a few times to figure out how to be stable on the own legs/feet and if we try to prevent the child from falling at all, it will take longer to learn to stand and walk.

Collectively we realize, what we have created as a whole species, somewhere standing in between responsibility and denial – a difficult situation for all of us and we all have different ways to react to it. As I explained just recently in one of my Astrology posts, I think, we have All created a kind of “self-fulfilling Trine” a certain harmony within, an inner resonance that tells us we’re on the “right” way for ourselves… whatever choice we make on every moment, on every day, always brings us further on our personal evolutionary path…

I think, as that power - responsibility axis is what we see reflected now and is what kind of "splits" us in some way... our different "reactions" to the problem at hand. We don't need to take on the responsibility for the whole world, and with that "disempowering" everyone - we need to take only the responsibility for ourselves by our power. ... just imagine, what consequences that has - everybody in their own right and mature - totally different approach to any challenge and community life that will bring....

I know, it sounds paradox, when I say, we did create it but same time, that we're not responsible - yes, I mean it in the way, that we can't change something created (manifested), we can't change the effect but we can change the cause, in the meaning of changing the way we create, to change the "direction" and therefore using a new basis, to create a new cause for a different effect.... and with that, we take the responsibility but not in a burdening way but in a creative way.....

I personally, based on my own experiences, choose to live as aligned with the natural, universal laws as possible…. Lol, saying this, I don’t mean we All have to go to live in caves with nothing at all, no – I’m not against technology and advancements – they’re tools and when we “improve’ our own inner “bio technology”, some tools will no longer be needed, just as we put the clutches away when a broken leg has healed…. but probably, as we "master" one thing, we create another challenge which may need other tools...

Unconditional Love is a term often used – it also means, that we have to let others go their way, making experiences, even if it’s a different one than ours or one we think is wrong or "dangerous" and still love them 😊

Much Love to you All,


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