Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycle Astrology – empowering and connecting on our evolutionary paths
3rd of March 2023 Jupiter and Uranus last 30 degrees (Jupiter-Uranus cycle post)
7th of March 2023 Full Moon with Earth/Moon system in sidereal Leo and the Sun in sider . Aquarius on the axis of 21°21’0”
10th of March Juno conjoins Uranus at 22°56’33” sidereal Aris
12th of March Saturn completes his first 30° aspect with his cycle with Pluto
17th of March Vesta conjoins Eris at 29°14’15” sidereal Pisces
21st of March Equinox – will be written about separately
The full Moon marks the time of the month, when we see the heliocentric and geocentric chart the same when it comes to the position of the Moon. On 17th of March the Earth/Moon – Sun axis will have moved just into very early Virgo and I think, as for all these “events” occurring during the time this axis is about to move to the equinox axis, its something to keep in mind…
The Sun as our star, does provide us with a big system, like a “bubble” within which we operate and travel with through the galaxy. There are regions though, they’re much less influenced by the Sun than our “inner system” within which we on Earth are sheltered in.
Uranus is the last planet we can, if the circumstances are favorable, see by naked eye – Neptune is far out and the last planet before a shift of the Sun’s influence does take place. The main Kuiper belt is still partly influenced by the Sun’s gravity but the further out, the lesser this influence (other influences though are still active, it’s a system, a bubble that extends much further).
That’s similar with our own inner system – whereas the Sun represents our inner core, all our being, it includes regions that are not so much influenced by what is let’s say “day time personality” or identification, emotional and physical, visible etc.
On Earth we combine / integrate – we have night and day, we have “hidden” things and “obvious” things and traits. Just like emotions can become visible through certain reactions of the body – like tears for example when in physical or emotional pain but sometimes even show joy. We can see what is going on within, made visible and that’s not only with emotional matters – it includes everything. We make things or better said ourselves “visible” through physical manifestation on Earth and in our time and evolutionary development this includes those far out/inner regions of ourselves as well as the past (also in form of history).
These are processes – like very simplified, we “discover” or “learn” something (through whatever means / channels) and we have to process them, to understand them, to order them and start to use them in one way or another (integrating).
What we see in “physicality” isn’t an origin in this sense but a consequence – just like even though light travels fast, we perceive or “see” it after everything has actually happened already…. Therefore, there are other means that are “first” – just like we don’t know how the core of our Sun looks like, we only see what’s at the “surface” (using this word as a synonym).
Unless we express ourselves in one form or another, most others won’t perceive it and often we don’t even know ourselves in the solely physical way and even less on deeper levels….
For the next 10 days, we’re asked to start to live / integrate / anchor the “higher view points” into our creative actions and manifestations as a kind of “foundation” of future actions and choices. If we learn to express from the standpoint of a “durative soul”, a “god particle” within us, that connects us to that “source energy” with its wisdom, nourishment and limitless possibilities, we can “fulfill” ourselves in this sense and fears, victim consciousness or lack “disappear” - there’s enough for everyone in whatever way… yes, may sound like “Utopia” right now but just as we one day took our bravery and did our first step without holding on to something or someone, we can do now too - anytime - the gates are open…
We often “trap” ourselves in whatever kind of “role” we play in the world, may that now be as a child, as a parent, as a friend, as a whatever professional and we get overwhelmed at times to fulfill all the various tasks …. If we start to truly act from a “whole self”, we don’t need to perceive any role as a burden because we don’t need to “separate”, we don’t need to ask “but when I have time for myself” because “myself” is there within the role, integrated…
Same time, all our “parts” can be called to “collaboration” in this sense and things that did seem “hard or difficult” suddenly become easier – not less, it’s the same but a different / unified approach.
That has also the effect, that we can see what is a “façade” only and what is “true” in this sense.
(interesting to note is the fact, that some of the orbital points of Uranus lay on this several degrees axis)
Juno and Uranus:
Juno represents relationships of all kinds and stages – she can also represent as the asteroid of covenants. (more about Juno)
Uranus talks about liberation, rebellion, change and surprises and can show as a bit an eccentric personality, he’s also about our own bio-technology and science / technology in general. (more about Uranus)
When we start a new cycle, we’re kind of at “Zero-point” but one that includes all that was before and therefore, we have the ability to change something here – we know what was, what did lead to what and can for the future include this knowledge as a basis… it all seems like “one”.
In their conjunction chart we see that they’re part of a Grandtrine, connecting them with the Earth/Moon system as well as Hygiea in sidereal Sagittarius.
There are 2 more grand trines in this chart: Chariklo in middle Capricorn – Makemake in middle Virgo – Venus in middle Taurus and Sedna in early Taurus – Pluto in early Capricorn – Ceres in early Virgo…
All 3 grand trines are close to each other…
Mercury conjoins Saturn in early sidereal Aquarius (near the discovery position of Neptune) – Mercury is here “rising” from his most southern point in sid. Capricorn – an open and “fresh” mind is needed to order, structure all these information we get in and to "mature" them - this may include philosophical aspects as well as using the inner ability to collaborate….
Mars in early sidereal Cancer (on his way to his most northern point of orbit in later sid. Cancer) is opposing Pluto and Haumea in Libra (constellation Virgo or better said Bootes) forms a T-square to the two… I find this a particular significant T-square – Mars and Pluto as the two “power planets” in opposition (point of awareness, if one chooses so) with Haumea forming the T, the “resolution point” and her energy is fertile, birthing, mid-wife energy and so I see in this exactly that instead of fighting against something that there is, we can simply “leave it” and create something new out of those “ashes” (ashes are considered pretty fertile).
Her position in the constellation Bootes north of Virgo (in sidereal Libra) opposing in longitude the star Alrischa of Pisces in sidereal Aries assists us on this path with guidance. The stars on this “plane of longitude / whole axis) do speak of some kind of unity but also of the use of natural forces like harmonics and geometry (all kinds of “art-sciences” – includes astrology) and their application in wellbeing or other form of beneficial resonances also in building structures for example… for us that may include the right “space” or environment to "live in" for the “birth” of a new way of living or simply to feel empowered and at peace…
Back to Juno and Uranus – a change or liberation in relationship and/or the relationship within ourselves and how we relate to our own biotechnology or by including the above said, also to our own “space” but also the geometry – water and everything else in our body liquid or not, does include geometry (bio-physics and bio-chemicals, there’s both)….
Back to relationships, they may change and doesn’t mean they have to break apart but we may see that actually being true to oneself and communicating this accordingly (not angry or anything alike) may just be all that is needed… you know, we’re so used to little lies – what do we answer if someone asks “how are you” or how often are we really interested when we ask such a question…. Little things happen and may become big, just as a slow dripping tab fills a bucket…
Another part of relationships and directly with bio-technology is for example our immune-system or anything our body within learns to use or handle – that may include totally different part of our technology that we’re commonly not talk about as casually as others but are nevertheless part. Also themes like sexuality and generally the use of this potent force that can be directed or used in various ways – anything in between the act of mere “lust satisfaction” to celibacy, tantric practices, or as intimacy shared (also generally!!!)… whatever we do or how aware we are about this force within, it’s pretty powerful and creative…
These energies last throughout this 10 days period, except the aspects formed by Mercury and Venus as they move faster than the Earth/Moon – Sun axis, which I already talked about in the beginning. Of course - we're talking cycles here - so we will be in these for a while taking step by step onto us, their developments...
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Saturn and Pluto first 30° angle
Their conjunction took place in January 2020 (geocentric and heliocentric only 2 days apart) in sidereal Sagittarius, right between their individual south nodes, which is in my opinion significant. Furthermore, that conjunction wasn’t just a 2 planet conjunction – there was Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, centaur Chariklo, asteroid Ceres and Mercury, all of them opposing the Earth/Moon system… the Sagittarius – Gemini axis was featured with huge emphasis on Sagittarius – yet, there was also Venus in later sid. Pisces and Eris in late sid. Pisces forming the T of the T-square… Jupiter was also in sid. Sagittarius approaching (4 degrees away) his southnode in the middle of sid. Sagittarius…
Saturn's key words are authority, structure and order, maturity, responsibility and commitment. (More about Saturn)
Pluto's key words are the "underworld" or subconscious, the hidden and secret, power and the misuse of it and famously "death and rebirth". (More about Pluto)
We also know, that we All globally were in one way or another affected by the happenings starting in late 2019 early 2020… reactions were individually different, themes in foreground were individually different, “cure” approach individually different and same individuality shows in the “aftermath” - no, it's meant as an example to explain only… It’s like during the first 30° we deal with potentiality and possibility and that may become more concrete, form some kind of “vision” in this sense during the time from 30° to 60°, with important “subparts” within that… yet, because their whole cycle started at their south nodes, there’s discerning and seeding energy. Though, we’re in a new cycle part within the discernment cycle (cycle within cycle)…
It's also important to note, that Sun, Earth, and especially Mercury have been conjoining both Pluto and Saturn several times since their actual conjunction… Ceres is already far in the second half of the cycle until she’ll meet with Pluto again and Chariklo, well, only a good 10° from Pluto and Saturn almost 20° from her…
Saturn carries the “plutonian energy” with him, so Pluto’s influence is now really strong, also because of the Mars opposition… yet, beside that, the “course followers” may remember the discovery chart of Neptune, close to Saturn’s position now and Saturn was there in conjunction with Neptune…. It’s something Saturn may “remember” in this sense…. Also, Eris was not only involved in the Saturn – Pluto conjunction but was also as the 3rd player at Neptune’s discovery chart placement…
In this 30° angle chart, Mercury is already separating (Mercury in close approach during Juno – Uranus conjunction on the 10th of March 2023)…
Yet, don’t forget, Pluto is not only involved in the Grandtrine but also in the T-square… Saturn though also stands in a second 150° angle formed by Ceres in early sidereal Virgo (approaching the equinox axis point as well as north galactic pole longitude – nourishment through the galactic and universal connections!!??).
Whereas in the first 30 degrees of a cycle, there might be generally some “enthusiasm” playing out, in the second lot of 30, we may see some kind of “sobering” – many may think their imaginations and dreams of transformation or different structures have not become exactly true yet and might “give up” as in “no, it was just an utopian dream” and others may say, no, I go some “glimpses” already, I felt it possible and so it can be (I always think, if not in my lifetime maybe later, doesn’t mean I have to stop – if scientists or visionaries in any field would have stopped because it didn’t work after a few times trying, we would live in a world in which I could probably not publish this to a world wide web)…
I’m yet sure, that whatever virus or similar can spread all over the world, so can a “higher consciousness” and different form of connectedness – a process – and something more – in the realms that Pluto guards any fears and worries lead to entrapment…. So let’s spread “trust” instead or at least being an example for that, even if it sounds “utopic, crazy or even stupid” – you know what you know for yourself…
Vesta – Eris:
Vesta is about the inner fire and the commitment to that – she’s with her aphelion and perihelion axis in sid. Taurus /Scorpio connected to Uranus nodal axis – she works best when free and liberated, fears and worries do dim the “inner fire” tremendously 😉 … more about Vesta
Vesta and Eris can’t come anywhere close to each other physically but can energetically…
Eris is disruption or “cutting through”, is eye-opening to realities of a totally different realm – someone who is captured in “victim consciousness” will perceive her in a “bad way”, can’t perceive her teaching until this person gets out on the other side and may contemplate the happenings from various angles… and that’s her gift, she’s there on the “other side” and showing what it was really about… she’s a patient one, so there’s no rushing through but a process… another of her keywords are revelations, seeing through lies and deception to find the benevolent and beautiful by also “judging differently”…. More about Eris….
As you can see in this chart, most of the above explained placements are still active - Mercury though, is now conjoining Neptune under the circlet of Pisces (fish-head) in very late / cuspal sid. Aquarius and that in opposition to the Earth/Moon system and therefore in "geocentric" solar conjunction.
Neptune brings the energy of transcendence, clarity, lifting veils, seeing through and so on but of course also dreams and illusions... Mercury is fast, comes along here every 3 months, yet, not every time together with the Sun-Earth axis ;-) Neptune opens our minds up here to "the core" and Earth asks for grounding this in (remember, Mercury and Earth form a "grand trine" with their conjunctions - platonic solids - building block, foundational)....
What happens when we full heartedly, with “fire” commit and devote ourselves to ourselves - to our very own self and act from this inside out - inspired, creative and inspiring - everything changes the more we open to those realities we may have dismissed as utopia (some may be though) – we may perceive our surrounding in a different way and we shift with these perceptions – it’s a connecting conjunction between the two – Vesta as an asteroid in the main belt does “bridge and link” the realms of Mars and Jupiter or in other words society, the communities etc. and beliefs with our actions, physical power and outwards directed energy – important when thinking of her conjunction with Jupiter last month and she's not really out of this “state” much yet….
For sure, we will see a lot about ourselves and we will see how we can devote ourselves to these “inner realms” and also adjust our “believes / higher view-points” and consequently actions… a liberation of our own “soul energy”, feeling free to devote ourselves to our own self and being of service from this “being” will show truth…
Depending to what “state of mind and being” we choose to operate from, we may either see the beauty that wants to emerge or we keep feeling “punished”…
It’s pretty simple and straight forward… doesn’t mean it’s always comfortable – we can lie to ourselves as much as we want, when working with Eris energy, there’s just no way that’s going to work… Devotion and commitment when just for “whatever reason”, because its “said” to bring this or that advantage or because someone tells us, that’s the recipe for whatever isn’t a true one – I said many times, there’s no “handbook” for spirituality after a certain point, only the universal laws within which we operate and how we actually express and manifest is not of relevance but part of diversity that let us see a wonderful, interesting world or in other words, divinity that expresses through an individual…
Please keep in mind what classical physics teaches us about "light" - it's fast but yet relatively slow... we see the light of what had happened "light years away" when we look at any visible light especially in the night sky, yet, by now we also know that the "non visible" energies are much faster, even "instantaneous".... anything physical/material is a product of something "non physical" and therefore "visible"/manifestation later...
Much Love to you All,
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Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by Astrodienst.com - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)
Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)
Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on Khaldea.com
My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…