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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

New Beginnings May 2024

Updated: May 8, 2024

This month features a planetary dance with beautiful choreography


Throughout the whole month, these aspect choreographies show themselves, unravel, move and slide etc. but there's more this month....

12th of May 2024 Jupiter and Neptune first 60° separate post-link here

16th / 17th of May 2024 Ceres – Ixion conjunction

17 hours later Mars – Saturn conjunction (last conjunction in May 2022)


Even though we're "busy" with these conjunctions, we're still very much under the influence of the last ones, moving a little slower than the above ones...

The aspects, of which a conjunction is part of, do show an evolution of a theme and when we have recognizable, obvious "choreographies" or geometry forming, we can become very aware of the interaction, the relationships forming within the themes.

There's beautifully structured energy, there's order and law, beauty and balance, as well as some tension or stress...

To me it seems, that we're "structuring, ordering, compartizing" a lot this month.

There will be a lot that "surfaces", that we recognize and want to give some place, name and with that a way we can deal with it...

It's this "recognizing and acknowledging" that moves us from "chaos" to "order" and some form of understanding.

This sounds very intellectual, yet, does include the "intellect" of all of our being.

To include or integrate is another theme here - it's a "challenge" this month, because we're asked to look deeper, to see the underlying structure or "truth/reality" within situations as well as the principles at work - sometimes things are just not as they appear to be at surface level... This of course applies to all levels and "bodies".

We're dealing with "initiating energy" - that works in the sense of taking action towards something and can mean to become a "member" of something (that's also possible within the Self as of consciously joining the own community/society including the hierarchical system within)...


A principle based aspect of this is the power of beliefs. We see that very obvious in the nocebo- and placebo effects commonly associated within the "health system" but it actually affects everything....

  • If, for example, someone is feeling unsafe or even threatened constantly without any actual "real" reason for that, then such a person will act on that as well and install cameras, special locks and security systems, buys insurances and so on...

  • If someone had a threatening experience, this person will also do whatever comes to their mind to make themselves feel "better", more secure etc. - this may though be, that after a while, this same person will give up on those things step by step....

The difference is therefore only the awareness....

Once we become aware of something, examine it and start to understand, there's the possibility for a change as a result or the conscious "use" of that understanding...

If we now should decide, that we want to change something, we may run into another "layer" of the same theme - another "core belief" or similar, that we have not yet addressed and therefore hold ourselves back...

Yet, I think in many ways, we’ll “celebrating” some breakthroughs, some kind of stability we gain within the themes we’re working on personally… maybe not exactly, exact yet but that’s anyways a part of “perfectionism” that can turn against us…

Within all of this though – there’s practically no “failure possible”, if we remember that even we do not get it “right” x-times, we still got information of how it doesn’t work…

Giggles, maybe it’s time to look at history and to remember what “worked”, what didn’t and what cycles and loops show… may that now be in vaster cycles or just our own lives and families.



I think we will be more and more confronted with themes of other “realms” so to speak. Conversations and experiences alike… wherever we are, with whatever we identify, there will be more of it… it’s like on the “ground level” exploring – so, this means, foundations of the own belief systems, what is religion, what is our “spiritual take” on themes, as what do we see life, what is the nature of life, the cosmos, the Universe etc.

In best case scenarios we’ll have “exchange” without the need for righteousness…

The practical part of this, will work similarly as explained above… as even people with strong interest in such themes, experiences etc., may have at times a hard time to integrate or translate them into daily life… yet, first things first - if one does integrate these aspects of life into the thought-processes, the rest comes kind of by itself...


Within all of this, there’s also that “trap” we may step into or see others do so – what is natural and “normal” for one, might not be for another… something we think is absolutely clear, logic and same for everyone may turn to be not… giggles, doesn’t that mean one has therefore discovered a special gift, talent, ability!!??


Much Love to you All,



Find all details and more below….

The Mars – Saturn chart as “representative”…

The Ceres-Ixion conjunction circled in red.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction circled in green.

Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Mars and Saturn conjunction 2024

It’s very interesting, that we have great aspect choreographies but neither of the exact conjunctions are part of it – opposite, Mars and Saturn are actually “not aspected”…

Ceres and Ixion though stand in a square with Hygiea in sidereal Pisces (separated from Neptune now) and in a square with Makemake at the star Diadem of Coma Berenices… They’re furthermore in a 150° angle with Varuna in the middle of sidereal Cancer separating from the star Decapoda.


Already before the Jupiter-Neptune 60° on 12th of May, the rectangle is forming. Then also the triangle and the kite…

The angle between Pluto and Pallas, Earth, Moon is also becoming more exact, forming that “open envelope” or a "rectangle based pyramid, of which Pluto stands at the top/apex…

It's interesting to note, that the rectangle is used in mathematics/geometry to draw the golden and the silver spirals from - it holds the energy of continuity, infinity etc.

It might be interesting to jump/scroll down to the 2022 conjunction of

Mars and Saturn with a similar overall aspect choreography as now…

US$21 for 6 months equals US$ 3,50 a month


Ceres and Ixion meet right in Sagittarius’ bow.


Ceres is sometimes named the “new ruler” of Virgo and speaks about mature feminine energies. How we nurture ourselves and others - how we would like to be nurtured or how we receive nurturing. The theme of nurturing includes the energetics we take in as for example our environment, people, news and so on…. She also speaks about listening to our whole being, also the body – what do we need/care to feel well – a long hot bath, exercise, meditation…. The list is long…


Ixion talks about how we react to the power/force of lust “for life” a creative power - like the one within a seed that grows and forces itself through the soil towards the sun, the air and so on. This creative force, can be misused of course, as any force/power can and it then "backfires" - the power controls us instead of being a creative tool and the same happens, if we suppress it.  Ixion makes us aware of this principle and with being aware of it, we can freely create wonders…

The Bow of Sagittarius circled yellow.

The positions of Mercury and Pluto ca. along the yellow line in early sidereal Capricorn…


Astrology star map with focus on the bow of Sagittarius

Ceres and Ixion stand both in south of the ecliptic but a few degrees apart – they are in alignment with the stars Kaus Meridionalis (delta Sagittarii) and Kaus Australis (epsilon Sagittarii).

Kaus Media (the new official name of delta Sagittarii) is an orange/red evolved giant star about 1’660 times as luminous as the Sun.

Kaus Australis is a blueish white evolved giant star about 360 times as luminous as the Sun with strong infrared emissions and is an x-ray source.

Both these stars seem to be binary systems and both are roughly 3 times as massive as the Sun…



Kaus Media is also a weak Barium-star. This means it’s an interaction or “feeding” that took place between the current “A” star of the binary and the “B” star. The “B” star is probably the more evolved one, that has already passed the AGB state and then lost mass (feeding) the A-star during the time it became a white-dwarf….

The Bow stars of Sagittarius have been named in an Arabic asterism as the “going Ostriches” in the sense of the Ostriches going to drink from the Milky Way.

In modern Western perception, these stars are part of the Teapot-asterism.

These stars were seen as part of the “Azure Dragon” mansion in Chinese Astronomy. The asterism was called “winnowing basket”, which represents the Azure Dragon’s dung… When looking up the word “winnowing”, it also represents as “seeing through something”…

Interpreting - Integrating

I think this area with its various types of "picture language" from the past and our current understanding of science/astrophysics does very well match Ceres and Ixion's themes and the overall interpretation I gave at the beginning of the post...

I mean, what do we feed and nourish in the meaning of "lust for life" - what do we support to grow in our lives etc.

Ceres does include a "mothering aspect" - that can mean we support someone else or "something" in the way that is needed and most beneficial at this moment FOR that "other" or we do nourish/support in the way we would like to be nourished ourselves...

Yet, again, there's information within this and not every situation does require the same view point ;-)

Mars and Saturn meet very closely at the star Ekkhysis of Aquarius.


Mars is traditionally the “God of war” – innovative, vital and active, also of leadership qualities, how we apply our “willpower”, our inner force. Really a lot of physical and “sexual” energy, the divine masculine principle (can have a lot to do with “protection”). Immature Mars can be very impulsive and if afflicted he can express as “explosive, ballistic” power.      

Saturn is about authority, structures, order and law but not only material structures (like our skeleton/body or buildings) but also about societal structures, political structures and structures of our inner life… other key words are commitment, responsibility and to mature… He reminds us, that we build our structures ourselves and need to take on the responsibility in order to live our sovereignty….  

Mars and Saturn meet close to the ecliptic near the star Hydor / Ekkhysis of Aquarius (lambda Aquarii). 

Astrology star map with focus onto the Aquarian urn

Hydor and Ekkhysis – it means water and outpouring…

Lambda Aquarii is a red bright giant on the AGB path but “evolved” – it’s an evolved star, already used up the helium in the core and fused it to carbon and oxygen and is now fusing hydrogen and helium in a surrounding shell. This star shines with about 700 times the luminosity of the Sun.

In Chinese Astronomy, lambda Aquarii represents the 7th star of “Line of Rampant” asterism… (German: Umwallung, Verteidigungswall etc.)


Mars and Saturn are only 9 minutes apart in latitude here – I find this rather interesting when knowing, they meet here at a “Star Elder” here, an evolved star and that as the 7th (spiritual) star of a kind of either a “vessel” or a kind of protective wall…

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