Full Moon 18th of March 2022 – Equinox 20th of March 2022
The full Moon marks the “highlight”, the midpoint, full sight and consciousness about the lunar cycle we’re in – the monthly one but also the annual one….
4 times a year we’re also talking about the cross of Earth’s dance around the Sun and lately we’re also more aware of the cycles the Sun goes through on our path around the Galactic Center.
Here the post in September/October 2021:
Here the post New Moon March 2022:
The equinox axis is about the “path of action” – from creating/forming to harvesting, possibilities and chances to an outcome…
The solstice axis is like the “polar axis”, what we “cycle around” in the sense of intention and goal, from home to public, from inside to the outside also from the subconscious to the conscious….
It’s also the March Equinox that marks the so called Ages – a part of the precession of the equinoxes, which includes the solstice axis…
To have a full Moon before the equinox was already the case in September 2021 – it’s just like gaining that “clarity, insight, consciousness, awareness” to bring it towards the “tasks” of the equinox themes…
Here the link to the YouTube video I made about this full Moon, Equinox and the Earth-Sun axis path through Virgo and Pisces... https://youtu.be/UTE3_BF8-s8
(Full Moon heliocentric and geocentric chart - Equinox only heliocentric)
This full Moon happens with the Sun at 2°21’48” Pisces and the Moon and Earth opposite same degrees Virgo…
In heliocentric view the Moon and Earth are always pretty close together – tied – the Moon represents the emotional needs of ours, perceptions (intuition) but also the “waves” we cause within self, thus the emotions…. Some interpret the Moon as representing the ego but I think there’s no such planetary body that presents the ego itself – the Moon can bring insights because it deals with our emotional state and our perceptions we gain “clarity” about those states and their “reasons” during a full Moon, as kind of the “conscious perception” of it and we go then on and add or deduct of whatever is needed to achieve the state we wish for, with all it’s back and forth.
My, I’m glad we have only 1 Moon to think about – I mean, imagine Jupiter with it’s so far officially confirmed 79 moons (probably more)….
There’s something (or many) other perspectives to take in count when talking about the Moon though – it’s also the fact that we always see the same side only – lately now, we get photos from the “other side” too but not long ago there were not…
So we’re also here gaining “insight” or let’s say “far sight”/other sight of the whole Moon itself and the themes…
Picture from space.com by NASA/GSFC/Arizona state university – here the link to the whole article:
The Moon and Earth in early Virgo are talking about the need and feeling to get ready for some results here – we have gone through Leo, gained the strength and understanding and now we want to see the direct results, the outcome but before that we also have to get ready, to prepare in order to be able to “receive” – we’re only able to perceive or receive what we made space for or consider possible… we could also say some kind of “refinement”….
The Sun in early Pisces is illuminating the realms of Sculptor and Phoenix but also the Galactic South Pole, which we will reach with the Equinox and in the northern sky the mythical Pegasus with especially the star Scheat in alignment … we have a lot of “origin” themes here and with that the “primordial essence” (fluids like water, cell water, ether but also the life force energy) – that also means like “oneness, the all etc.” all in a more fundamental, stable, harmonious and galactic way … in a wider sense so to speak …. There’s also the means of “spirit” here – the mental force but not in a mere intellectual and selfish sense but in a “pure” sense…
This theme is further confirmed by the Hygiea- Haumea conjunction in the early sign of Libra (constellation Virgo and surrounding) and their Bi-quintile (144°) aspect to Neptune in late Aquarius under the circlet of Pisces, furthermore, this conjunction is in a last 30° aspect by Moon/Earth and a first 150° by the Sun….
We can have the healthiest, most potent seed but when the soil we want to put that into isn’t “matching” for whatever reason (maybe not the right “composition”) the seed won’t make the strong roots needed to grow a healthy plant… That’s the same with any idea, project and so on that we maybe working on… of course this principle is also applicable to the development of human consciousness… So, we can, if we feel it becomes too difficult or overwhelming or stressful, "let go" - not the whole "idea" but of how (the path) it should become exactly and same time staying open for opportunities/doors to open and to act on them... just as we practiced the last years - "no planning possible"....
The Hygiea – Haumea conjunction is also in a quintile aspect with the Mars-Pholus conjunction towards the middle of Sagittarius… it means both these conjunctions form a part of the Pentagram configuration achievable here – both mark a “corner”…. Birthing from purity/health/hygiene of mind/spirit and action based on “higher senses”/view points/mastery of the material world….
Just as we know from wonderous stories from the ancients but also new history such is possible – just like spontaneous healing within hours or days from serious illnesses to women lifting even cars with their bare hands to safe their child or any other such examples – we may not experience such extreme examples but little “miracles”, unexplainable things that need and asking to be integrated into the conscious “knowing” about possibilities….
Another point of focus in both charts are the separating conjunction of Pallas and Chiron (the master teacher about repetitive loops/behavior) in the second half of Pisces with Pallas (creative solutions, mind and strategy) and Ceres (nurturing, mothering) at the Gemini/Orion Solstice point and crossing of the Galactic equator with the ecliptic and the celestial north pole (star Polaris). Ceres opposing the Centaur Ixion (lust for life) in the same “axis region” in Sagittarius.
Quite an entanglement here right – the slowest body here in this picture is the Centaur Ixion, Pallas and Ceres the Two “fastest” and Chiron also a Centaur but one of the “fastest” of them moving much faster than Ixion but much slower than the 2 Asteroids…
If we keep the same values about the “lust for life” (whatever that means to one individually) and try to break loops, we will have it pretty hard… when we want to change something, we need to know what is “underlaying” it, which value, desire or whatever – once conscious of this, we can start to nourish that which has potential to grow (or simply that which we want to achieve) and we can start to perceive different ways, solutions, ideas to solve the situation/problem/strategy etc. and with that we have the possibility to heal repetitive behavior…. Of course as always, individually as well as collectively – process/principles are the same….
That “solution” might still be “hidden”, unclear but we have to trust that we get the inspiration (spirit) in due time.. it’s this trust that we’re “not only” the human form but spirit in form to express itself…. And with this understanding and trust we can make possible what seemed impossible…. But also understand, in this time and “reality” now, we deal with the past – we deal with that which we have to “change”/transform just like a wonderous “spontaneous” healing includes that there was an illness or “perception of such” before….
For the full Moon Mercury (logic, communication, messenger, collaboration) joins Juno (one to one relationships, "equality") and Chariklo (sanctuary, discernment of what has potential) at the more solitary, focused part of Capricorn. Mercury will move on to join Saturn in later Capricorn for the equinox, which brings "maturity" and order into the picture... it's an area of Capricorn that is "shared" with Aquarius and therefore it's more "sharing"/ exchanging but in the more "structural" ways/matters in this case more about the logic mind and inner collaboration it's a creative area that can find it's own ways, to put the own "puzzle" together and finding "missing pieces"... (in the geocentric chart Mercury will move over/meet with Nessus and Jupiter during this time) I have talked a lot about this Jupiter - Nessus conjunction last month and now Mercury joins them and "picking up" on them and "delivering" the message, while "evolving" until he'll be around again in roughly 3 months. Everyone individually will decide what they think about the currents in their lives and globally and how to "react" - remember, there's always more than one way and extreme situations may ask for different "solutions", creative ones...
A simple truth at work – mind over matter – which only really works from the spirit-mind, the higher mind that perceives "themes" beyond the own human life span…. don't get me wrong, it's not necessary to know about the exact own previous lives or to have an idea about the "own life purpose" because all we need to know, we know right when it's needed and the purpose of life is sometimes just simply to live... sometimes we're also guided to get more information, a "study" or learning process of some kind in order to have refined tools to fulfill the potential that tries to become....
A little glimpse of what is to come in the beginning of April:
New Moon on 1st of April (no joke)
then the over the next 3 days the Sun approaches Chiron and Mercury will join them (exact around 2nd/3rd of April) and same time Mars conjoins Vesta.
On 6th of April the Jupiter - Saturn cycle will reach the first exact 30 degrees and Jupiter moves into the last 5 degrees to conjunction with Neptune (exact on 6th of June)...
On 16th-17th of April full Moon with Moon/Earth just passed Spica of Virgo and Arcturus of Bootes, the Sun over the approaching Pallas-Eris conjunction involving the star Baten Kaitos of Cetus (exact on 22nd of April).
On 19th of April Mars conjoins Pluto exact...
I stop here - I could go on and on but you can find the conjunction dates also on my "2022" page and on the "2022 extended" for Members with some short explanation....
But let me say this much - I think, as we can't look at things in a "separate" way only, it seems we're truly in a "preparation" or bridging time - how long this may go, I can't say as it depends everyone of us... and beside that, there's no "end" to anything in this sense anyways - when we look at the Jupiter - Saturn - Pluto involvements we have in a more obvious sense for over 2 years now, is now joined by Neptune... an higher, transformed consciousness that's in some ways not possible to stop but can be accelerated by each Individual and their "work".... we have worked now for a while with the "shadows of the past" and with the 30 degrees of Jupiter and Saturn, we will continue to do so but in a more conscious way, it's still there those shadows but with more awareness and therefore "mature" response.... it will include sometimes to "fall back" but it's nothing bad, we just have to "incorporate" something we forgot before.... as we're more and more dealing also with the Jupiter - Neptune conjunction, we'll see "possibilities", we see that there's truly more to it all than what we have thought so far and we start to "let go". Here it's important though not to take the "garbage" back into the house though ;-) An inner spring clean could help wonders.... New cycles are always a bit more "selfish" in the way as having to find orientation within the new, which may include some "residue", left overs from the past which need to be dealt with/integrated or even transformed... this all happens with a feel of "freshness" to it, some kind of enthusiasm....
With much Love,