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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

in addition to the currents 12.2022

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

.... yet also somewhat timeless....

persistence of memory by Salvador Dali
"Persistence of memory" by Salvador Dali

I think this will become a little "odd" or let's say "different" post at least to me as it will be more "personal" in this sense... many topics are going around in my head and want to be addressed in one go - so I will try my best to get my Saturn into good relations here ;-)

When I started to do the heliocentric astrology and looked at some transit charts of specific dates / happenings in my life, all suddenly became "logic", it made sense. Really eye opening - that doesn't mean I never feel as "victim" anymore or that I have solved all the "puzzle" but I gained the understanding that there's absolutely nothing happening in a life without a reason (cause and effect is always at work) - I often think of the term used by many people who work with "Angels" or numbers or both: "you always get what you need".... HA - a truly "double edged" term, because sometimes what we need is a pretty hard lesson ;-) ...

In my childhood I experienced a lot of "strange things' - against what was considered "normal" back then - I've learned to "switch", to adapt - I think that was good, I know both "sides" now but am for some time learning to "switch" back too....

That's the same with an experience I had in January 2017, which I also call another "Birthday" of mine...

Pretty interesting what followed and I understood that most of what we call "reality" and what we've learned in school or from society, is misleading...

I came further to the conclusion that the so called "Universal laws" (like from the Kybalion) are "real" and we see these also in other forms reflected in mythology, philosophies, religions and even fairytales and of course Astrology. It's all very simple actually but not easy at all ;-) - you will hear me talk about certain topics in the future that are pretty "far" from what I would call "current narrative" even within esoteric or spiritual communities - I'm now called to "dare" (at least sometimes, lol)...

Due to the current Astrology I was talking about "one to one relationships", breaking through loops, realizations and revelations etc. a lot lately - also about the change of relationships (within and without)...

You see, Uranus is slowly moving away from Cetus' head and we may be in "change", away from the the current "narrative" of society or culture, yet also our own "narrative"... beside that, Uranus is in a still very new cycle with Eris and to a lesser degree with Neptune but the one with Saturn (much shorter, yet as significant) is within the last square for a year already. So, Uranus is a lot about the "new" right now whereas Saturn is "concluding and finalizing" a lot...

Sedna the "exiled" in early Taurus with Perseus and the Pleiades north and Eridanus south of the ecliptic... She's very, very slow moving but right now she's fast in comparison as she's near her Perihelion and slowly moving northward as she was at her most southern part in 2014/15 for almost 11 months (in late Aries).

What did we exile - what have we been "blinded" to or where did we feel "betrayed, abandoned or even worse"... she was in these past years transiting a very reflective area of the heavens, where we had to face "fears" and other deep buried themes but also our ability to "emerge in glory". - The Mythology of Sedna is a sad one, full of betrayal and it was her own father who made her drawn in the sea when he threw her "over board" - whatever really happened there, she managed to have her own "kingdom", one far away from people, one far away from what we know...

Very far out there so far only very few bodies have been discovered - some Centaurs though with at least one, not surprisingly, having an even further out orbit - Sedna though is a planet, bringing energies from realms we may not even have accurate words for yet...

We're usually staying in our "comfort zones", where we know and can't be "hurt" - yet, part of our "bio technology" is also the building of our "atmosphere" which does also function automatically as a "filter" or a "shield" and with that, just like a snail, we carry home with us.

Over the last years we have all dealt with a lot of stuff surfacing - "exiled themes" came up and maybe also "exiled" abilities and/or "memories"...

Now we may be called "out" - testing ourselves - how are we doing in "other environments", what patterns do we bring with us, how does it all feel....

And can we trust ourselves, can we be the authentic, liberated Beings also in the "outside" world...

Ixion is another theme - remember the "course video" about the geometry - building blocks... Ixion represents "lust for life" - an energy force in this sense - how do we direct this force and how "corruptible" are we... In mythology Ixion is the grandfather of most Centaurs - he was a king, caring for the people but somehow "snapped" at one point and did become a selfish, lust and desire driven tyrant...

As an example two "evenings" of mine:

I was invited last week to a dinner party - I'm someone who feels very shy and insecure in bigger groups of people and beside that, I was the first time ever introduced not as the "cleaning lady" but the "Astrologer" - wow, how great, amazing - but what now, I was not prepared to the thoughts that raced through my mind... I realized I had mostly just "played a role", knowing what is "expected" of the cleaning lady but now I didn't know what could be expected of an Astrologer at a party.... - no, I don't think anybody had any expectations but I was asking myself.... I decided, that I just need to be "me" as whatever because I'm not only "this or that" and trying to be as honest/authentic as I can... That all went fine until people started to leave - a very strange incident happened caused by me and I was so shocked about it that "old patterns" started to run... (not for long though)

Then a few days after that, a very old Friend of mine from my country of origin with his wife, were in town and asked me out. We had a nice dinner and then went to a nearby live-music-bar and there, to my surprise, the whole evening hard rock was played (it's a blues bar) and Musicians I know for years were playing and big "hugging" was taking place. Another Friend from "those times" (before covid) was there too, so more hugging, lol - I did a lot of "dancing" which felt great but there was also the feeling of "fulfilling expectations"...

You see the dancing was part of a "healing journey" I was on for some years - at first I felt shy to dance in a public place and often being the first or even only one dancing but I overcame that and was at times really feeling "one" with the Musicians - each of us playing a part in the whole creation of the situation / atmosphere...

Therefore, there were many people who knew me "dancing" - so logically they "expected" me to dance when there was the music I used to usually dance to and at a certain point, I even felt "obligated" at times...

A lot of guidance I got here - a lot of synchronicity happening - what was once "difficult" to start with and needed some "courage" has become "comfort" and inspiration for trust into self... it's not about what we choose to do, what we identify with per se as there's no right or wrong, limitation or anything alike to it but it's the courage to "walk" (lol or dance) step by step, allowing to feel maybe a little confused and insecure at times but not to "run" from it. Yes, we may make "mistakes" or strange things at times but that's normal for someone who "dares" sometimes...

That's the same on "any level" also the "non physical", "spiritual" or however one wants to call that, we same time start a new cycle of learning. - like in the "emerald tablets" of (Hermes or Thoth) it's said "a God on one realm and a Servant on the next" - we "master" one thing and then become a student of the next... that's by the way also a "Juno theme"....

There are some things ending and others starting new - it's so for me and same for many, yet it might be so, that we develop new senses, new perceptions, new "guidance" and so on - it might come sudden and unexpected but don't worry - it's in the end benevolent, however strange it might feel in the beginning... Just mind your "patterns" in recognition... as I did by understanding, that those "expectations" in the first evening example were my creation and that I have no reason to "hide" behind anything and in the second example they were "habits" creating an own "dynamic" of "mirroring" (radiation and reflection - also from me)...

I was starting to type more here but I got the "feeling", it's enough for today...

Yet, one more paragraph - since I started writing and sharing in 2020 some people have regularly shared their thoughts and experiences about topics of posts with me and that has enriched my views and understandings a lot - THANK YOU ALL...

Much Love to you All,


My website FA empowerment:

For readings you can contact me via the website contact possibilities.


Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by - choose "extended chart selections".... sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - lunar planer (website no longer available directly but in internet archives)

Dane Rudhyar - many publications and books.... available through "Rudhyar Archival Project"... by Astrology University..... by Michael Meyer on

My own researches, inspirations, intuition, experiences and dreams…

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