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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

"mystic experiences" - April 2022 New Moon and more

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

New Moon 1st of April 2022 at 13:24:24 Thailand and 06:24:24 Universal time

Some parts of the American continent will again have their New Moon in the old month.

The Moon conjoins the Sun at 16°12’8” sid. Pisces and are accompanied by Chiron and Mercury – Earth at same degree sid. Virgo.

The lunar axis at: South 27°46’33” sid. Libra and North same degree Aries.

Uranus stands at 17°35’ sid. Aries (geocentric) and at 19°6’ heliocentric – the lunar Northnode will “meet” with Uranus around 31st of July/1st of August (exact) and joined by Mars…

There’s also the heliocentric Mars – Vesta conjunction now approaching and exact on 2nd of April at 21°11’ sid. Sagittarius and roughly 20 hours later the heliocentric conjunction of Mercury and Chiron will happen at 17° sid. Pisces…

6th of April the exact heliocentric “mark” of the first 30° between Jupiter and Saturn in their still very new cycle – so, we have finished the first 12th of it – going to push through, “the heads come out of the ground”….

12th of April we can observe a pretty close geocentric conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. They’re also in latitude and declination only minutes apart… They meet in late Aquarius…. The geocentric conjunction marks kind of a “preparation” for their synodic cycle to restart as the heliocentric conjunction on 6th of June….

The “mechanics” of the Mercury cycle:

With Mercury and Venus the cycles are called differently as they orbit between the Sun and Earth – when Mercury is at solar conjunction it’s called a “superior conjunction” because Mercury is on the “other side” of the Sun than, which would look like Mercury – Sun – Earth and is similar to the “full Moon – eg. “full Mercury”…. When Mercury (or Venus) make a “new Moon” so to say, a new phase, they’re at “inferior conjunction” and closest to Earth within their orbit and it’s also when the retrograde season of them occurs (only in geocentric view, heliocentric they always go forward).

Mercury conjoining the Sun means here a new cycle with the Sun but a “full Mercury” with Earth and his interaction with us.. During the waxing phase of Mercury he becomes the “morning star” (rising before the Sun) and during the waning phase he’ll slowly shift to become the “evening star” (setting after the Sun)… As said above, the same principles are true for Venus…

While Mercury or Venus are at the “superior” conjunction, they’re not visible to us because the Sun outshines them but we see them clearly at the “squares”.

Because of the pretty fast Mercury (orbit ca. 88 days around the Sun) and our own “high speed” the cycle between Mercury and Earth takes around 116 days… For Venus this is ca. 225 days orbit and 584 days synodic cycle with Earth.

Why is this important now? Well, Mercury goes through an important phase of his cycle with Earth in the sense of he’s “consumed” by the Sun in some way, full of the creative (live giving) force of the Sun and therefore Mercury’s expression “changes” – full awareness in this sense and with it a change or chance of expression, changing from enthusiastic, outgoing action orientation within Mercury’s themes to a more “conclusive”, conscious way of expression…

As the new Moon is involved as well as Chiron, there’s a lot happening here – a lot of “change”, a lot of possibility to break old patterns and to emerge with a new sense of “self” in this way… Mercury’s mental force, the “electric”/neurological, messaging forces (like neurotransmitters) can be used in a more aware way, and with that a more conscious “steering” can occur.

Now adding the New Moon into it, with the more “emotional” part of us we gain more ability in bringing the two forces together – working together, connecting these inner forces of conscious mind and emotions and intuition to “pull on the same string” so to say… you see, such “breaks” loops and brings something “hidden” to the surface 😉

This stellium/new Moon happens at 16°12’8” sid. Pisces with Earth opposite same degrees Virgo. The Piscean star involved is Linteum which comes from Latin and means a linen cloth, sheet or sail – there are also stars of Cetus involved as Deneb Algenubi which comes from Arabic and means “the southern tail of the sea monster” in other star catalogues this region of the heavens is about Ostriches and Cranes and in Chinese it’s a granary…. In the northern sky we see Alderamin the alphastar of the constellation Cepheus, which marks his shoulder.

This means we’re talking about the need for gaining clarity about the reality of “things” – about ourselves and our surrounding – this doesn’t mean only what is seen, because often what we actually see is a cover that prevents us to see what is underneath – may the cover be lies, fears or wants and desires – it always leads to be in a “subversive” state… it’s about gaining the insights of what really is and to take the responsibility to grow that which has potential and to release what doesn’t, so a kind of “cleaning/cleansing” type of energy beside the revelations that can be made by such “uncluttering”…. Sometimes we may also have the tendency to just “cover up” something ourselves because we think we want to “protect” it or ourselves – we have to face it though, both ways and deal with whatever that might be in the “positive and the negative”….

Sometimes it happens that we’re confronted with “revelations” we’re not feeling “ready for” yet and would like to go back and hide under the bedlinen, hiding from that truth because in some form or way it shakes us too much and with that we’re living in denial and the disruptions become worse… even if we did so within one theme or another we always can start to lift at least one corner and then another and slowly roll up that linen again in our own pace…

Everything needs to have strong roots to grow and stay “tall and strong” – Earth stands in a part of Virgo that talks about our neurological system, the capacity or way we perceive information – the more transcending or “higher” mind and our capacities for clairvoyance, foresight and telepathy and more (in whatever way we perceive such).

In the last decades we have “re-discovered” a lot of what was hidden through - various sciences and especially such that deal with the roots of humanity made "big steps" – a theme that we’re interested in for a very long time (as humanity as a whole) – the "where do we come from"…. Archeological findings and their thorough examination did lead to many new ideas and possible explanations for various themes… explanations can only be generally accepted, when the collective or a big part of it can perceive them as something possible and for that, in the now times, it needs an “evolved” or open mind/consciousness…

We’re not solving our “earthly” problems by looking for the solutions in the “state of mind” we have created them – some big Scientists did say something along this line – Pallas stands a few degrees further into Pisces than the "new Moon stellium" and talks about those “creative solutions” and yet another few degrees further we see Eris, the “disruption as eyeopener” but if we’re living in “attunement” the disruptions aren’t very hard or even perceived as a gift…

We’re mostly aware of our “outside world” which is commonly called “reality” but this is a very narrow way of looking at it all and represents in some ways the “veil”/linen cloth that is covering the vastness of the whole reality (I don’t think any of us can really know the totality of it)…

The more we unlock, grow and relay on our “psychic abilities” and connection to our “inner self” and potentials the more we see of that reality and become more and more attuned… we work with our very own “bio-technology” instead of relaying onto the “outside world” for solutions/information – the most obvious part of this is of course the health on a physical as well as mental level but as many of you know, it goes much further…

Chiron will stay for some more time around these longitudes whereas Mercury and the Sun will move on but this New Moon theme will stay for a year and next year, the Pisces New Moon will take place short after the Equinox and therefore around that longitude and “meaning”/energies.

This “stellium” happens in square to the Mars-Vesta conjunction in sid Sagittarius involving the stars Manubrium and Albaldah of Sagittarius. Manubrium is Latin and means “a handle” – in anatomy it’s the upper part of the sternum (breast bone) but it also means more broadly a “knob” or “handle” that controls the stops of an organ… in Sagittarius the star Manubrium marks the ear of the Archer. The star Albaldah in its word-roots refers to “The city”, capitol, holy space but was in antiquity referred to a bigger area of the heaven and this particular star was called the “bright one of the city”. In Chinese view this and some more stars of Sagittarius were called “the establishment”. There’s also indication that it may have been part of the Akkadian asterism called “the Yoke of the Sea”. Also of influence in this area are the Southern constellation “Corona Australis”, Telescopium and the Northern constellation Lyra with its famous alphastar Vega (interesting here is, that the Sun’s direction of travel/Solar Apex is near the star Vega)….

Mars is our active power in the meaning of physical power, willpower but also protective powers, leadership and sexuality also in the sense of creative, innovative capacities…

Vesta is our “inner fire”, what we “burn” for and therefore can devote ourselves to.

This speaks in my opinion about the centering and devotion of ourselves to our “higher self”, the spirit self or this “part” of us that is a “fractal”/part of the All, representing “God” within us, the Universe within us or however we want to call it and to actually being/acting from this “higher self”… In this area this may talk about the vibrations, the music, the words used but also to listen, really listen because sometimes we “give up” to fast out of more “egoic” reasons but same time we shall also “guard” our space and being prepared for transforming energies if necessary…. Our own high vibrations are our best “protection” but it’s more than that – we also transform whatever maybe not so “nice” into something beneficial and making our “cities and temples” (also the own body) to be “shining” in purity….

Jupiter and Saturn and Neptune:

Jupiter and Saturn met in December 2020 for their very close geocentric conjunction (the photo of that I very often use for YouTube and other occasions) at around 5° Capricorn and in November 2020 heliocentric at around 6° Capricorn… Chariklo and Pluto were nearby and interestingly it’s also the area of Chariklo’s Northnode….

Jupiter and Saturn are our two “societal planets” (also within ourselves) – Jupiter is of higher consciousness, expansion and growth and Saturn is a maturing, responsible, organizing and structuring energy…. Where they met is an area that talks about “practicing”, rehearsing, planning in sacred or secret spaces but also about details and discernment. It’s kind of taking the ideas and ideals from Sagittarius into practicality – the “high vibrations” into practical use etc… Like trying something out and adjust or dismiss depending the outcome, practicing also like for example meditation or yoga or something alone or in smaller groups, retreats and similar to bring into “development”/including into every day life as well….

It's also about further “spiritual” awareness and the “higher consciousness” – including into all that is done.. that “higher” path, which can bring so much more for the future….

When we’re new in a cycle we’re still influenced by the previous one and often there’s a resistance to change and its more “instinctual and subjective” in quality (the first 180°), we could also say it’s “need” that rules that first half of the cycle… the first 30 degrees are action based in order to experience the new in its uniqueness, which can include some kind of frustration or anger (just like a child that learns walking may get frustrated when falling again)…. The 30° angle brings a change here and some tension because of “reflection”, whereas the first 30° are more “outside action”, the next 30° are more mirroring back, comparison, copying so to speak… We can also compare it with first we’re in a “time soup” (past, present and future) but then start to become able to make distinctions of what belongs where so to speak…

In the first 180° we express more of the slower planet and then, if we can become conscious about the “whole story” and integrate the theme fully, we’ll start to express the faster planet in such an “assimilated”, mature and new way… we could also say, first we’re learning and then we can start to explain and even teach…

At the moment Jupiter stands in late Aquarius and is about to conjunct with Neptune and Saturn stands in late Capricorn, an area that talks about pulling “loose ends together”, to put collected data to a picture or idea etc. - it’s an “intellectual” area but same time highly creative….

Interesting to note is the fact that Neptune was discovered in early Aquarius in conjunction with Saturn in both charts and loosely with Eris in the heliocentric chart…

Neptune is the “ruler of this age” and he’s about transcendence/clarity/far-sight, spirituality and of course also very emotional as he rules the waters (including the either!?)… He’s also kind of representing the veil between the realms or maybe also about the blockages/veils we built around ourselves and our hearts….

Jupiter will conjoin Neptune exact at 28°40’20” sid. sign Aquarius under the Circlet (fish head), so in the constellation Pisces. Conjoining stars in longitude are Markab and Sadalbari of Pegasus, Beta and Delta of the Phoenix… Markab as name comes from Arabic and means a saddle or something we ride on – interestingly we also have a “saddle” in our brain called the “saddle turcica” which “holds” the pituitary gland (hypophysis and often called the master gland of the endocrine system)…

This area and stars talk about the metamorphosis of our bodies to light-bodies. Us being aware of our genetic and cellular structures and functions and abilities. A “re-birth” of conscious awareness of possibilities and the practical steps towards that by allowing ourselves to “rise above” what might be commonly “accepted” but also above of what we ourselves have thought to be possible or not…. So, in this area we talk about “multi dimensionality” and “travels” accordingly…

This area talks about knowledge to be combined with experience to become wisdom….

This conjunction happens in a first 30° aspect formed by the Sun and Pallas in late Pisces – a first 60° angle formed by Mercury in late Aries – a last/first 30° angle formed by Saturn in late Capricorn and furthermore there is a 120° degrees angle to the lunar Northnode and therefore a 60° angle to the lunar Southnode…

These angles show this above mentioned “instinctive” action in various planetary themes and talk about the still remaining “past pattern” mind-set that might show in the outside and bring certain “necessary” disruptions/tensions for evolvement – with the heliocentric conjunction in June we will have “grown out” of those (at least I hope so)…

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