Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycles Astrology – empowering and connecting on our evolutionary paths
"jump link" to Orcus and the "ghost of Jupiter" nebula (June 2023)....
UT 3rd of June 2024 Vesta conjoins Varuna in the heart of sidereal Cancer
UT 6th of June 2024 Ceres conjoins Pholus and Quaoar in sidereal Sagittarius
ca. 12 hours later New Moon in sidereal Taurus/Orion - Earth Scorpio/Ophiuchus
UT 10th of June 2024 Jupiter conjoins Sedna in sidereal Taurus
(a few hours later, Mars is exact with Neptune)
UT 14th of June 2024 Jupiter - Pluto cycle first trine separate post
UT 20th of June 2024 June Solstice - separate post
Many changes might be on the go – some parts are challenging as they ask for decisions and actions but on the other side it’s same time an opportunity to harmoniously or "silently" or effortlessly slide into a new way…
Decisions may include of what to keep and what not - yet, it’s not necessary to fight the old in order to “be” in the new but more like allowing a gradual flow...
As I said to a Friend the other day: “when cars were invented, we didn’t kill all the horses”…
We could also say – reprogramming – when it comes to our personal ways, the collaboration within, the alchemy in the “spiritual” sense or simply changing a behavior, a location, a value, a job, a belief etc.
Some changes involve a "repetition" - like after moving, one needs to reprogram the new location into the very own "driving automatism" and after a few times, it's done and one doesn't need to think about it anymore.
There’s though also the element of let’s say beauty – if we see a flower we have never seen before and declare it as the most beautiful one, doesn’t mean another one isn’t beautiful, but we’re expressing how intrigued we are by the novelty…
To be “skeptical” about new things or ways, isn’t necessarily bad – it just means, that there is thought and the ability to express them.
Of course, being trapped in fears and worries, will freeze one into inaction but when worries, doubts etc. arise and being “allowed” with openness, then there’s room for solutions to come up.
Emotions are setting things into motion – yet, they’re also part of our inner communication system and that means, it’s a “two way street”. If we deny ourselves to look at the emotions that arise, we miss the call.
It doesn’t mean that every emotion is “true” so to speak – it can be that it’s just a “learned” response, a belief etc. and there’s where the discernment comes into play. Yet, also THIS is a creative, proactive part of it all – there’s no “good or bad” in this but lots of information and creativity.
When having an idea, or somehow a perception of how a solution or a creation could look like, some sort of action is required – may that now be in the sense of gaining more information, thinking, discerning or going to have a look or whatever would describe the “steps towards” it… yet, it might suddenly turn into a different, unexpected direction which doesn’t need to be bad or “negative” at all…
I'm sure, we will see a lot more of "stuff" surfacing over the next years, that might at times put us like into a "pressure cooker" as we'll have a lot to discern, to let go of but same time to see the possibilities and chances and to decide what to do with all of this.... yet, I think "planning" will become more difficult as things might be so "young / new", that we don't really know how to "predict" and that means many will feel this "insecurity" because one seems to loose the control...
For years now, I have the impression that our time is "pushing us" into learning ourselves - that includes the trust and faith into our "non physical, metaphysical and spiritual" parts... Kind of like learning to "have the own back" in this collaboration with the very own multi layered and dimensional parts...
People like to “tip” in a restaurant, at a concert or many other places…
Here the link for that: https://www.faempowerment.com/donate
When you look at the chart below, you see a lot of "red" but under there, there's also all the blue we have built up in May... so there's "tension", there's decisions and polarity that will be there for some time in June very directly and latent for a while - pressure cooker... yet, again there's all this harmonious energy as well and that means, we're dealing with fundamentally benevolent energies... a kind of like a "promise" in this sense... or in other words, it's like remembering the own "core", that which isn't shaken by the outside happenings, the part of us that can strengthen our resilience...
Just as a "heads up" - Venus will position herself during the Solstice in opposition to separating Ceres and Pholus, Quaoar - she will, with this, again form a Grand Square...
It's marked with the red "arrow" and the word "resolution" in the chart below....

The Ceres - Pholus chart as a representative for these few days....
The big red square - is in this sense "short lived" as it involves fast moving bodies...
Yet, it's building during the Vesta - Varuna conjunction and is fully there with the Ceres-Pholus conjunction as well as the New Moon...
The Vesta - Varuna conjunction circled red
The Ceres - Pholus conjunction circled green
The Jupiter - Sedna conjunction circled blue
Vesta – Varuna conjunction at 12°50’6” sidereal Cancer
Vesta stands a little south of Varuna but north of the ecliptic very close to the Praesepe M44 Beehive Cluster and Varuna just passed the star Decapoda of Cancer.
Their last conjunction took place in September 2020, only very few degrees from where they meet this time – what was interesting in the 2020 conjunction was their opposition to the Jupiter-Saturn-Pallas stellium in earlier sidereal Capricorn…
Their next conjunction takes place on 6th of February 2028 a few degrees further towards Leo.
Vesta is our inner, sacred flame – so it’s our devotion but she’s also about “endurance” – how much are we going to “endure” (also in the sense of “time” and “other tasks” to support etc.) in order to keep our flame burning, to find our “purpose”, inner knowing (also knowledge in general) and actually act on it. She’s also Saturn’s daughter and as such they share the theme “commitment”….
More about Vesta: https://www.faempowerment.com/vesta
The first “Vestal cults” (Roman name – Hestia Greek) came to western Europe after the Trojan war by refugees who were, according to mythology, guided by Venus…
Varuna is the “all knowing creator God” of India and stands for the natural flow of life and its rhythms. Astrologically the influence of Varuna is one of more cosmic, galactic or “Soul level” – all these outer “Trans Neptunian objects” seems to me to “refine” the Astrology towards the inner life as an “integrated part”. The discovery position in middle of Gemini, does indicate or emphasis on the integrative forces, the teamwork and grounding/ anchoring of the natural, cosmic laws of life and creator-force into our daily lives without hesitation. Living the own path and life…
Rhythm, waves, wind, breathing – all themes I see in Varuna…
More about Varuna: https://www.faempowerment.com/varuna
The placement around 12°-13° Cancer
Directly Involved are the stars Decapoda, Asellus A and B and the famous Praesepe M44 “beehive cluster” all of the Cancer constellation:
Deca got its root from anything “ten” (Decapoda means 10 feet) but 10 is also the number of completion and new beginnings. The 10 represents the full self-awareness that ultimately leads to the awareness of others…
The Asellus-stars are talking about stuff that might come up, like history and what is “calcified” in belief-systems…
Praesepe the M44 beehive cluster is asking to walk away from anything alike, to build a home or nest where it makes the most “sense” and to get the direction from within…
It’s a very transformational area and includes “womb” energy, the birth of something new that may go with a very own, unique flow…
This is also the longitude of Eris’ most northern part of orbit – so there are realizations and there’s actually no space for lies (energetically)… one can always try to lie to oneself but in the end that leads nowhere…
Aspects formed by Vesta and Varuna
Our pair is in a 150° with the Ceres-Pholus-Quaoar conjunction and in a 120° angle with Hygiea in sidereal Pisces, which means there’s also a square connection between Ceres and co. with Hygiea – these 3 “placements” do form together an irregular triangle that yet adds to a full 360°.
Vesta and Varuna are also in a 135° angle with the approaching conjunction of Mars with Neptune…
Ceres – Pholus conjunction at 13°18’5” sidereal Sagittarius
As Pholus is for years already in conjunction with Quaoar, every body who meets with Pholus also meets with Quaoar… it will go on like this for quite some more years…
Ceres met with Pholus last time in September 2019 just a few degrees earlier in Sagittarius – what was interesting then, was the approaching conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (Chariklo there as well) and that Jupiter was with Ixion at the Galactic Center (Ixion also in latitude).
Their next conjunction will be in February 2029 – we’ll “work” on this for almost 5 years.
Ceres is sometimes named the “new ruler” of Virgo and speaks about mature feminine energies. How we nurture ourselves and others - how we would like to be nurtured or how we receive nurturing. The theme of nurturing includes the energetics we take in as for example our environment, people, news and so on…. She also speaks about listening to our whole being, also the body – what do we need to feel well – a long hot bath, exercise, meditation…. The list is long…
More about Ceres: https://www.faempowerment.com/ceres
Pholus is the Assistant for a healing or transformation processes as he heightens the perception – especially the sight (from physical eyes to the “inner eye”) – to see “through”. He works together with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and is in a special harmony with Orcus as well as Chariklo… so we can see his powers in this but it’s a power we mostly have access to from a more private, sacred and/or inner place where we feel safe and open to the magical worlds, he may be able to make visible to us – the mysteries of our inner self and such related experiences may lead to deep inner transformation. Pholus can be the trigger for a wave of events….
More about Pholus: https://www.faempowerment.com/pholus
Quaoar is about the natural laws of life, its harmony and sacredness. This harmony is accessible by surrendering and to let go of what is disturbing this harmony. Natural order and law includes death – physical death of biological life as well as any kind of energetic transformations… Natural law and order or as I like to call them “universal laws” connect all outer planetary bodies – to see the harmony of “interplay” and where that is “disturbed” might be one of Quaoar tasks...
More about Quaoar: https://www.faempowerment.com/quaoar
The placements in sidereal Sagittarius
Ceres stands south of the ecliptic and also south of Facies (Sagittarius’ face) whereas Pholus and Quaoar are standing north of the ecliptic in the constellation Scutum (very close to the border to the constellation Sagittarius but north of it).
Facies is a globular cluster and marks the face of the Archer. The focus of the bow and hand is “overlooked” and “steered” by Facies – we take the aim but with total consciousness and honesty and are willing to “face the truth”…. It’s a “magnetic” area that can be used to bring “order” into maybe chaotic scenarios that try to divide and distract….
Scutum is a little constellation next to/crossed by the galactic equator, north of the ecliptic and south of the celestial equator. Scutum is depicted as a shield . In ancient times, Scutum was seen as part of the constellation Aquila (the Eagle).
Scutum, even small, holds quite a number of “deep space objects” because of the vicinity to the Galactic Equator.
Near of where Quaoar and also Pholus is standing, there’s a so called “dark nebula / cloud” – it’s a very dense area of the heavens. It’s like a “cocoon”, within which a metamorphoses or birth of new stars can occur.
Nick A. Fiorenza called Scutum the "defender of the cross - precession cycle of Earth" - I can see, how he came to the conclusion.... yet, think of all crosses, the geometry of the 4, the 4 directions etc. - so squares might not be so "bad" after all....
Aspects formed by Ceres and Pholus
Ceres, Pholus and Quaoar standing at the apex/”T” of a T-square in 90° angles to the both sides of the Hygiea (hygiene, purity, maintaining health) – Makemake (governing of resources) opposition.
They also stand in a 150° angle with the Vesta – Varuna conjunction.
The Vesta-Varuna and Ceres-Pholus, Quaoar relation
I see here, that we have on all levels an "improving" energy - whatever we "burn" for and want to bring out into this world, have nourished in the past etc. ... we may have thought it's "one thing" and may realize, this wasn't the actual goal but a mere step towards it...
Just a bit like one wanted to lose weight and started to eat healthier, exercise etc. and even so there is a weight loss, there's also the realization it wasn't just that weight-loss but also a total change of life-style, which leads to many other changes...
Yet, it could also go the total other way around - someone who is very active, does exercises and so on, suddenly may feel a "break" or slowing down is needed for whatever reason...
So, we have some kind of "balancing out" as well as the "improving, upleveling" energy here...
We often are in the belief, that action is kind of very "visible" and in this sense forceful almost forgetting about the "inner forces and strength"...
So, there's this "wave/field effect" involved, like in breathing too - in and out, up and down - so we can see how "interrelated" this is... it's one, yet with different "qualities" to it, neither good nor bad but both essential...
I think, we're here in the situation, that we have to see the "e-qualities" here and become aware of what we're growing and/or nourishing...
Nope - it's not another part about how we create reality, you know that by now... no, it's the "perception" of our "stability, core, soul, sacredness, life, nature" that is somehow always same and "untouched", yet same time undergoing a metamorphoses...
Ohhh, sounds paradox but think of how you perceive the Universe as immense, limitless, unperceivable and same time it's actually a living community that "breathes" as well....
Jupiter – Sedna conjunction at 5°0’40” sidereal Taurus
They met last in May 2012 in late sidereal Aries, (ca. 22 minutes from where Uranus stands during their conjunction this time around).
Their next conjunction will be in July 2036 almost 8 degrees further into Taurus from this conjunction.
Because Sedna is on her way to her Perihelion, she moves “fast” along this part of the zodiac and we can see “movement” even in these shorter periods or cycles as here with Jupiter. – for comparison, there are times when she moves 2° to 3° along the zodiac within 100 years and that slows to less than a 1° in 100 years when she’s even further out… we have her “around” for roughly a 1500 years and the rest of her 11’400 years of orbit, she’s out there but in reference to the zodiac hardly moving at all….
Yet, even in times when her placements do not change much (and that’s the same for any “slow” moving planetary body), the aspects do and if there are other bodies near the conjunction etc.
The Players:
Jupiter is expansion / evolution and this includes “higher learning”, our ideals and beliefs and consequently expectations on a personal level and on societal level. How do we belief and expect the world to be like?? On the more physical side he’s about learning, “truth” and justice, travelling, foreign countries and cultures (to expand one’s “horizon”), physical movement in nature (kind of like “fullness of life”)…
More about Jupiter: https://www.faempowerment.com/jupiter
If you're interested in some of Jupiter cycle geometries - check out my latest pdf available from my "shop"... https://www.faempowerment.com/product-page/some-jupiter-cycle-geometry
Sedna is called “the emergence of the exiled feminine” (named by Nick Anthony Fiorenza). She’s showing where we were hurt and “left” and closing ourselves in fear of being hurt and betrayed. But reconnecting with what the feminine principle is about makes space for re- opening and participation in life as a “whole” – she’s like a gate for limitless possibilities.
More about Sedna: https://www.faempowerment.com/sedna
The placement at around 5° sidereal Taurus
The ancient astronomers and astrologers did consider the 5th day of a month as a “bad omen”, a day of change – nowadays, the number 5 is often considered one of “change”….
Of influence on this longitude in reference to the ecliptic, we find the following stars – starting in the south: Theemin and Beid both of Eridanus, Furibundus of Taurus (Sedna conjoins), Alcyone of the Pleiades (7 sisters), Mirfak and Miram of Perseus…
The star Furibundus (nu Tauri south of the ecliptic) marks the right leg of the bull – Furibundus means “frantic, maddened or inspired” (quite a range of meaning, lol).
It’s said, the Pleiades and the Hyades are bringing tears in the form of rain onto earth (the Hyades additionally with a lot of “tantrum” – storms)- an emotional part of the heavens. Nowadays the Pleiades are often called a system of “healers” - those who have found the way through the grief, the losses and pains…
The whole story of Perseus and the Gorgoneas (Medusa is one of them) is well known. The hero Perseus beheads the Medusa (snakes as hair, turns people into stone) with the aid of a shield used as a mirror – this idea was presented by Athena (Pallas)…
The themes of fear, the “frozen state”, denials, mirroring effects etc.
Less obvious themes here are:
Liberation, communication, values and like the "wonders, miracles"
It might be interesting to note, that in sidereal Astrology, the conjunction happens on the "cusp" between the 2nd and 3rd house when calculating from the March equinox point as the entrance to the 1st house...
Aspects formed by Jupiter and Sedna
Jupiter and Sedna stand in a 120° angle by/from Pluto and in a 60° angle to the Neptune, which also means, that Neptune is in approaching exact 60° angle from Pluto and those 3 points forming a small triangle. Yet, as Pluto as well as Jupiter and Sedna are also each in a 120° angle with Juno in earlier Virgo, there’s a Grandtrine formed, that connects the small triangle, which gives us a “Kite / Pyramid / Diamond” shape aspect choreography.
A short "conclusion" about Jupiter and Sedna
Yes, we may have been disappointed, betrayed and worse - if we though, hold onto those feelings, we can not move on, we're kept in place and same happens when we try to "fight" the experience - we in the end only hurt ourselves...
Interestingly the stories of Medusa as well as the one of Sedna are similar in the sense, that both have tried to "adapt" to their family/society values and were with this, faced horrible outcomes and both had to die in order to be liberated, to express and give "birth" to something new...
Sedna shows us, that there are limitless possibilities and Jupiter is enhancing this. Yet, the hard thing is, "something has to die" or "metamorphose", change, adapt...
If we do the very same, if we have the same perspective, the same mindset, belief etc. nothing will change and its hard to grow any form of opportunity from it...
The "mirroring effect" is something that's kind of life/nature's way of communication. Just like in the saying "as you shout into the wood it will echo back"....
Sometimes though, we're also the mirror for someone else - it means, we can say "no" to something...
Sedna is VERY FAR out, a planet most of the time "away" on the other side of the "termination shock" (astronomical term) and that means, we can directly ask for help from our "outer, inner, higher, deeper" parts (soul, immortal, god-part etc.) - we always have our backs ;-)
Another aspect here is, that we may say, THAT we always have our own back - we even manifest or attract our beliefs and what we speak out etc. - we create with these "tools" - it functions a bit like the algorithms used in our modern technologies....
People like to “tip” in a restaurant, at a concert or many other places…
Here the link for that: https://www.faempowerment.com/donate
there are often very interesting correlations in the Astrology of the previous year...
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New Beginnings 06.2023 - planetary cycles
1st / 2nd of June Mars conjoins Pallas in sidereal Leo conjoining its star Shir
18th of June Mars conjoins Orcus in sidereal Leo – some hours prior to this
conjunction, there will be the May new Moon with Earth just over the
Galactic Center.
21st of June June–Solstice will be discussed separately
28th of June Pallas conjoins Orcus in sidereal Leo, both South of the ecliptic, while
Mars stands north of the ecliptic at the star Shishimai of Leo.
29th of June Vesta conjoins Uranus with Vesta between the stars Botein of Aries
and Atirsagne of Taurus…. probably posted together with early July….