I love this track by Pink Floyd - it doesn't only connect to a recent story of mine (you can read that further down) but also to literal "dream time learning" of mine as a Teenager...
All is always somehow entangled...

Globular Cluster M22 - also called "Facies" in the constellation Sagittarius.
Picture by: NASA/ESA Hubble
New Moon 29.06.2022 – Universal time: 2:52:16am / Thailand time: 9:52;16am
Sun and Moon stand 12°4’10” sidereal Gemini conjoining in longitude with the star Alhena (Castor’s foot) and some nebula and special region in the constellation Monoceros….
Earth stands opposite, same degrees sid. Sagittarius, just 1,5° passed the Centaur Pholus. As viewed from the Sun, the Moon is always conjunct the Earth – the emotions, the “tides” are bound to Earth…. Earth stands just between Facies (a globular cluster that marks the Archer’s face) and Kaus Borealis at the bow…
Earth stands in square (90° angle) with the approaching Mercury – Chiron conjunction in middle of Pisces and on the “other side” in square from Makemake in sid. Virgo near Diadem… so, Earth is the focal point of this T-Square but yet, the Sun is right “opposite”, so we could see it as a Grand Square all together….
There’s a lot more going on though:
Mars is approaching Nessus for conjunction in sid. Aquarius
Venus is approaching Eris in very late sid Pisces and they are in Squares to Pluto in very early sid. Capricorn conjoining Terebellum of Sagittarius and Ceres conjoining Pollux one of the Twins of Gemini….
Pallas is very south of the ecliptic and approaching in longitude Uranus and the head of Cetus in sid. Aries. They are in a sextile (60° angle) from Mars/Nessus… Uranus also in a trine (120° angle) to Orcus in sid. Leo…
Hygiea in late sid. Libra conjoining the star Brachium is in last square to Saturn in late sid. Capricorn…. Saturn though in sextile to the Venus/Eris almost-conjunction…
The separating Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is in a Grand Trine (equilateral triangle) with Ceres in Gemini and Hygiea in Libra…
You see, quite some entanglement here and no, it’s not really everything….
As always, these are general energies and hit us All in different life-scenarios and themes, yet similar… Some of us may have worked with many themes already, others may have just started and yet, there might always be another theme to surface – doesn’t need to be anything “bad” though – there’s beauty in everything – just like the hardest pain can lead to something worth enduring it…
I think I said it a few times before – emotions and feelings aren’t the same – therefore it’s important to discern here… emotions do steer though and when we’re unaware, we might “fall” into such a kind of “own trap”. Often emotions are something we’ve taken with us from the past – something not really useful we have programmed ourselves with... Once we break through those “veils” of emotions that keep us in repetitive loops, we can discover a truth laying underneath…
For years now, we’re in this process – some more aware of it, some less – nevertheless it’s the same for us All and we’re All facing truth within by experiencing, perceiving, interpreting our surrounding and life… Some may want to gain “control”, some may want to “float” – I for myself have come to the “conclusion” that when we allow, surrender to flow we gain the control we previously may have searched for (at least I did 😉 )
Remember my last posts and themes – self reflection, temptations, integrity – now we add the forward motion - we’re asked by the Earth-Sun axis to leave doubts behind and anchor and live this new “self” – we have spent years of “healing” to find out what in the “program” is wrong but now we can actually go on and live differently because we already know – belief it and though you can…. Giggles, just like I said in the Solstice-post – “move the mountains” or maybe even better, stand on top of them 😉 … Yet, aiming for that truth or integrity is important – otherwise we’re just constructing more strings or attachments again…. See, that region where Earth stands “in”, does contain several black holes and therefore is kind of “record keeping”, containing, programming…. I’ve heard the comparison of black holes with our eyes – we can’t make something seen to become unseen….
So therefore, it shall not be a “blindly” striving forward and thinking we can “reprogram” at any times – not like this – nope, remember, there’s also the law of cause and effect (karma) but yes, what we find to be not of use or beneficial anymore (truth isn’t always comfortable though – use discernment not judgment!!) can be overwritten or reprogrammed but that also includes a decision because we have to make a choice with what we program new…
Yes, a “no” is also a choice, a selection of what not but it’s the first step only as re-programming does include a choice - on the physical level or on a non-physical level...
Yet, when we make this “no selections” within ourselves, the “what is me” or “essence” questions, we come with the “no’s” to the depth of what is “remaining” in the end….
Another important theme here is also the “own path”, the “own self” – nobody can tell someone else who he/she is or not, yet we can give “reflections” of what it “appears to us” or how we perceive…. “Talking the own truth” is a sentence I hear often – does that mean we have to go around and tell anyone who we are, what we think and the emotions we have?? Lol, I don’t think so – I think it’s about communicating within self what is “true and what not”, so again integrity…
Be aware of the “self-fulfilling Grand Trine” – there’s so much harmony, which we always create ourselves (also a program), that we kind of become “stagnant” and we lose the huge creative potential within it. Even so we feel the “flow” and harmony we need to add some action in order for that potential, that creativity to manifest… Just like the idea of a painting, doesn’t make the painting yet….
So this “inertia” (no action/ laziness) can be “self-sabotaging” – both, “no action” and action based on old programs can lead to confusion and dis-comfort… We need both – the action and the stillness to perceive the idea, the inspiration… ideally that goes simultaneously, without plans or timeframes to have for one or the other but just “flowing into and with each other”….
If we’re not sure, we can always ask “the Universe” – in whatever form we tend to do that individually – we get an answer and often that comes in form of synchronicities, intuition, inner knowing and so on – it’s a resource that is “infinite” …
Pallas and Uranus are talking a “similar language” here – if we allow ourselves to be open to perceive, we might be pretty surprised by some of our ideas, yet they want to be tried out – you know “nothing to lose” here in this sense – we can get the paper or canvas and start to draw or paint, no harm in that right…
Just a few days ago I had a little experience: In the corner of the house I’m renting is a very tall tree and different kinds of birds are nesting. It became very loud around here, when one of the baby-birds fell out and it was hoping right in front of me along to the other corner of the garden and then to the back and did hide behind a small tree…. I could free the little one from there and the parents up on the electric lines watching and screaming – I put the little bird down but then it did hop to a house opposite and hid under some spare roofing tiles – I climbed over the wall (the house is for sale, nobody there) as I was afraid also about the “compound cats” and got the little bird out and did bring it to my garden under the tree it fell off… It took some more attempts and stuff but eventually, with the loud support and I guess advise of the parents, the little one finally started to hop up, from branch to branch, using all kind of other trees and bushes to make its way up….
This little story I think contains a lot – I mean, this little bird had to make a quite exhausting journey and was probably “traumatized” but somehow, after all these D-tours and “failure” did find its way, did find its strength and determination and focus…
Beside that all, I learned that next time should I want to try to “rescue” whatever kind of animal, I best bring it to it’s natural habitat as there nature provides the tools…
The same though can be applied for us Humans – our natural habitat isn’t all the technologies we have invented and adapted to, yet are a mirror of what we have inherently within…. So, reconnection to the self and our natural abilities can bring us just what we actually want and might have “signed up for” ….
Again, we can try, we can experiment and when there’s a failure then we know what doesn’t work at that moment or for this task or for an Individual….
With much Love to you All,
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