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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

New Beginnings 03.2024

Updated: May 5, 2024

the gates are open


Heliocentric sidereal planetary cycle Astrology – the Universe guides and receives us in a seemingly endless spiral of evolution….

“Coincidence” is an illusion of separation



We’re in March dealing with specific angles of cycles that started in 2020. These cycle parts (aspects) occur almost simultaneously with the Jupiter – Uranus conjunction at the star Botein of Aries, they are therefore an “integral” part of this conjunction.

It’s also of importance that the Saturn – Eris cycle is in a balsamic phase…

It’s all inter-related, woven together and one supports the other.



In 2020, we had the conjunctions of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter – as they happened very close or at least “near” their Southnodes, there’s a special emphasis onto these conjunctions in the sense of harvest and discernment as well as a “seeding” aspects…  

Some Asteroids and Centaurs were directly involved (conjunct) during that time as well… especially the Asteroids of the main belt with their relatively fast orbits, do act as a kind of bridge – same is true for Centaurs just on a different level - so, in this sense “all gates are open”…

Also, in 2020 Pluto pushed himself into the exact 270° degree aspect to Eris and rang the bell for their last square – for a while now, Pluto has left that exact square and instead is in a last trine aspect to Sedna…

Besides, we’re dealing with the “overlay” of the Earth’s “cross” with the Galactic cross in a square way… (happens only every ca. 6400 years)…

Later in March this becomes “obvious” again, when we’re with the March Equinox.


The main belt Asteroids and Jupiter are the faster acting ones – they do bring the energies around to be seen from various perspectives. Therefore, Jupiter is acting as the “young” now, the “growing” and active part of which is still in discernment, seeding, envisioning phase.  In this sense, there’s a “new way” of those parts of life, a different view on the “whole” in this sense, which allows a shift…

Most of the main belt Asteroids have since completed a full orbit and are in a “further” step within this all….   


Changes and transformational processes are bringing themes to the surface, that were hidden before… this can be painful and even ugly, yet, there’s a reason for that and beneath it all there’s a “gift”, the “pot of gold” on the other side of the rainbow … and just as a mother may forget the birth-pain when holding her child, we can forget the pain because we live with the wonders discovered…



In the whole pandemic situation, we could see the various types of reactions to “fear” – we were all pushed to react – whatever way we did respond, is very telling.

Of course, there were many types of fears involved – some not even “personal” just some kind of stuff that has been accumulated over the last millennia in the Human collective. Responses or experiences of the past, are still influencing us, and in this sense, “kept alive”…

  • Like the horrors of the inquisition and other types of “racism”, environmental catastrophes and cataclysms with their various impacts and consequences etc.

The people who survived or witnessed events have reacted in whatever way and have in this sense given the reactions and adaptations further to the next generation…

These “adaptations and programs” have become part of the cultural and societal structures.


Many of these “views” have changed over the last decades and allowed "openness” to emerge…

Yet, other themes may be deep down and harder to “break open” or to accept, that they actually came from an understandable “fear response” and survival instinct…

And when I think of the “speed” that changes have been taken on within only the last 20, 30 years, I think we’re actually a remarkable collective….


28th of March 2024

There might be quite some stuff coming up, that needs to be "purified" - allowing to perceive what is there, what coping mechanisms we may have been attached to, what "associations" we have built up over time etc.

We attach emotions to situations / experiences which may not necessarily be how they were - it's just our perception...

Parts of our nightly dreams, are a kind of "processing systems" - we can help ourselves with that before we go to sleep, we can already "address and clean" some of the impressions of the day out, so we're free to "dream freely" of other things that need to surface...

I think there might be also more "memories" coming up during waking time in form of deja-vu or sudden pictures, knowing, impressions etc. - one can then consciously work with these happenings, not to try to analyze them too much but noticing is important as they may give a hint of where we're just leading to... it may mean, to just simply do something different than you were just about to do....

11th to 14th of March 2024


  • Juno conjoins Orcus at 19°58’ sidereal Leo  

  • Mars conjoins Pluto at 4°53’47” sidereal Capricorn and they are also conjoined by Venus. Venus will be exactly with Pluto less than 24 hours later…

  • Jupiter in late sidereal Aries is in Quintile (first 72°) to Saturn in middle of sidereal Aquarius

  • Saturn in middle of sidereal Aquarius reaches the first 40° (Novile) from Pluto in earlier sidereal Capricorn on 14th of March

  • On 14th of March as well, Jupiter conjoins Uranus in later sidereal Aries near the star Botein.



Besides all of these, I find it interesting to note, that Venus and Mars are making their conjunction at Pluto’s – therefore a triple conjunction or synchronization…

For Mars this means the “next” or “Martian annual meeting” with Pluto, whereas Venus came along more often (last time on 31st of July 2023). The last Venus-Mars conjunction took place on 22nd of April 2023 under the Lion’s nose in later sidereal Cancer and the one before that was on 17th of May 2022 at 18°45’ sidereal Capricorn with Pluto at 1°43’, Vesta at 5°11’, Chariklo at 10°16’, Juno at 21°20’ and Saturn at 23°47’ Capricorn…  

You can follow that further back, it’s interesting to see them forming “almost oppositions” (plus and minus) to their previous conjunction …

Heliocentric Venus - Mars conjunction diagram by Fran Arnet


Often Venus is called the “feminine principle” and Mars the “masculine principle” and they take Earth into sandwich within the “line-up” of planets…


I see in this a “call” to allow ourselves to work in “union, harmony” with our feminine and masculine aspects – to give them both room….


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