- the stage is yours…
Full Moon 16th of February 2022 at 16:56:30 Universal time (23:56:30 Thailand)
The first full Moon in the new Chinese Year and “judging” how it presents itself with “aspect choreographies” and conjunctions it’s an important one…
This full Moon happens with the Moon and Earth in early Leo and the Sun in early Aquarius. The “corresponding” New Moon was on 7th of September 2022 at 19°20’11” Leo.
Here a little recap:
I talked about high creativity, solutions at hand and having to choose, collecting information to form a “bigger picture” and beside that, it was a lot about self-respect, knowing and living from the self and what “joy” that brings but also about self- reflection and letting go of guilt, shame and similar and to forgive ourselves and others as “closure” of a chapter or even better a book….
The current lunar month started with the last New Moon – so this more “direct linear” view is something we remember more clear, the intentions we set… The post: https://www.faempowerment.com/post/effect-shows-cause-new-moon-1st-of-february-2022
Not in these words, but it was about seeing the effects and their cause/intentions within everything – the processing/discerning of information, patterns and similar – what we “store” and attach emotions to and therefore “self-programming” … also what we find “worth our time” and effort – what we focus on, “breeding out”, practicing, planning and preparing to bring out/forward – everything grows from within to the outside but also from the subconscious to the conscious etc…. If we want to change or adjust something it needs to be done from the inside out – a new creation/cause – first though, we also need to know what is there…. We have this “mirroring” system within us – is what we created/happens in alignment with what we want?? – important here is to make sure it’s our true intentions and not the ones formed through “false” (fear based)/past programming…
Now this Full Moon at 2°41’10” sid. Leo (Sun in early Aquarius) stands in a region that is very powerful in an “adventurous”, courageous way. Here we’re able to go the “own way” and not being hold back by other people’s opinion as we feel to “serve” a higher goal/task, something “heartfelt”, something we want to “fly high” with so we have the curtains pulled up and the play or at least “public rehearsal” can begin – from one heart to the other… by the way, early Aquarius is also the re-discovery placement of Neptune….
The lunar nodes are at 1°39’34” Scorpio (Southnode) and Taurus (Northnode and conjoining Sedna)… On this axis we have emphasis on the mirroring/reflection system, a “choice point” when we become aware of entrapment by old patterns etc., we can kind of “sacrifice” the old to the new… it’s kind of a “master hero journey” – the hero that seeks the “own answers” and fights the “own” fights with wisdom….
With the geocentric Venus-Mars conjunction (Mars faster, so there will be another conjunction on 6th of March) at 21° sid. Sagittarius only 2,5 hours prior to the full Moon, this can either be in nice coherence and working together between the inner forces but it can also lead to some “stubborn”, bossy, very opinionated kind of reactions…. They meet as seen from Earth near the stars Albaldah and Manubrium both of Sagittarius and in the far north we can see Vega of Lyra – this region talks about the communication between “Heaven and Earth” we have to “listen”/ ”feel”/”podcast”, the vibration put out and resonance it creates (2 way street)….
In the heliocentric chart though, Venus stands at 26° Leo in last square to Mars at 25°35’ Scorpio – yes, some tension here but a “revealing” one – you see, that part of Leo “knows the world stage”, knows how it works (within and “on it” and behind it – so many layers) but also the “powerplays” at work (also the powerplays within ourselves!!!!) and Mars stands conjoining the star Imad of Ophiuchus (right foot) and near in longitude Ras Alhague the head and alpha star of Ophiuchus (self mastery)….
Mars is action, physical power and often called the “god of war” but he can be actually the “protective one” and taking a leading stand and it seems at this particular position it’s really right that – to protect not to fall into the “powerplay trap” but to use the information gained from Venus (heart/values) to be used in a more calm but “strategic” way…. Venus though needs to give her “true heart” as basis of information, as an action, reaction or response can only be as “true” and complete as the information gained/shared…
Well but we have more squares to talk about as it’s a Grand-Square-Cross here – beside Venus and Mars we also have Neptune in late Aquarius and Ceres in late Taurus.
Neptune as the ruler of all “liquids” and our current “age” is about transcendence, clarity, belief, dreams etc. and stands under the “fish head” and Pegasus but over Sculptor and Phoenix - a “preparational” part of the heavens. The paradigm shift has already occurred but we’re still in the phase of “growing more roots”, understanding its meaning and preparing our bodies (on all levels) accordingly but also building the fundaments for living the “new” consciousness so kind of sometimes feeling as living in “two worlds simultaneously”….
Ceres who symbolizes “mothering, nourishing” energy stands at the northern horn of Taurus just over the “middle” of Orion and under Auriga – an area that talks about plans for the future, fundaments that need to be built or planned, like maybe “blueprints” done and so on… there might be still a little insecurity or doubts at times but with focus on the “path” ahead this can be overcome.
Venus needs to include Neptune in the opposition and Mars needs to integrate Ceres and same time they are all interconnected by the squares of different qualities… All in all energies that are a little “stubborn/resistant to change” but same time the necessity of change and integration is perceived and “pushed on”…
Neptune and Pluto are symbolizing very fundamental forces and together are the “gate keepers” of the deep inside/universe(s)…. The Moon symbolizes emotions – the emotions do make our “fabric/field” move – just like the flows of the oceans…. What we think, belief and focus on changes our perception/”relationship” and therefore also our emotions/vibration and what we create/“attract”….
We can’t change/transform the “physical outcome” of something (solve a problem) on/from the “consciousness”/ fundament of thinking we have created it (“free” quoting of Albert Einstein) – therefore we need to change our perception of it and with that open the “field of possibility” and then a choice or decision can be made….
We’re also still in the now separating conjunction between Juno and Pluto on the Sagittarius- Capricorn cusp… The transformation/rebirth/metamorphoses of the relationship we have with ourselves and therefore with others… Again, the theme of vibration-resonance but also focus that comes into play here in combination with a “solitary” aspect…
In this heliocentric chart we also see a “mystic rectangle” or also called “envelope” aspect pattern – it means that all 4 corners must be used/included or given its “space” in order to reveal the “whole”, the gift… so it’s like one needs to “open”/unfold the envelope…
The Players: Mercury in sid. Libra – Jupiter/Nessus in sid. Aquarius – Uranus sid. Aries and Orcus in sid. Leo…
The most difficult part in this is the conjunction Jupiter is approaching to Nessus – Nessus usually stands for “abuse, rejection, abandonment, neglect” and Jupiter is about emphasis, growth, gaining a bigger/higher perspective/view point etc…
They will meet in just passed the middle of Aquarius (heliocentric on 26th of February and geocentric on 2nd of March)…. In the approaching and separating time of this conjunction we deal a lot with Nessus themes (in both directions – inside and outside). Nessus isn’t a “bad guy” as he’s also bridging – he shows that action asks for reaction and then another reaction and so it goes back and forth and nothing is “gained”…. The same is true about things we feel guilt, shame about – when we react towards ourselves with blame, neglect or similar we only make the problem worse….
There’s a lot we can learn on an individual level but also global/societal level about such situations and occurrences. It doesn’t mean that we have to accept the misuse of power in any form or way but we can also understand of “how” it happened, how it was possible to happen, why we made “room”/space for something to happen or why we did something the way we did even so it might have been against our very own “principles”/ideals and so on but those “principles/ideals are also what can “pull” us out of situations in the sense of “focus” ….
Once we have “analyzed” the problem in a more “mental way” by “searching” for its roots, we automatically know how at least “not” to do again or let’s say what to “neglect” or to “abandon” as a “solution”/possibility to whatever and we know what “patterns” did lead to it – with that we have understood something (or a lot 😉 ) and gained wisdom…. Our “bio-technology” and “communication system” is always at work and will “act” on the “commands” we give, if they’re consciously done or not….
We have the chance to “communicate”, think differently and with that change our bio-technology as all will follow – the “gear wheels” within, will just go with the commands… it’s a choice to act or think in a way that’s “future oriented” or “change oriented”…
Some more geocentric placements:
Juno (one to one relationships also the one with self, equality etc.) – Chariklo (support and shelter to those/or that which has potential) conjunct on 16th of February at 10° Capricorn (heliocentric 9° Capricorn on 22nd of March)…. The Student may become a Teacher and one that has received support may give support one day – things always balance themselves out naturally and everyone can be “all at the same time”…
Juno so has also just met with Pluto – so here we’re talking about much deeper levels – so from this perspective we’re not talking about the “outside world” – we’re actually talking about the relationship we have with ourselves – with our own “different parts” – what can we within self support and develop or even “create new”, what can we “leave back in the past”….
Mystic rectangle (envelop) on 17th of February also geocentric but instead of Mercury in Libra position, we’ll have Hygiea there (hygiene, purity etc.)… Just as I described further up but with the need to include the themes of Hygiea – so we have to be “clear”/pure in our choices, communicate in a “healthy” way – being in that state of “balance” and harmony between past and future or in other words to stay in the present… the claws of the Scorpion (Libra) can feel entrapping but here’s also where we can find harmony and balance, away from the judgmental “programs” we’re so used to apply onto everything and everyone including ourselves…
We want to “have right”/ being in “harmony”:
We know from quantum physics, that everything in the Universes, including us, wants to be in harmony but also move/expand/grow – this is in some ways perceived as contradictory - we so often are a little “resistant” to change and therefore it’s the “challenges” that pushes us into such change/ growth and then we “take this” particular experience back into harmony…
This means during a cycle of whatever (galaxy, planets, plants, people, projects etc.) we see challenging times, “collapsing” times and harmonious times… one is always an answer or consequence of the previous one but also the “start” – when we’re in “resistance” to some parts of cycles because of their challenges, we often tend to take them as an answer/proof of something we previously adapted as “truth”/reality and with that we kind of remain in a vicious cycle as those “negative harmonies” do kind of trap… we feel the proof of thoughts like “I’m not worthy”, life is hard and/or unfair and so on…. in fact those “challenges” and the resistance does show us something – they show us where we have “programmed” ourselves by conclusions of a previous experience and with that the possibility of reacting different, acknowledging the resistance and its origin and ultimately breaking the vicious cycle and we can simply go on with a new approach and create a “different harmony”…
It's this “collapsing into harmony” (resonance/attraction) principle that also makes us wanting to “have right”, we want to be proven even if we know that actually we may have made a mistake because admitting a mistake “shakes us” within and we’re afraid of the consequences but in fact it’s by admitting that “mistake” (misconception/programming etc.) we free us and bring us back into the true “nature”/harmony of self….
Whatever obstacle/challenge/resistance we may feel its important to know, it won’t last, it will collapse into harmony – what kind of harmony is entirely up to us…
The most harmonious/stable space we know is the “zero point”, the singularity, the eye in the storm and so on… we All have access to that from within as its let’s say what we’re made of, at this point (also the conjunction of 2 planets for example) we find the 360° of the everything and the 0° of infinite possibility together as One/All…
It’s in this space or at least realization of it, that we can “turn the wheel” and go from fighting against/resistance to go/work/act towards or for something…
Much Love to you All,