As you All may know by now, cycles are important but they’re not “closed systems” but spiraling – one answering another in sometimes long patterns to one day finish a “series” to start a complete new one and so one can not really take out one cycle alone as all is so entangled….
Fascinating – so, there are so many themes at work simultaneously that it’s hard for me to keep track and to “explain” what I see, lol… so – that Jupiter – Saturn – Pluto (with Chariklo, Ceres and Pallas involved) dance of 2019 and 2020 was starting many “cycle systems” but same time also important “parts of cycles” of bigger (longer) themes… we also now in both heliocentric and geocentric view entered the last square between Saturn and Uranus but also are still in that last square energy between Pluto and Eris… furthermore Jupiter and Saturn are in several “endings” plus new beginnings these coming months and years…
Jupiter and Saturn represent societal structures in all questions and because of where they met in 2021 and also where they met with Pluto is very significant as I think they did start new “cycles within cycles”…. The involvement of Asteroids and Centaurs indicate “undertones” but also the connection to inner and outer planets and their themes…
February will feature quite a lot as the Jupiter – Nessus conjunction on 26th of February heliocentric and 2nd of March geocentric… Jupiter is about expansion, the bigger picture, different or expanded “view points”, higher learning, integration of various cultures and so on and Nessus is about abuse, self-abuse, neglection and if not directly so at least about our reaction to such themes, no, there’s of course also a “nice” aspect to Nessus – see, sometimes we also neglect ourselves, talents, gifts and so on and when realizing this, we can go on to development... All Centaurs do have this theme of high polarities – the battle within between the mere instinctual or maybe even “animalistic” parts of self and the “higher” more controlled mind/self…
More about Jupiter: https://www.faempowerment.com/jupiter
More about Nessus: https://www.faempowerment.com/nessus
The conjunction will take place at almost 19° Aquarius in both charts, which means the Aquarian Urn but also just over Ankaa of the Phoenix and Achernar of Eridanus – we find here “finalizing” energies but also kind of “foresight” in the sense of that we can see a “logic” strain but we also have the knowing of greater purpose at work on all levels of being (also on the “soul level”) – so there’s flow but same time also a lot of deep themes here as Eridanus (river of life) is ending and mixes itself into the ocean, so kind of like from a “smaller cycle into a bigger” or of course an “ending with beginning”…
Also on the 26th of February the heliocentric conjunction between Vesta – Pholus and Quaoar will take place (geocentric on 23rd) at 10° sid. Sagittarius (Bow and hand of the Archer)…. Significant? Yes – see, Jupiter’s Southnode is at around 15° Sag and the Southnode of Vesta herself at 19° Sagittarius… beside that, Pholus and Quaoar are in a 45 years lasting conjunction (sometimes a bit closer and sometimes a little further but will never meet exactly in longitude but instead in declination and again in latitude both in November 2026).
Vesta is about our inner fire, devotion, passion and Pholus is another Centaur, a wise teacher and guardian but can also bring pretty deep and “life altering” themes as he’s also a helper of Pluto and Neptune but he’s also offering special gift in the “vision section” (can also mean the physical eyes)… Quaoar is a dwarf planet discovered not so long ago and seems to talk about harmony and the “sacredness of life” and of course also the Universal laws – he’s also of Pluto’s realm….
More about Vesta: https://www.faempowerment.com/vesta
More about Pholus: https://www.faempowerment.com/pholus
More about Quaoar: https://www.faempowerment.com/quaoar
This area of Sagittarius talks about focus and tension to a goal – the broader vision or long term goal – it’s also an area of aim for “truth”, the focus with the whole “being” for achievements…. An area that of course includes the awareness of “galactic scales” or even universal scales…. Its also a “centering” and “philosophical” area….
All in all – these 2 conjunctions do work together – the Jupiter-Nessus conjunction starts a new roughly 13 years cycle whereas Vesta will be back within a few years, so setting a faster pace or multiple steps within the Jupiter-Nessus theme….
When we start to focus onto that which is our goal, vision and dream for the future instead of staying in a kind of “victim consciousness” and loads of distractions, we kind of “overcome” a lot without big efforts – a shift of “focus” can help us to not only be happier but same time opening up to new abilities and out of it new tasks – a shift of focus can alter life instantly and bring whole new experiences… We All do have at least “something” that we’re good in and also like/love to do (I’m not talking about addictions!!) and when we give focus onto that, suddenly “possibilities” for “flow” will be presented (if we see and take them is another question)….
During these conjunctions the Earth – Sun axis is giving emphasize on the Leo – Aquarius axis, in an area that talks about “those in power” and how we react to that… what about concentrating on that which is in personal power/possibility instead of focusing on that which isn’t in the personal power??... You see, “neglect” can be something useful when thinking of it as “absence of focus”, it just needs to be “applied” wisely… On the other side the “easy way” out of a situation isn’t always the “right way” in the long run… Just like it’s not possible to have small, specialized bakeries when nobody goes to buy there because its soooo convenient to buy everything at a big corporate place – if everybody decides to at least once in a while go and get something at that bakery, we support that business and its further existence and our own body and health…. The same principle is possible to apply to so many different situations…. Each of us got power – we only need to use it, even if its sometimes not as “convenient”….
We always create “flow” – in what way, it’s really up to us….
There’s of course more going on in February:
1st of February – New Moon at 17° Capricorn and Earth same degrees in Cancer (it’s within 6 minutes of Neptune’s nodal axis and Venus’ aphelion and perihelion axis)
7th of February – Juno conjoins Pluto in early Capricorn for their new cycle
10th to 11th of February – Venus conjoins Orcus in Leo and both oppose Jupiter and Nessus in Aquarius and furthermore Pallas is approaching Chiron in the middle of Pisces and Mercury is conjoining Hygiea in later Virgo in opposition with Eris…
14th of February – Vesta conjoins Ixion at 6°8’8” sid. Sagittarius
16th of February – Pallas conjoins Chiron exact at 16°37’25” sid. Pisces and 23 hours after that we’ll experience the full Moon in early Leo within these 23 hours there’s also the Venus-Mars last square…
26th of February that above explained conjunctions of Jupiter and Nessus as well as Vesta and Pholus + Quaoar…
2nd and 3rd of March geocentric Jupiter – Nessus conjunction / New Moon / change of lunar node axis into the Libra – Aries axis….
In that first week of February, the Sun will “transit” over and conjunct with Saturn and therefore the Earth is opposing Saturn the same time…. But also means, that there’s a shift going on, as in both signs more “outward”/sharing energy will come to be noticeable….
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Much Love to you All,
Picture credit: Hourglass by Franklin Mint
Credit/References: all charts are created using the free software by Astrodienst.com sidereal Zodiac (Galactic Equator Fiorenza)
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