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Writer's pictureFran Arnet

Shedding the Illusions - Full Moon and more

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Heliocentric Astrology – 14th to 28th of July 2022

This month full Moon happens “Universal Time” on the 13th of July at 18:37 and for Thailand on the 14th of July at 1:37am.

We see Earth and the Moon (in both, geocentric and heliocentric view) in later sidereal Sagittarius. Therefore, the Sun in later sidereal Gemini. It’s the longitude of 26°2’37” in both sidereal signs.

On 19th of July there will be the heliocentric conjunction of Pallas with Uranus

On 25th of July the heliocentric conjunction of Vesta with Saturn and same time Mars – Jupiter. (will be discussed in a separate post soon as it “hangs together”)

Sagittarius Full Moon

heliocentric sidereal astrology chart about the full Moon July 2022

Now that the Earth and Moon (Sun as well but in Gemini) have moved away from the galactic plane, we’re in less spectacular/ busy areas of Sagittarius… The most obvious alignment is that with the “Breast of the Eagle” – the star “Al Mizam” (delta Aquilae) north of the ecliptic and even more north, the star Sheliak of Lyra and south of the ecliptic the alpha and beta stars of Pavo the Peacock (alpha Pavonis is also called Peacock).

While we were learning and aiming for a higher truth, perspective and guidance in the earlier part of Sagittarius and trying to discern and so on, we’re now in a more “conclusive” area – we have time to enjoy the beauty, the music (vibration), the ideas and ideals and “bath” within the heartfelt wisdom.

While we were learning and aiming for a higher truth, perspective and guidance in the earlier part of Sagittarius and trying to discern and so on, we’re now in a more “conclusive” area – we have time to enjoy the beauty, the music (vibration), the ideas and ideals and “bath” within the heartfelt wisdom.

The sextile to Neptune and Mars helps us to transcend, that which is “behind” so that we can take course in knowing… You see, the problem with beauty is, that not everything that “glitters is gold” but can be turned into it (transformed – Pluto just a few degrees further on the ecliptic from the full Moon).

Mars is still “full” with the Nessus energies and therefore there might be some “old stuff” surfacing that we need to take action on – that we need to have the will to “place where it belongs to” kind of organizing it … Yet for that we need to be able to see “through it” and find it’s deeper meaning or “beauty” in that sense…. It might also bring some disillusionment type of situations – Neptune is about dreams, visions, imaginations yet also illusions (built up by emotional reactions in the past for example).

I think we will see a lot of “revelations” in the months to come – how we deal with them though is really the question here…

“Know thyself and you know God” – it’s an often used phrase and shall not be misunderstood – it means, that we have a direct link to what we call God, Universe, Source etc. and the more we know ourselves (not our “learned persona” or identity) the more we know the “other side”….

We could also say, we’re shedding “illusions” of self 😉

The “corresponding” new Moon of 3rd of January 2022 did take place at around 17° Gemini, which I interpreted as us being asked to have “teamwork” with our “higher realms”, our inner guiding system… we did prepare for this culmination this last half year….

Since I make these posts, I wrote a lot about communication (also the one within self, the soul and spirit etc.) but also about words, language and so forth… communication does also include some sort of agreement – we agree that a certain word does “describe” a certain thing, doing, aspect and so on…. The same is true for cultural, societal, religious etc. values and norms….

Action though is a “second language” – which one is true when in misalignment?

I think I did mention once that there’s a method I’ve seen a video-demonstration about – kind of “reverse of recording”, yet not exactly… it was amazing how recordings of public speeches of various people were “interrupted” by themselves revealing a total different meaning…

There are people who have a talent in “smelling lies” or “misalignments” and I think, the more we practice on feeling, listening to our own “guiding”/intuition/bodily reactions the more we become such “detectors”, we improve and the more we act on such messages (also when it comes to other matters), the clearer and more expansive they become…

The star Sheliak, as all the Lyra-Stars do talk about “music”, about vibration that are in fact waves and we can perceive those vibes – even if we’re not sure what it means, when we perceive something that got even a brief reaction of “no”, then we can try to at least gain a little bit of time to see how we can best maneuver the situation…

Furthermore, I think this placement of Earth and full Moon (including the Sun) also asks us, to really anchor into these new vibrations, the paradigm shift and follow to “wherever, whenever” it will lead us to…. To surrender – just as that message was in my last video in May (oops, it’s too long, lol)…

One of the Kite/Pyramid from the last new Moon is still active…

Jupiter and Neptune form trines to Ceres at the cusp between Gemini and Cancer and to Hygiea in late sid. Libra… Ceres is in opposition to Pluto in very early sid. Capricorn… Pluto is also sextiled by Jupiter in very early sid. Pisces…

We’re dealing with an Air Grand Trine here. Air is wind, the messenger, is the mind….

  • Jupiter our “second Sun”, expansion, growth, idealism, beliefs etc.

  • Neptune the ruler of all liquids/waters, dreams, the spiritual, the transcendence, clarity etc.

  • Ceres the nurturing, mothering, caring

  • Hygiea purity, cleanliness, maintenance

  • Pluto the big Transformer, the rising from the ashes, death and rebirth, the deep and far, the “Ruler” of the Underworld (subconscious)

Pluto is the one holding the two “strings” of 60° each (2 sextiles) – a last one by Hygiea and a first one by Jupiter – Mars will be joining Jupiter later in July…

Earth/Moon a little “behind” Pluto are in Sextile to Mars and a lesser “degree” to Neptune…

Earth will be conjunct Pluto during the Pallas-Uranus conjunction on 19th of July…

This Kite/Pyramid choreography will be still active and even more exact during the Vesta – Saturn conjunction on 25th of July…

It’s an important one as it does hold the Earth’s aphelion energy as well as the Mars-Nessus conjunction – so as to make sure we notice it, lol…. I did title that post “highly creative energies”…

As Pluto “holds the strings” here, he’s playing that lyre with focus and intention – he does want to see the transformation internalized, us to reunite within - Pluto is a really powerful force and doesn’t play games!!!

Many of us have gone through “dark nights of the soul”, difficult times, diving deep into the own programs, re-program etc. and each of us knows, it’s a “multi-layer process” – individually as well as collectively…

The Neptune-Pluto cycle is one of high power – one that’s nothing for the “short lived” attributes of life… When I studied their cycles, I noticed an interesting pattern that resembles a “laying 8- spiral” and to me it feels like a portal yet with key… When we transcend, see through the “troubles” and joys of experiences, we start to see the limitless, the vastness of possibilities – to me both, Neptune and Pluto hold these energies of “limitless, timeless possibility” just from a different perspective.

Hygiea as the hygiene, maintenance of purity and cleanliness in an air sign (and GT) does mean we’re talking more about the mind, the thoughts, the “unseen” forces that hold so much power within and without - one can bring joy and happiness with words but also misery, sadness… We All know that yet we also need to apply it to ourselves… Libra, the scales are talking about the law but in reference to “higher law”, that which is not “disputable, changeable, bendable”…

In mythology Hygiea is a daughter of Asclepius who is Apollo’s son, so she’s a granddaughter of Apollo the Sun-God…

Hygiea’s last sextile means, she’s in an ending state here – aware and ready to bring the new insights to a level not known before, that pull is here and yet, maybe we feel some resistance and need to push through that “wall” in order to answer the call, maybe we still think in terms of “sacrilege, heresy” or similar or simply as “I can’t, too soon, too much, too whatever”… we just need to make sure we’re balancing discernment and judgment here… the new paradigm doesn’t “judge” in the meaning we usually have agreed on it to be….

Jupiter in his first sextile from Pluto is also dealing with a little “wall” – here it’s the one of “pushing through”, to leave the “old” behind and start to organize what’s needed for this new creative phase, the ideas might be here but now things need to be done in order to bring those potentials towards life…

Also here we talk about the unseen, the mind, the vibrations… and that together with belief, higher learning and viewpoints, philosophy and evolution/expansion… and he stands under the circlet of Pisces (fish-head), slowly approaching the vernal point and the galactic polar-axis (south galactic pole SGP) and so talks about to get ready, to become in this sense a “galactic member” who is able to fly the “own ship”…

Remember, he’s still full of the Neptune’s ability to imagine, to dream, to visualize etc…

Ceres wants to get nurtured and does also nurture the “outside world” – so a “two way street” – so be sure you come from this new “mindset” in order to bring it out there, to be the “light house” you would like to see in the outside… we All have to BE what we want to become and receive…

Ceres stands “over” Samoht alphastar of Monoceros the Unicorn – “Samoht” is an old Egyptian star name (not official name of alpha Monocerotis) and according to Nick A. Fiorenza means “the one who comes from afar”…. Truly matching when thinking about a unicorn 😉

Ceres also stands above Procyon the alphastar of Canis Minor (the lesser dog) and is according old depictions of the “Urania’s mirror” “riding” with the unicorn…

So, don’t underestimate the early parts of sidereal Cancer…

old style depiction of the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn

Monoceros, Canis Minor, and Atelier Typographique, plate 31 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing the constellations of Monoceros, Canis Minor and the obsolete constellation Atelier Typographique (Officina Typographica). 1 print on layered paper board: etching, hand-colored. (Text and picture: Wikipedia)

Ceres is in opposition of Pluto, meaning “half way through” her cycle with him – a point of “high light”, obvious, seen or visible, blooming etc. – a point to become conscious about the themes and a “choice point” in this sense – to continue on the more “subjective” line that will bring no change or expansion or to become more “objective” and with that creating opportunities for true evolution within the themes…

Heliocentric conjunction: Pallas – Uranus on 19th of July

Pallas meets Uranus at the longitude 20°19’50” sidereal Aries. Pallas pretty south of the ecliptic near the star Zibal of Eridanus and Uranus over the head of Cetus (actually at the edge, is now starting to move away from that head, which is a big change in energy (he traversed over Cetus’ head since roughly middle of 2020).

Pallas is a “linking/connecting” force between the personal realms and the societal realms – so we talk being one of the “middle persons” and she’s very creative in this way (she’s Jupiter’s “brain child”) but also strategic and logic and neither does she like to “waste” anything, therefore she can see “use” outside of the “obvious” – I usually call her the “problem solver”….

Uranus is the Liberator and Scientist – for this he can be very sudden and surprising and he always brings changes (liked or not)…. Within that he also reminds us of that “universal law” that everything is in constant change, nothing ever stays the same (neither time nor space)..

When we liberate us from the current collective mind-set to go “different ways” of thinking, from a different “basis” (Earth is now conjunct Pluto over the stars Terebellium of Sagittarius) we may feel as “falling” but same time we need to know there’s no “failure” possible when we go our guided way, when we walk in trust of the divine (within ourselves too)….

It’s a kind of an inner fight that might go on after the first “hurray” of enthusiasm as to become “individualized” can also be a little “lonely”, yet there are “others waiting”….

Pallas and Uranus are also in last Trine (120°) to Orcus in Leo (he’s opposed by Nessus). Orcus is one of Pluto’s realm symbolizing oaths and promises as he’s the “keeper” of those, he’s also associated as being the Guardian of the not incarnated souls as well as representing “life path energy”. He stands south of the ecliptic in Hydra (middle of sidereal Leo).

Mars is now conjunct Neptune and as mentioned Earth with Pluto and that Kite-Pyramid is still active…

We just have to really come from the understanding of there being no limits to possibilities – I know, it’s difficult to grasp at times… we’re so full of what shall be the best “technique” for this or that, for learning whatever but also on these “spiritual questions” but in fact most of those are concepts of the past if we want…

We’re now able to create for ourselves techniques that are coming from within and not from a book, a video or wherever – if those work for one, that’s fantastic but for everyone else there’s creative power at hand to nourish that which wants to be nourished….

Heliocentric conjunction: Vesta – Saturn on 25th of July 2022 same time also the Mars – Jupiter conjunction

Vesta represents our inner “flame”, that which inspires and drives us, gives us devotion and commitment – commitment is also one of Saturn’s themes as well as to mature and structures of all kinds…

They meet at 25°55’52” (nice number, don’t you agree 😉 ) sidereal Capricorn – by the way, for those of you not knowing any Thai language – the number 5 is pronounced “ha” and that’s why on social media we don’t write “hahaha” for laughter but 555….

They are standing in an area that is talking about putting “puzzle pieces” together, so kind of conclusive in this sense but yet with a certain euphoria and readiness to share… And it's actually this readiness to share that is also seen in the aspect...

There are not many aspects which would put them into relation to others but yet the one is really "talking" – a 45° angle also called “octile or semi-square” from Pholus, a Centaur and “wise Teacher”…

When we integrate this conjunction and aspect with all that I wrote above and the fact that a few days after this conjunction the next new Moon will take place, I interpret this as the energy of giving the visions we have for ourselves and the collective not only our devotion and passion but also structure in the sense of maturing it into some kind of "reality" by actually "spreading" that energy as like being already in it.... in more "worldly" words, to make "advertisement" for it....

This can bring a bit of "stress" in the way that we may ask ourselves, if that what we offer is well received and actually "needed" - yet, now there's a difference between what is "needed" and what is "desired".... if it's important to you, it might be for others sometime - probably as we're in different times, we don't need to wait a century or two to see differences ;-)

The Kite/Pyramid is still active but now Neptune isn't so involved anymore but instead it's the Mars - Jupiter conjunction....

There's now also Sedna coming into involvement in the same way as Pluto is - so, we have two "string holders" now. Sedna stands in early Taurus - she's about re-emerging of the "exiled"....

She stands as the one with the longest orbit so for in our charts and does really talk about the long term evolutionary tasks....

She's opposed by Hygiea... and she holds the sextile-strings to that Mars-Jupiter conjunction as well as to Ceres...

Mars and Jupiter are both very powerful in their "outwards action" and their will-power and especially Jupiter with the gravitational power.... They together "control" the Asteroid belt.

I think, also because of what I just experienced working with these charts - if we "follow" the guidance, or better said are open to it, we will receive it but in a gentle way ;-) So, we need to allow her to bring in what is needed, even if it includes themes of betrayal and similar - yet, we also shall not betray or overpower that receptive and trusting part within ourselves....

So, we need to make sure to stay in our integrity - really important now.....

It's all about to listen and to be Self and not to fall into the "traps" of masking ourselves as being something or someone else - we're not a copy, we're original.... and that is reason for "celebration"....

Much Love to you All,


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