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Heliocentric Solstice 06.2024

Writer's picture: Fran ArnetFran Arnet

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

"Truth and reality" was the title I gave the June Solstice post last year - in some ways, it's

still matching...

We had and still have Jupiter in important angles and Earth in "leading" position for the next weeks - I think these go very well together - with Earth leading, I think there's the perspective from the "incarnate life", the physical and own experience... yet, it doesn't end there...

"Reality" is more an Eris theme though - I think Chiron slowly approaching her for conjunction and in this Solstice chart, both "unaspected", is pretty telling too - it can mean, that some just simply can't or won't see the patterns of their own reality or what is around them and for others it might become "wild" and wide eye opening in an expansive way and yet others may have in this sense "shocking revelations" (nice and not so nice - all I said is meant on both sides)... So, in this sense "extremes".. Remember - I said "pressure cooker" in some of my last posts...

A Solstice isn't just a day and it's done, no, it's part of "circle spiral" that goes on again and again - nobody knows, how it really started or where it will end...

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Heliocentric sidereal Astrology chart about the Solstice 06 2024

Aspects in the June-Solstice chart 2024 / and some Interpretations

What I find interesting in this chart - when drawing in the Sun opposite Earth (as we would be "above" the solar system and look "down"), we get a nice red triangle named T-square pointing to Neptune and we have a blue triangle with Haumea at it's top... so, as I sometimes like to include what isn't visible and especially with Neptune involved, we would actually have a Grand Square when including Neptune's opposite point, which is also almost an Equinox point...

So with this, I get the idea of having to "include" the whole cycle, both axis, the equinoxes and the solstices and from this "view", we have the possibility to actually "birth" something new or lets say, to "improve" or "maintain" what we may have started already....

Yet, that's not all the story right - we do have the themes of "reality and truth" and we have Earth ahead/leading... so we may have to discern what is coming up, what is becoming visible, even so it might still be hidden for many... you know, like in the sense of not being "mainstream" yet, but maybe more and more "evidence" might be surfacing, that what we thought to be true and have "hold on to", might not be all...

Sedna is approaching us from very far out - she's on her way to her Perihelion (closest to the Sun) and therefore she's also "close" to us... she got a 11'400 years orbit - almost half of the precession cycle of Earth...

So that means things are "emerging" and not only on an individual level but on all levels and that means also "spiritually, esoteric etc."... and I think part of it is also the principles of cycles and processes...

Not highlighted in the above chart, but also important, is that Jupiter and Sedna are still in conjunction and that's 30 degrees from the Sun and 150 degrees from the Earth/Moon system and also a 150 degrees on the other side from Haumea. Haumea in turn is in a 60 degrees angle with the Earth/Moon system... Therefore, Jupiter and Sedna forming a pointer (when not including the Sun) of a so called "finger of god" aspect configuration, a "sharp" triangle... when including the Sun it's additionally a "bumped" rectangle...

Jupiter with its expanding energies, the perspectives etc. and Sedna with her ability to transcend the pain and build a new life or "kingdom" are very telling, we can birth this or assist it to be birthed or appearing/happening, yet, there's this "push" we need, the strength to push our heads out of the womb, to in this sense "allow"...

I like to compare Sedna and her energies with the "queen" in the "Neverending story" - it's the phantasy, the ability to imagine that did save "Fantasia" to be lost...

Jupiter expands this, can become excited about it but also giving another perspective - so maybe it IS possible - whatever one wishes and is imagining for him/herself...

It IS, yet, it's always also a question of focus - the pain or the dream - the problem or the solution (more like a Pallas theme but she's also Jupiter's daughter) - victim or creator.... etc.

Furthermore, there's Pallas far north of Scorpio between the constellations Hercules and Ophiuchus connecting Varuna and Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Pisces (aqua blue triangle - Grand Trine)....

Varuna is a "creator god" and relates to the law of "rhythm" - may that now be in music, in life itself, in bigger cycles but also in water and even the breath.... We have the creative problem-solver Pallas here as well and the active, actualisation power of Mars and even the messaging mind Mercury joins and that in a harmonious Grand Trine...

Pallas and Mars work very well together, it's strategic and skillful energy here - also some protective energies.

So promising - yet, as I always say with Grand Trines - there's the danger of some kind of inertia and a "natural, familiar" feel that can also mean "comfort zone" ...

We have the "watery constellations" here - so there might be a lot about emotions and especially our very own "programming" - yet, know what they are and you might navigate yourself just "above and around" (riding the waves - Varuna) masterfully... and Mars might agree and say "hell yes, let's go with this flow"...

So, it's like there's so much enthusiasm, so much "promise and dream" but somehow the "comfort zone" - even if it's an uncomfortable one - can come in "between" and collapses the whole dream into "nothing"...

In whatever field of your life, you try to create a new "comfort zone" or "basis" etc., then it's very supported right now but be aware of the above problem not only affecting yourself...

The orange square is formed by Venus at the star Mebsuta of Gemini - Makemake a little north of Diadem of Coma Berenices (that's also the point, where his orbit intersects the one of Eris) - Ceres around the middle of Sagittarius between the stars Nanto and Nunki - Hygiea in the middle of Pisces along the outlining bond...

A Grand Square Cross is very fundamental energy - it's directing and at times feels like to be "torn apart" as it's so strongly pulling and demanding.

Yet, in our chart, it's kind of like a blessing. Venus is here along the legs or further up of the mortal Twin Castor. The two twins were inseparable, they didn't compete in this sense nor did they take one as more important than the other... So it's a beautiful area here for Venus to form with the others this Grand Square / Cross... Nourishing story I find and that's opposite of where Ceres stands and Ceres is the "embodiment" of nourishment.... yet, that's not all here, where Venus stands is also the Northnode of Jupiter and therefore Ceres opposite on or near Jupiters Southnode... the other pair of cross with Makemake and Hygiea talk about resources or the governance of it and purity or hygiene.. Makemake with Diadem of Coma indicates a "merging", a "coming together" yet less in a building but more in a completing sense....

Sometimes when something "breaks away", it can mean, there's a push towards the new - lets say, you want a new job but can't bring yourself towards quitting and taking a risk - well, it may happen that you lose your job - shocking at first but in the end beneficial....

It's this type of energy I see here... and can be applicable to all kinds of situations...

Now I wish you All a wonderful time and sending much Love,


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Truth and reality - Heliocentric Solstice 06.2023

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